With evidence now clear that implicates “lock her up”, the government, don’t expect it, but they should sue Hillary Clinton for the $30mm plus cost of the Mueller investigation.

Hillary OK’d giving fake Trump-Russia disinformation to press

Testimony: Hillary Clinton OK’d Sharing Trump-Russia Since Debunked Data –

(Washington, DC) — Hillary Clinton agreed to share since debunked data on a link between Russia and Donald Trump in 2016. That bombshell testimony came today from her former campaign manager Robby Mook in a trial involving a Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer accused of lying to the FBI. Prosecutors say Michael Sussmann failed to disclose he was working for Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign when he told the FBI he had evidence of a Russian link to former President Trump. Testifying as a witness in the defense of Sussmann, Mook said Clinton agreed to share the allegation with the press, even though the campaign hadn’t verified the accuracy of the data at the time.

Additionally, charges should be brought against all of her cohorts who strived to disseminate the greatest propaganda lie in U. S. History. Those who collaborated with her because of their disdain for Trump; they knew he would clean house if elected. Comey, McCabe, Page, Clapper, Schiff (I have the evidence), Nadler for their insinuations that Trump was a Russian puppet. Their lies that led to Trump’s impeachment. As we said, Trump confirmed that Hillary bugged the Trump tower from the beginning – now we know the truth,

These trumped up charges were organized by a corrupt Clinton machine whose goal was to prohibit Trump from winning the presidency. Secondly, the Fake News Media hid the Hunter laptop coverage leading to Trump’s loss in 2020. If released, the damage it would cause to the Biden campaign would have resulted in him losing.  The Biden family is the most corrupt of all presidents. Biden is an also-ran; never accomplished anything, but now is dead set on destroying the country.

We can’t stop now without mentioning Pelosi ( a Trump Hater), who was instrumental in stymieing President Trumps four years in office. Also, complicit in the spreading of Russian involvement with Trump was the FBI who lied to the court four times. They too must pay the price.