Hillary Clinton gave her imprimatur to share debunked data on a link between Russia and Donald Trump in 2016. This was confirmed under oath by her former campaign manager, Robby Mook. To quote Mr. Mook, “Clinton agreed to roll this out to the press, even though the campaign hadn’t verified the accuracy of the data at the time.”

So, now we have the smoking gun in the hands of the perpetrator. Hillary Clinton paid for and disseminated the misinformation lie to the Fake News Media; they eagerly spread the invention to the four corners of the earth. This triggered several investigations predominantly the fraudulently Mueller inquiry which cost the government over $30 million dollars. The government should bill Clinton for the tab.

Hillary Clinton is a psychopath, a narcissist; her track record manifests what she is capable of, that includes committing murder. Her political life sports a trial of victims. Remember Whitewater?  Remember Benghazi? There is no telling what she will do to cover up her crimes.

Her actions speak for themselves, trails of deceit, falsehoods, deleting emails, 33,000 to be exact – she even BleachBit her computer. A deplorable act indeed.  Attempting to take down an adversary by any means necessary manifests the lengths that she would go through to attain her ultimate goal. She has been exposed for what she is, a devious criminal.

It is time that Hillary Clinton be locked up for there is no telling what she will do next.

Sussman Trial proves Hillary Clinton perpetrated ‘massive fraud’, should be ‘banned from Twitter’: Taibbi

Sussman trial revealed Hillary Clinton herself facilitated start of Trump-Russia collusion media obsession

fter revelations from the ongoing Michael Sussman trial, former Rolling Stone reporter Matt Taibbi asked an obvious question Friday in his Substack article titled, “Shouldn’t Hillary Clinton Be Banned From Twitter Now?”

Taibbi’s piece asked why the revelation that Clinton herself facilitated the start of the media’s Russia collusion hoax isn’t bigger news. The article also included a damning video compilation of the many times the media parroted Clinton’s Trump-Russia collusion talking points.

“Last week, in the trial of former Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann, prosecutor Andrew DeFilippis asked ex-campaign manager Robby Mook about the decision to share with a reporter a bogus story about Donald Trump and Russia’s Alfa Bank. Mook answered by giving up his onetime boss,” the piece began. 


“‘I discussed it with Hillary,’ he said, describing his pitch to the candidate: ‘Hey, you know, we have this, and we want to share it with a reporter… She agreed to that,’” Taibbi added, quoting Mook.

Sussmann lied about Clinton so FBI wouldn’t dismiss Trump-Russia tale: feds

Former Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann lied to an FBI official, a federal prosecutor charged Friday.

WASHINGTON — Former Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann lied to an FBI official because he knew the bureau would have been more skeptical of since-discredited allegations of a Donald Trump link to Russia had they known he was acting on behalf of the Clinton campaign and an internet executive, a federal prosecutor charged Friday.

“He knew he had to conceal his representation of the Clinton campaign and Rodney Joffe to push the Alfa-Bank allegations to the FBI,” prosecutor Jonathan Algor told jurors in his closing argument in DC federal court.

“The chances of the FBI investigating would be diminished, would be seriously less” if Sussmann had been up front with former FBI general counsel Jim Baker about his clients, Algor added.

The prosecutor also blasted the Trump allegations as opposition research that was drafted by a political campaign – then passed off to the FBI under the guise of a security threat.

“It wasn’t about national security,” Algor told jurors. “It was about promoting opposition research against the opposition candidate.”

Sussmann’s two-week trial on a single count of lying to the FBI drew to a close Friday as prosecutors from special counsel John Durham’s team and Sussmann’s defense attorneys delivered their summations in the case.

The jury began deliberating Friday afternoon, but Judge Christopher Cooper said he had to leave soon after 2 p.m. In the unlikely event the panel did reach a verdict Cooper ordered it not be read until after the Memorial Day holiday weekend.

Before they began deliberating, Cooper warned the panelists not to discuss the case and not to read press reports about the trial over the long weekend.

The judge said the panel could deliberate until 5 p.m. Friday, leaving about 3 1/2 hours for their discussions on the first day.

Sussmann is accused of lying to Baker about his motivation for turning over the since-debunked information on two thumb drives and other “white papers” that purportedly showed a secret communication channel between the Trump Organization and Russia’s Alfa-Bank.

In his presentation, Algor presented the jury with billing records that allegedly show clear evidence that Sussmann was working on behalf of the campaign and Joffe as he gathered the Alfa-Bank material and turned it over to the FBI.

The records include a number of times he billed hours to the campaign in September 2016, during the weeks leading up to his meeting with Baker at FBI headquarters.

Special Counsel John Durham leaves court on May 17.

Trump and Clinton badges at a 2016 election event.


A Crude individual who has soaked the economy dry, along with your wallet, is now in the process of telling you to go “f” yourself, as he is raising gas prices to $10 plus per gallon.

We will tell you Biden, come November, Americans will shove it up your donkey. You will see how it feels getting your wallet ravaged.


Biden appears to praise ballooning gas prices as ‘incredible transition’ Americans must go through

Biden appears to praise ballooning gas prices as 'incredible transition' Americans must go through

President Biden said that the country is going through an “incredible transition” away from fossil fuels via the high gas prices being experienced nationwide.

Biden made the statement on gas prices during a joint press conference with Japan Prime Minister Fumio Kishida on Monday.

“Here’s the situation.  And when it comes to the gas prices, we’re going through an incredible transition that is taking place that, God willing, when it’s over, we’ll be stronger and the world will be stronger and less reliant on fossil fuels when this is over,” Biden said, seeming to justify or praise those sky-high prices Americans face at the pump.


Biden is ‘on the verge’ of making huge ‘blunder’ involving Trump and China, columnist warns

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The Washington Post published an op-ed on Thursday warning that President Biden’s consideration of removing President Trump’s China tariffs would be a significant error.

The article, titled “Biden might be on the verge of making a blunder with China,” warned that it would be “irresponsible” and a “huge political loser” for the Biden administration to abandon Trump’s China tariffs.

“The goal of President Biden’s five-day trip to South Korea and Japan is to show that the United States is committed to the region and to standing up to China,” columnist Josh Rogin wrote.


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New Hire at the Office Of Nuclear Energy at DOE Promotes ‘Sexual Fetishes and Kinks’



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Last month the Biden administration appointed Sam Brinton to serve as deputy assistant secretary of spent fuel and waste disposition in the Office of Nuclear Energy at the Department of Energy. Brinton is an MIT-trained engineer whose sexual fetishes include tying up his partner while he eats dinner and watches Star Trek, reports The Washington Examiner.

Prior to become high up the in the Office of Nuclear Energy, Brinton worked at the gay and transgender suicide prevention organization the Trevor Project. Even before that, Brinton has “a history of promoting sexual fetishes and kinks related to animal role-playing” adds the Examiner.

Libs of Tik Tok posted a photo of Brinton, wearing a black dress and heels, standing over three men with sexual fetish leather masks on the ground. The photo of the administration’s new hire quickly went viral.

“This is Sam Brinton – a drag queen and LGBTQ + activist who was just hired to a top level position at the DOE” the tweet read.


The student newspaper at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute from 2017 explains how Brinton held a discussion on kinks and sex education at the campus. “Throughout the entire talk, Brinton was open about his experiences, the kinks he partakes in, and the nature of his relationships” the article stated.

It continued, “he left us with countless anecdotes, like how he enjoys tying up his significant other like a table, and eating his dinner on him while he watches Star Trek.”

Brinton holds a master’s degree in nuclear engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and also previously advised former President Donald Trump on nuclear waste matters. The Department of Energy did not respond to a request for comment, reports the Examiner.

Senior analyst for Strategy, Center for Security Policy, J Michael Waller tweeted the Examiner’s article with a photo of Brinton wearing a dress and makeup on what appears to be some sort of red carpet event.





With evidence now clear that implicates “lock her up”, the government, don’t expect it, but they should sue Hillary Clinton for the $30mm plus cost of the Mueller investigation.

Hillary OK’d giving fake Trump-Russia disinformation to press

Testimony: Hillary Clinton OK’d Sharing Trump-Russia Since Debunked Data –

(Washington, DC) — Hillary Clinton agreed to share since debunked data on a link between Russia and Donald Trump in 2016. That bombshell testimony came today from her former campaign manager Robby Mook in a trial involving a Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer accused of lying to the FBI. Prosecutors say Michael Sussmann failed to disclose he was working for Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign when he told the FBI he had evidence of a Russian link to former President Trump. Testifying as a witness in the defense of Sussmann, Mook said Clinton agreed to share the allegation with the press, even though the campaign hadn’t verified the accuracy of the data at the time.

Additionally, charges should be brought against all of her cohorts who strived to disseminate the greatest propaganda lie in U. S. History. Those who collaborated with her because of their disdain for Trump; they knew he would clean house if elected. Comey, McCabe, Page, Clapper, Schiff (I have the evidence), Nadler for their insinuations that Trump was a Russian puppet. Their lies that led to Trump’s impeachment. As we said, Trump confirmed that Hillary bugged the Trump tower from the beginning – now we know the truth,

These trumped up charges were organized by a corrupt Clinton machine whose goal was to prohibit Trump from winning the presidency. Secondly, the Fake News Media hid the Hunter laptop coverage leading to Trump’s loss in 2020. If released, the damage it would cause to the Biden campaign would have resulted in him losing.  The Biden family is the most corrupt of all presidents. Biden is an also-ran; never accomplished anything, but now is dead set on destroying the country.

We can’t stop now without mentioning Pelosi ( a Trump Hater), who was instrumental in stymieing President Trumps four years in office. Also, complicit in the spreading of Russian involvement with Trump was the FBI who lied to the court four times. They too must pay the price.


Treasonthe crime of betraying one’s country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government.

Sedition – conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch.



 Mook said Clinton agreed to share the allegation with the press, even though the campaign hadn’t verified the accuracy of the data at the time. “DESPICABLE”  Caught with her pants down. 

Tell us, how is this narcissist psychopath not guilty of trying to take down a candidate and future presiden of the United States.

Trump reacts to bombshell testimony that Clinton personally approved spreading Russia lie in 2016

Trump reacts to bombshell testimony that Clinton personally approved spreading Russia lie in 2016

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EXCLUSIVE: Former President Donald Trump reacted to the bombshell testimony out of the trial of Michael Sussmann that Hillary Clinton herself approved the dissemination of false information alleging a covert communications channel between the Trump Organization and a Russian bank to the media.

Trump told Fox News Digital that the entire Russia investigation is “one of the greatest political scandals in history,” and that he will “never” get his “reputation fully back.”

Former Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook on Friday testified as part of the first criminal trial out of Special Counsel John Durham’s years-long investigation into the origins of the Trump-Russia probe, saying Clinton approved and “agreed” to share the discredited data with the media.


Former FBI General Counsel James Baker testified Thursday that the bureau investigated the data alleging a Trump connection to the Kremlin-linked bank, and found that “there was nothing there.”

Hillary OK’d giving fake Trump-Russia disinformation to press

Testimony: Hillary Clinton OK’d Sharing Trump-Russia Since Debunked Data

(Washington, DC) — Hillary Clinton agreed to share since debunked data on a link between Russia and Donald Trump in 2016. That bombshell testimony came today from her former campaign manager Robby Mook in a trial involving a Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer accused of lying to the FBI. Prosecutors say Michael Sussmann failed to disclose he was working for Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign when he told the FBI he had evidence of a Russian link to former President Trump. Testifying as a witness in the defense of Sussmann, Mook said Clinton agreed to share the allegation with the press, even though the campaign hadn’t verified the accuracy of the data at the time.


The END GAME, Vlad has suffered a devasting defeat. So his troops bombed the hell out of one city; big f’n deal. The Ukrainian fighters are tough to beat, they fight for their lives; Russian fighters fight because they are told to.

Russian conscripts are paid the equivalent of $400 per month – not worth dying for. The word is slowly reaching the Mother Land, their boys won’t be coming home. Mountains of Russian bodies are piling up. Zelensky demands that the U.N. bring them back home Russian news is being blacked out. However, there are other media outlets that have circumvented Putin’s blackout.

The last tally indicated up to 6,000 Russian soldiers have been killed and 20,000 plus injured. Countless tanks and armaments have been shredded in Putin’s attempt to bring Ukraine to heal in a week.


The Sussmann  trial is in the thick of it.

Clinton campaign manager drops ‘bombshell’ exposing Clinton and media mob’s years-long Russia hoax

Mook is trying to turn a case about evidence and law into pure politics for an acquittal, says Jarrett

Fox News legal analyst Gregg Jarrett walked viewers through Robby Mook’s testimony in the Trump-Russia trial Friday night, on “Hannity.”

GREGG JARRETT: [Clinton] personally approved the scheme to peddle phony collusion information to the media, that dropped like a bombshell by her own campaign manager, Robby Mook. And it seemed so incredibly foolish for the defense of all people to have called Mook to the witness stand. It’s fundamental in trying cases, never call a witness to the stand. That only helps you a little bit because the downside of hurting you tremendously is quite severe. And sure enough, that’s what happened. I mean, Mook helped a little bit marginally by saying, well, we the campaign didn’t put up Sussmann going to the FBI, to lie to them. What the campaign intended is irrelevant. What’s material is what Sussmann’s intent was, and his intent has already been demonstrated by the evidence in the testimony. He put his lie to the FBI in writing. So now he’s only left with some rather vacuous defenses.


Let us tell you POINT BLANK, Hillary Clinton is the most corrupt politician who ever set foot on American soil. She is a flagrant psychopath narcissist liar from the get-go.Lock her up” conspired to take down President Trump in 2016 by any means necessary, including spying, wire tapping, planting fake news, spreading lies to her media cohorts.

WHY ISN’T SHE IN JAIL? But believe us when you tell you, a Criminal like her who would sabotage a free election, is capable of doing anything, including Murder. The list of her associates, starting with Vince Foster and Marc Rich need to be fully investigated by independent forensic scientists. 


Hillary Clinton is the nexus to all the Trump-Russia lies, but she thinks she’s immune: Victor Davis Hanson

Clinton’s best defense is a DC jury and an Obama-appointed judge, Hanson says

Hoover Institution senior fellow Victor Davis Hanson castigated Hillary Clinton and her campaign lawyer for allegedly using their “incestuous D.C. relationships” to embarrass former President Donald Trump on “Jesse Watters Primetime” Friday


VICTOR DAVIS HANSONAll of these principles whether it’s Marc Elias or [Michael] Sussmann or Rodney Joffe or Robby Mook, they have to make a decision and that is do they want to get a felony on their record, run up half a million dollars in legal bills or even have exposure to prison or jail all for Hillary Clinton. All of their stories are mutually exclusive. We know what happened she had her personal lawyer, the DNC, Marc Elias, work with a former associate, Sussmann, who then contacted in two different parallel tracks — Fusion GPS to do the Steele dossier and Rodney Joffe to do the Alfa [Bank] hoax and then to embarrass Donald Trump as a puppet of the Russians. What the real crux is, then they took that information that they knew was not very good, and they convinced using their ties and incestuous D.C. relationships to get the FBI or the CIA to look into it.

They lied about the relationship… they said in the case of Sussmann was a private citizen with no connection to Hillary. Then they took all of that apparatus in the media and leaked it and said, “Oh my god, the FBI, the CIA — they are investigating this serious story,” and they had everybody tweeting about it. And I guess right now Hillary’s best defense is a D.C. jury, an Obama-appointed judge and the media. Otherwise, she’s got a lot of exposure.