Tales of the Krypt have some revealing news; Crypto is flat on its ass. The Dow too, fell 1500 points, or there abouts, the last two days. If this ain’t the beginning of the Bear Market, what is?

However, the world is not entirely falling apart; Gold, you know, that worthless metal that has been around for years, shot up $25 an ounce today. And OMG, the dollar has been on a rage. Guess those foreigners want the Green Back.

“Specie (gold and silver coin) is the most perfect medium because it will preserve its own level, because having intrinsic and universal value, it can never die in our hands, and it is the surest resource of reliance in time of war.”  – Thomas Jefferson

But don’t forget the  price of oil, a gusher indeed, $110 a barrel. Thank you Joe for those $10 a gallon gas prices. Tell you what Branden,  America wishes for you to shove it up your G-ass. And BTW a lube job awaits you in November. 

Gas stations in Washington State have readjusted their pumps to display double digit gas prices, according to a report.

Bloomberg via Getty Images
Gas stations in Washington state have adjusted their
pumps to display double-digit gas prices, according to a report.

But things aren’t is bad as they seem, yet. Forecasts, by some of the worlds renowned economists, those  who carpet the fake media networks, predict a recession. Not good Joe. However, if you think things are worse now, just wait, new predictions, especially those from Yale University’s brightest ECONIMISTS, will brighten your day. They say that recession is imminent, but it will be over by the end of 2024 and you will be long gone by then.  Hallelujah!

In the mean time, the Dow is to shed another 5000 points, Bitcoin, $20,000 large; gold is also predicted to take a dive, but we disagree. So where to put your money? Cash is always King.


Justice coming for the ‘Dirty 51’ Hunter Biden laptop liars

One of the most galling aspects of the Hunter Biden laptop saga is that the 51 former intelligence officials who played such a critical role in suppressing The Post’s stories and giving Joe Biden cover before the 2020 election have never been brought to account.

The “Dirty 51” lied by painting our stories as Russian disinformation in an Oct. 19, 2020, letter they signed and delivered to Politico five days after The Post exposé and three days before the final presidential debate of the election campaign.

They used the institutional weight of their powerful former roles to legitimize partisan political propaganda designed to smear The Post and everyone associated with the story and dissuade the rest of the media from looking deeper into the laptop.

The letter, titled “Public Statement on the Hunter Biden emails,” and signed by former CIA Directors John Brennan, Leon Panetta and Mike Hayden, former acting CIA Director Michael Morell, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and other ex-spooks, claimed the material on Hunter’s hard drive “has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation,” although not one of them had seen it.

Their lie “probably affected the outcome” of the 2020 presidential race, as former Attorney General William Barr has said, describing the letter as “partisan hackery,” “baseless” and signed by “a coterie of retired intelligence officials who had lost their professional bearings.”

Yet they have never apologized or retracted their lie. In fact, when The Post contacted the group in March, after the New York Times belatedly acknowledged the laptop was real, some, like Clapper, doubled down.

Former CIA director John Brennan
Former CIA Director John Brennan has not commented on The Post’s Hunter Biden exposé.

One former CIA officer who signed the letter, John Sipher, boasted that he took “special pride in personally swinging the election away from Trump.”

“I lost the election for Trump?” wrote Sipher during a Twitter spat with a former Trump official. “Well then I [feel] pretty good about my influence.”

The arrogance of these Deep Staters tells you that they believe they will get away with lying to influence an election.

But there’s one person with a bee in his bonnet who isn’t going to let the story go: Donald Trump.

Former President Donald Trump, speaks at a campaign rally in Greensburg, Pa., on May 6, 2022.
Former President Donald Trump has tasked an attorney to go after the Dirty 51.
AP Photo/Gene J. Puskar, File

The former president has sicced uber-attorney Tim Parlatore on the Dirty 51. On Wednesday, Parlatore launched the first stage of a multi-prong strategy to make those who signed the letter pay for the damage they have wrought to freedom of the press, election integrity and the welfare of the nation.

His goal is to uncover alleged communications between the Dirty 51 and the Biden campaign.

Parlatore began by filing five letters of complaint with the agencies that formerly employed the 51, including the CIA — which counted 43 of its former officials among the group — the National Security Agency, the Director of National Intelligence and the Department of Defense.

Former CIA director Michael Hayden
Former CIA Director Michael Hayden
Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg via Getty Images

‘Egregious breach’

Each letter complains of “an egregious breach” by former agency employees “that appears to have been overlooked by your agency, as it has gone uninvestigated and certainly unpunished. Specifically, the unauthorized publication and dissemination of an intelligence assessment, purportedly based on classified information, that was used wrongfully to influence the outcome of an election.”

It points out that each of the Dirty 51 was “bound by the lifelong obligation” to submit the letter to their former agencies for pre-publication security review to ensure it didn’t contain classified information, a process that could take several months. The letter then would have been stamped with a disclaimer that the agency was not vouching for its accuracy.

“That would have destroyed the usefulness of the document,” says Parlatore, “plus the process would have delayed it so long, it would not be useful” because the election would have been over.

Edward Gallagher's Defense attorney Tim Parlatore speaks to members of the media before walking into military court on Tuesday, July 2, 2019 in San Diego, CA.
Attorney Tim Parlatore is in the process of unraveling any alleged collaboration between the 51 former intelligence officials and President Biden.
Sandy Huffaker/Getty Images

Letters were sent to John Hoffister Hedley, chairman of the Prepublication Classification Review Board at the CIA; Gen. Paul Nakasone, director of the National Security Agency and commander of United States Cyber Command; Christine Abizaid, director of the National Counterterrorism Center at the Office of the Director of National Intelligence; Caroline Krass, general counsel, Department of Defense Office of Prepublication and Security Review; and Avril Haines, director of the Information Management Division in the Office of the DNI.

‘Russian information op’

The letters state: “Leading up to the 2020 election, the New York Post published stunning revelations which were lawfully obtained from a laptop that formerly belonged to Hunter Biden, son of then-candidate Joe Biden.

“This information, which raises significant concerns about the financial dealings of a presidential candidate and his potential ties to our nation’s primary adversaries, China and Russia, threatened to undermine his candidacy.

US Attorney General Bill Barr holds a news conference to provide an update on the investigation of the terrorist bombing of Pan Am flight 103 on the 32nd anniversary of the attack, at the Department of Justice December 21, 2020 in Washington, DC.
Former Attorney General William Barr was right to call out the “partisan hackery” of the 51 former intelligence officials.
Michael Reynolds-Pool/Getty Images

“To undermine these revelations, 51 former intelligence officials … published an intelligence assessment in the form of a letter for dissemination to the American people through the news media. This letter purportedly relied on the combined and established credibility of these intelligence officials, through collective experience and knowledge of intelligence information, including classified material, to assess that the laptop was not authentic and ‘has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.’

“Over a year after the election, it is conceded that the laptop and its contents are authentic, and the judgement espoused by these 51 former intelligence officials is baseless and false. Yet, the implications of this breach continue. Media outlets used this purportedly credible intelligence assessment as a justification to not report on the story. Some polls show that up to 17% of people who voted for President Biden would not have if they knew about the contents of the laptop at the time.”

Parlatore urges each agency to “proceed immediately with legal action to [ensure] that such breaches of vital security provisions do not continue to go unchecked.”

The Post was the first outlet to uncover Hunter Biden’s scandalous laptop from a repair ship in Delaware long before The New York Times acknowledged it.
The Post was the first outlet to uncover Hunter Biden’s scandalous laptop from a repair ship in Delaware long before the New York Times acknowledged it.
ANGELA WEISS/AFP via Getty Images

The same standard should be applied to the 51 as has been applied to other agency employees who have breached the prepublication review obligation: They should be stripped of their security clearances and never again allowed to work in the intelligence field.

The next step for Parlatore is to file a letter with the Federal Election Commission, requesting that the Dirty 51 letter be recorded as a campaign “in-kind contribution.”

Then will come litigation against the 51 and the Biden campaign in US District Court, in pursuit of any link between Democratic operatives and the letter.

Biden cited the letter in that final presidential debate of 2020 to dismiss as “garbage” and part of a “Russian plan” emails from the laptop that were published by The Post indicating he had met with Hunter’s Ukrainian paymaster in Washington, DC, when he was veep.

Former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (DCIA) under President Barack Obama, Leon Panetta at the Panetta Institute, Seaside, California, 2015.
Former CIA Director Leon Panetta worked under the Obama administration.
David Hume Kennerly/Getty Images

Barr, who was AG at the time, recently told Fox News he was “very disturbed during the debate when candidate Biden lied to the American people about the laptop. He’s squarely confronted with the laptop, and he suggested that it was Russian disinformation and pointed to the letter written by some intelligence people that was baseless — which he knew was a lie …

“When you’re talking about interference in an election, I can’t think of anything more than that kind of thing.”

Justice might be slow, but it is coming.


‘Steele dossier’ firm pushed journalist to spread incorrect Trump-Russia theory: witness

WASHINGTON, DC — Members of the research firm that commissioned the infamous “Steele dossier” met with a journalist to spread an incorrect theory linking Donald Trump and Russia after learning about it from former Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann, a meeting participant testified Wednesday.

The testimony from Laura Seago, a former analyst at the Fusion GPS research firm, came after the judge in the case ruled that special counsel John Durham’s team could present some evidence of Sussmann’s meetings with the company and its associate, former British spy Christopher Steele.

Seago told jurors at Sussmann’s trial that the meeting with Franklin Foer came after she was tasked with “translating” computer data that purported to show a secret back channel between a Trump Organization server and Russia’s Alfa Bank, so it could be understood by “a lay audience.”

Seago, Fusion GPS co-founder Peter Fritsch, a former Wall Street Journal reporter, and Fusion employee Jake Berkowitz, met up at Foer’s house in the fall of 2016, she said.

During the hourlong sit-down, they told Foer that the information had been vetted by “highly credible computer scientists” who “seemed to think these allegations were credible,” Seago testified.

“We certainly hoped he would publish an article,” she said.

Pedestrians walk past the branch of Alfa Bank, Russia's largest private bank, in Moscow on April 7, 2022.
Fusion GPS research firm analyst Laura Seago claimed she was ordered to create computer data suggesting then-presidential candidate Donald Trump was associated with Russia’s Alfa Bank.

On Oct. 31, 2016 — just eight days before the election — the Slate website posted a story written by Foer, “Was a Trump Server Communicating With Russia?”

It was quickly seized upon by Clinton, who tweeted, “It’s time for Trump to answer serious questions about his ties to Russia.”

Clinton also released a statement from campaign adviser Jake Sullivan, now national security adviser to President Biden, who claimed, “This secret hotline may be the key to unlocking the mystery of Trump’s ties to Russia.”

Republican Donald Trump (L) and Democrat Hillary Clinton (R) shake hands at the end of the second Presidential Debate at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, USA, 09 October 2016.
Then-presidential candidate Hillary Clinton often questioned Donald Trump’s alleged ties to Russia during the 2016 election.

Prior to meeting with Foer, Seago said, she and Fritsch met in the summer of 2016 with Sussmann, Clinton campaign general counsel Marc Elias and Rodney Joffe, a tech executive who was also a Sussmann client, to discuss the Alfa Bank data.

According to Sussmann’s indictment, Joffe told him about the information after it was “assembled” by a computer researcher who used the moniker “Tea Leaves” and has since been identified as April Lorenzen.

At the time of the meeting, Seago didn’t know that the Clinton campaign was paying Fusion GPS to dig up dirt on Trump but was aware that Democrats were funding the opposition-research effort, she testified.

Special Counsel John Durham
Special Counsel John Durham argued Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign allegedly drummed up a plot to connect Donald Trump to Russia.
REUTERS/Julia Nikhinson

In March, the Federal Election Commission fined the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee for disguising their payments to Fusion GPS on official disclosure forms.

During opening statements at Sussmann’s trial on Tuesday, prosecutor Deborah Brittain Shaw said an official investigation later determined that a “spam email server” used for marketing purposes was actually behind the computer data.

Sussmann, 57, is accused of lying to the FBI by denying that he wasn’t “acting on behalf of any client” when he handed over data and written reports related to the Alfa Bank allegations Sept. 19, 2016,

Following Seago’s testimony, the prosecution called Elias to the witness stand and he described hiring Fusion GPS to work for the campaign on April 1, 2016, at a rate of $130,000 a month.

Elias said only a handful of people knew Fusion GPS was working for the campaign, with Sussmann among them.

“When I hire any consulting firm I want there to be confidentially,” he said.

Elias testified about a series of invoices Sussmann submitted to the Clinton campaign in connection with his work on the Alfa Bank allegations.

They included one for a July 29, 2016, meeting of Sussmann, Elias, Joffe and the “Fusion team.”

Sussmann also billed the Clinton campaign $417 for a 30-minute phone call with Elias and Joffe on Aug. 17, 2016.

Elias said on the stand that he didn’t recall the meeting or the conference call but said he would have billed the campaign in the same manner.

Sussmann and Elias are both former partners at the powerhouse Perkins Coie law firm, which represents the DNC.

Elias resigned to form his own firm about three weeks before Sussmann was charged in September.

Sussmann quit the day after his indictment was unsealed, with Perkins Coie saying he’d been on leave and “offered his resignation from the firm in order to focus on his legal defense.”


The Shape-Shifting DC Dark Money Group Disguising Liberal Campaigns Across the Country Washington Free Beacon

Getty Images

 • May 16, 2022 4:59 am


In May, a group called Accountable Tech, which calls itself a “small nonprofit taking on Big Tech companies,” organized a corporate boycott to protest Elon Musk’s bid to buy Twitter. In the midwest, a group called Opportunity Wisconsin, which bills itself as a “coalition of Wisconsin residents,” ran a deluge of TV ads slamming Republican senator Ron Johnson for his tax policies. And in Arizona, an organization of “grassroots racial justice” activists called Just Democracy released a video blasting Democratic senator Kyrsten Sinema for failing to support the Biden administration’s legislative agenda.

None of these groups actually exist. They are all registered trade names for the North Fund, a shape-shifting nonprofit group that uses aliases to push an array of left-wing causes from a shell office in Washington, D.C., according to corporate records.

Political watchdogs say the fund, which isn’t required to disclose the donors behind its $66 million budget, is gearing up to be one of the most consequential dark-money players of the midterm elections. And while “astroturf” groups are nothing new in politics, critics say the North Fund is part of a new breed—moving away from specific policy advocacy and delving into electoral politics.

“North Fund has said screw it,” said Hayden Ludwig, a senior investigator with the Capital Research Center. “They’ve just decided to be as partisan as they can.”

“Their money has been pretty much exclusively focused on Senate races, on ballot initiatives, and a few things kind of related to that,” Ludwig added. “The general theme there is cementing permanent Democratic majorities in Congress.”

The North Fund, which was founded in 2018, is helmed by a handful of Democratic operatives, including former Clinton aide Jim Gerstein. It operates under at least eight trade names, according to D.C. corporate records, including “51 for 51,” a group pushing for statehood for the heavily Democratic District of Columbia, and the “Voting Rights Lab Action,” which advocates for voting policy reforms favorable to Democrats.

Under the guise of “Opportunity Wisconsin,” the group has poured $4 million into negative TV advertising against Johnson, making it one of the top-spending outside groups in the state. Through another alias, the “Democracy Docket Action Fund,” the nonprofit has helped finance state-level redistricting lawsuits that favor Democrats across the country. And the “Accountable Tech” boycott campaign, which seeks to pressure Twitter to restrict speech from conservative outlets and Republican politicians, has received international news coverage.


Democrat County Supervisor in Virginia Indicted on 82 Counts of Voter Fraud Related to Ballot Harvesting

Resist the Mainstream

A Democrat Virginia Board of Supervisors’ member has been indicted on 82 mostly election-related felony charges a Commonwealth Attorney announced May 3.

“The Special Grand Jury indicted Trey Adkins and Sherry Lynn Bailey for several election related offenses,” said  Commonwealth Attorney Zack Stoots in a Facebook statement. “Adkins was also indicted for embezzlement of public funds while being in a position of public office.”


“Trey Adkins was indicted for 82 felony offenses,” Stoots stated. “Sherry Lynn Bailey was indicted for 12 felony counts.”

Adkins is the current Knox District Supervisor for Buchanan County. Bailey allegedly helped him.

The Virginia State Police reportedly began investigating the two more than two years ago for election cycles dating as far back as 2011. Stoots was appointed special counsel for the investigation.

The grand jury was empaneled May 5, 2021, in Buchanan County, Virginia, and returned true bills against the pair May 2. The Knox Supervisor allegedly brought absentee application forms when he visited rural members of his town. The four-page grand jury report detailed witnesses saying absentee ballot requests in their names were signed by someone else because the signatures were not theirs. Others reported objections to reason codes that included travel outside the county or designated them as disabled, which are allegedly false statements.

Buchanan County Registrar Vickie Clevinger testified and explained to grand jurors the county’s absentee voting process. She explained that Adkins presented more Absentee Application Forms than other candidates for public office and her office records the initials of the person hand delivering the forms.


Busted: Biden’s “Minster of Truth” Nina Jankowicz Participated in Secret NATO-Funded Cabal to Subvert Western Democracies Using Disinformation as Cover
May 16, 2022 (1d ago)

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As Revolver and others have covered, Nina “Moaning Myrtle” Jankowicz is a joke. The Harry Potter superfan-turned-propagandrix is now the Biden Administration’s chosen head for the “Disinformation Governance Board.” Among many other embarrassing videos in circulation is the following clip of Nina Jankowicz bizarrely and emphatically dismissing the notion of the so-called “deep state.”


For those who can’t stand uptalk, here’s what she said in the video:

Talking about the deep state and things like that which is a thread among conspiracy communities here in the United States, that there is this secret cabal here in Washington working to undermine the American people couldn’t be further from the truth, as someone who works with and around these public servants every day.

Whatever one thinks of the precise term “deep state,” Nina badly wants everyone to dismiss the very concept of secret groups operating within Washington. She works “with and around” them after all, and she says such a cabal or network of cabals does not exist.

In fact, Nina does know the truth, and it’s the opposite of what she claims above. Nina’s name appeared in one of the most explosive and aggressively censored national security leaks of the century. The leak in question exposed the “Integrity Initiative,” a dark government-funded NGO that appears to have engaged in political meddling and covert influence operations in Western countries under the guise of fighting “disinformation.”

Founded in mid-2015 under the auspices of the U.K. government-funded NGO “Institute for Statecraft,” the Integrity Initiative boasted a precociously fashionable motto: “Defending Democracy Against Disinformation.”

The Integrity Initiative “defended democracy” by recruiting secretive “clusters” of academics, national security bureaucrats, journalists, think tankers, and lobbyists in multiple European countries. These clusters would then be engaged in various ways to address nation-specific threats of so-called “Russian disinformation.”

In its organization, funding, operation, structure, and rhetoric the Integrity Initiative is the single best template for understanding how the entire hornets’ nest of NGOs, journalists, and “national security” bureaucrats work secretly and in concert to wage psychological warfare against citizens of the West. One cannot understand how the Disinformation Industry functions without understanding the little-known (and now defunct) Integrity Initiative. 

Thankfully, before its demise, hackers leaked a huge swath of internal documents from the Integrity Initiative. More on that leak in a moment, but for now, here is an official description of the “clusters” from one of those leaked documents:

Full text transcribed here for readability (emphasis ours):

The network of networks:

The Integrity Initiative was set up in autumn 2015 by the Institute for Statecraft in cooperation with the Free University of Brussels (VUB) to bring to the attention of politicians, policy-makers, opinion leaders and other interested parties the threat posed by Russia to democratic institutions in the United Kingdom, across Europe and North America

The Integrity Initiative Aims to unite people who understand the threat, in order to provide a coordinated Western response to Russian disinformation and other elements of hybrid warfare.

The nature of this response needs to render counter productive the Russian tactic of dividing countries internally and from one another. This will be the case if each Russian information and influence attack provokes the country targeted into sharing analysis of the attack with other countries in the network on a governmental basis, thereby increasing collaboration and Alliance cohesion. NATO’s political Committee can play an important role here.

An effective network is best achieved by forming in each European country a cluster of well-informed people from the political, military, academic,  journalistic and think-tank spheres, who will track and analyze examples of disinformation in their country and inform decision-makers and other interested parties about what is happening.

Nina Jankowicz’s name appears in a 2018 leak as a member of the “inner core” of the Integrity Initiative’s U.K. Cluster, specifically in the sub-group dedicated to Russia.

Another name that appears alongside Nina Jankowicz’s in the leaked documents as a member of the “inner core” of the U.K. cluster dealing with Russia is Anne Applebaum. Revolver briefly touched upon Applebaum’s apparent involvement in the Integrity Initiative in an earlier piece.

Read More: Dark New Dem Bill Uses “Counter American Intelligence” To Wage War on MAGA

Applebaum was last seen refusing to comment on the coordinated cover-up of Hunter Biden’s laptop. Applebaum’s apparent fellow “inner core” cluster wingman Nina Jankowicz repeatedly amplified the U.S. intelligence community’s discredited claim that the Hunter Biden laptop was a Russian disinformation operation:


From the Integrity Initiative’s formal description of “clusters” above it is somewhat difficult to infer what sort of activity Nina Jankowicz may have been involved in. But as luck would have it, the leaks included documents describing the activity of the Integrity Initiative’s Spanish cluster.

In 2018, Spain’s ruling party attempted to appoint Pedro Baños as head of the country’s national security department. The Integrity Initiative’s Spanish cluster as well as several U.K. associates immediately leapt into action to sabotage the appointment of this allegedly “pro-Kremlin” official. The following document from the leaks details their efforts:

Transcript (emphasis ours):

Midday: (II) Integrity Initiative Spanish cluster hear that a well known pro-Kremlin voice Pedro Baños is to be appointed as Director of the National Security Department, which works closely with the Spanish PMs office (La Moncloa) and is very influential in shaping policy

14:00: Spanish cluster leader alerts other cluster members and prepares a dossier to inform the main Spanish media. The cluster starts a campaign on Twitter to try to prevent the appointment. 

15:45: Spanish cluster leader alerts Integrity Initiative UK Team which activates the Integrity Initiative network to generate international support for the Twitter campaign

UK team creates a WhatsApp group to coordinate the Twitter response, get contacts on Twitter to spread awareness and get people retweeting the material. Publishes opinion piece by Nico de Pedro on StopFake’s Spanish website, which was also retweeted by key influencers.

Cluster send material to El Pais and El Mundo to publish and alert contacts at UK and French Embassies.


By 19:45 Spanish Cluster assesses that the campaign has generated significant noise on Twitter. Contacts in the Socialist Party confirm that the PM has received the message. Some Spanish diplomats also express concerns

The result of the Integrity Initiative’s campaign was swift and decisive. After a week of lobbying, then-Spanish prime minister Pedro Sanchez named a different man to the post.

Despite ostensibly “defending democracy against disinformation,” the Integrity Initiative’s clusters operated in the shadows to interfere with yet another political event in Spain. Consider the following from a leaked Integrity Initiative “Progress Report:

Integrity Spain

Our first cluster, set up in January 2017, is headed by an academic currently at CIDOB, a Barcelona-based think tank. The inaugural seminar was co-sponsored by HQ NATO and addressed Russian malign influence in Eastern Europe and North Africa. A second inaugural session was held soon thereafter at the ECFR think tank in Madrid to ensure a balanced national coverage. This clusters draws it participants from academia, the media, civil servants and military and several political parties. Its main means of influence is through academic papers and especially through articles, written by independent journalists in newspapers like El Pais, based on material provided anonymously by the cluster. This cluster produced a major study on Russian influence in the Catalan referendum process which was circulated privately to key influencers in Spain, including the PM’s office, and throughout Europe on the Integrity Initiative network.

[Integrity Initiative]

Just like with the Baños incident, the government-backed Integrity Initiative injected itself into a political matter — this time the Catalan independence movement.

A couple things are especially noteworthy about the operations described above.

First, we note the sinister irony that the NATO-funded Integrity Initiative, whose ostensible purpose is to “Defend Democracy Against Disinformation,” was caught red-handed conducting a secretive influence operation to meddle in the internal politics of Spain, a democratic NATO member.

Second, we note how crucial — indeed, indispensable — the social media platform Twitter was to the influence operations in question. It is precisely the importance of Twitter as a theater for U.S., U.K., and NATO backed psychological influence operations that informed our analysis of Elon Musk’s attempt to purchase the platform. We weren’t exaggerating when we described Elon’s threat to allow free speech and transparency on Twitter as a “declaration of war” against the Regime. As the Integrity Initiative’s use of the platform shows, Twitter’s value to U.S.-aligned intelligence agencies as a friendly ground for influence operations far exceeds its nominal value as a technology company.

Read More: The Battle of the Century: Here’s What Happens if Elon Musk Buys Twitter

Throughout this article so far, we have repeatedly referred to the Integrity Initiative as “state-funded.” This isn’t idle speculation. The Integrity Initiative took pains to mask the nature of its operations. Its listed address was in Scotland, despite actually operating in London. The Integrity Initiative’s funding came from a Scotland-based non-profit, the Institute for Statecraft, of which it operated under as a subsidiary. The Institute for Statecraft presents itself as an independent organization with a wide array of backers, but in reality the vast majority of its funding comes from the U.K. government. In its 2018-2019 fiscal year (running March 2018-March 2019), the Institute reported 2.2 million pounds in income.

How much money did the Institute for Statecraft receive from the British Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO) in that time? 2.2 million pounds! By the way, at the same time, the FCO oversaw both the GCHQ (Britain’s equivalent of the NSA) and MI6 (its equivalent of the CIA).

As venture capitalist Marc Andreessen once asked:


The answer, it turns out, is you, the American taxpayer. Besides receiving funds from the British FCO, the Integrity Initiative also received funds directly from NATO, aka the U.S. taxpayer, in addition to funds from the United States State Department.

Funding wasn’t exclusively government-based, though, because in a fitting symbol of the growing tether between Big Tech and the security state, the Institute did receive a small chunk of money from Facebook, as the above document shows.

Perhaps more ominous than the fact that Facebook funded the Integrity Initiative is the fact that the name Ben Nimmo appears as an apparent member of the Integrity Initiative’s UK Cluster, right there with Nina Jankowicz (see Ben’s name the third from the top in the UK Inner Core Russia cluster).

At the time of the leak, Ben Nimmo worked for a group called the Digital Forensic Research Lab (DFRLab). The DFRLab is a subsidiary of the Atlantic Council, an NGO which is also funded by the British Foreign & Commonwealth Office, NATO, and the State Department. The group brags that it has “operationalized the study of disinformation by exposing falsehoods and fake news.” You know what that means: Nimmo and DFR have become notorious for accusing all sorts of journalists and even random civilians of being “Russian bots.”

The Integrity Initiative’s leaked handbook identified Ben Nimmo’s DFR Lab, along with Buzzfeed and a handful of other organizations, as friendly outlets to rely upon when conducting its influence operations.

What is Ben Nimmo’s current position? If you guessed that Ben Nimmo now works at Facebook and helps to lead Facebook’s global threat intelligence strategy against influence operations, you’d be correct.


You simply can’t make this stuff up!

Ben Nimmo, “Disinformation Expert”

Nimmo is no stranger to Revolver, and we encourage readers to consult our previous work on Nimmo, the Integrity Initiative, and the disinformation industry here:

Read More: NYT Hit Piece On “Vaccine Cartoon” Backfires and Reveals Plot For New “Russia Disinformation” Scam

The picture that emerges so far is as disturbing as it is undeniable. The Integrity Initiative was a secret, government-funded influence operation that engaged secret “clusters” of journalists and academics to coordinate in order to meddle in the political process of Western democracies under the guise of combating “disinformation” and “defending democracy.”

Not only was the Integrity Initiative funded by national security bureaucracies, it conducted itself in precisely the same surreptitious manner one would typically associate with the world of spooks and espionage. One leaked document advises its reader on how to go about recruiting people for a cluster. It reads far more like an intelligence document than a journalism-related one.

“Be absolutely sure… we can trust them before we talk to them” is a baffling line for a group whose only purpose is to correct “disinformation.” Politifact and Snopes may or may not produce good “fact check” reporting, but we highly doubt they fret about being able to “trust” whomever they share their work with.

But this obsession with trust is quite understandable for a group whose actual purpose is manipulating the public, rather than informing them.

Even more telling are the lines about funding. “Always be firmly vague and helpfully uninformative” about funneling money to cluster members. On the other hand, “be very clear” about the “multiple sources” of funding for the Integrity Initiative, which just happen to include the British government and “international organizations.”

This sense that one is reading an intelligence report also permeates the group’s progress reports. Read the quotes below and ask yourself: Does this sound like a journalism operation, or an intelligence one?

Integrity Italy

The newly-formed Italian cluster is headed by an Italian professor who is also linked to the Italian Atlantic Committee. He and his colleagues have recently produced a study on Russian influence in and around the recent elections in Italy and are currently working on a study to explain the vulnerability of Italy to Russian influence. The main means of dissemination of information is through individuals in academic positions and through a series of Atlantic clubs – International affairs discussion groups in several cities across Italy. The sensitivities of the political situation in Italy, and the extent of Russian influence in political parties, means that the cluster must develop cautiously, feeling its way and seeking the best means of having a positive impact.

Integrity Greece

Greece is an especially sensitive country in which to operate, given its current political and economic challenges.

The Athens group is comprised of journalists who operate very discreetly and whose main means of dissemination is articles and a website.


Following the popular, quiet “revolution” in Armenia, we are exploring how we might safely establish an Integrity Armenia. One of the Institute’s Associates who is of Armenian origin is acting as informal adviser to the new PM, MFA and NSA. He is investigating the possibilities, including a journalist friend as a likely cluster leader. The delicate political situation requires that this be done with the utmost caution.

Czech Republic

As the Czech Republic is well served by the European Values think tank, we have not so far seen the need to establish a cluster there, but have found it more cost-effective to link with this organisation and support its activities. However, given the recent political trajectory of Czech politics, it may become necessary to review this decision in due course.

The “political trajectory” in the Czech Republic, by the way, is the 2018 re-election of anti-immigration president Milos Zeman, who sometimes praised Vladimir Putin, supported Donald Trump’s rise in the U.S., and shared Trump’s aversion to journalists. Far from simply worrying about specific Russian lies reaching the West, the Integrity Initiative is really just worried about wider political developments it vaguely classifies as “pro-Russian.” What this amounts to is meddling domestically in Western democracy’s politics under the guise of combatting disinformation.

If there were any doubt as to the ulterior and disingenuous use of the term “disinformation” for political purposes, we need to look no further than the Integrity Initiative’s own “Guide to Countering Russian Disinformation.” The guide shrieks about the “lies” of the Trump Administration in a tone scarcely different from the most deranged New York Times article. Before saying anything about Russian disinformation at all, the handbook introduces the concept of disinformation with reference to two petty pseudo-fact checks in relation to Donald Trump.

The Integrity Initiative becomes even more suspicious when one looks at how its organizers reacted when hackers brought attention to their work. The Integrity Initiative leaks began on November 5, 2018 and were published on an Anonymous-linked hacker site called Cyberguerilla. The original Cyberguerilla website is now defunct, and our reporting has cross-referenced all documents to downloadable versions of the original leaks available on the archived version of the Cyberguerilla website.

Before the 2018 document leaks, the Institute for Statecraft “think tank” kept a bland website, hosting a handful of sponsored papers and similar work. But shortly after the Anonymous documents leaked, the Institute took down everything, leaving up only a placeholder with a contact form and a notice that it was “temporarily” removing its information “pending an investigation.” And so it has remained for the past three years.

Visitors are invited to visit the Institute’s Facebook (defunct) and its Twitter page (inactive since 2019, with all pre-2019 tweets deleted). Yet despite all appearance of being defunct, it isn’t, as it continues to provide information to Scotland’s charity ministry. Despite supposedly being wholly innocent and aboveboard, both the Integrity Initiative and the Institute for Statecraft have, for all intents and purposes, closed up shop ever since hackers brought attention to their work and Western governments’ support for it.

We at Revolver were struck by how relatively inaccessible the Integrity Initiative documents were, and equally struck with the near total absence of mainstream reporting on what should be the equivalent of the Snowden leaks for the age of “disinformation.” Depressingly, the right seems to have almost totally ignored the story. Instead, coverage of the Integrity Initiative has been largely confined to marginalized (though often high-quality) outlets like The Grayzone, which do great work critiquing the national security state from a left-leaning perspective. We encourage readers to consult existing outside coverage of the Integrity Initiative leaks here and here.

Very little of this, you’ll notice, has dealt with whatever Nina Jankowicz actually did for the Integrity Initiative. This demonstrates an important point: Nina Jankowicz is in fact neither remarkable nor particularly important. She is simply one small cog in a vast machine.

The man in charge of the Institute for Statecraft, and by extension the Integrity Initiative, actually wrote an entire paper suggesting how this machine operates. Before founding the Institute for Statecraft, Chris Donnelly spent 12 years as an advisor to four consecutive NATO secretary generals. In a private memo, written for members of the British foreign office and leaked along with other Integrity Initiative materials, Donnelly describes how in a post-Brexit world the British government might consider privatizing its influence efforts.

In the above document, Donnelly recognizes the notion that a great degree of government work could be contracted to the private sector, which is allegedly more adaptable  to the “speed of global change” — and, more importantly, lacks the full range of “accountability” attached to public servants. It is particularly important for government operatives to avoid accountability when it comes to free speech and censorship issues. An early 2020 article from the Atlantic noted in particular how constitutional constraints like the First Amendment have caused most of America’s censorship apparatus to be outsourced to the private sector (empashis ours):

As surprising as it may sound, digital surveillance and speech control in the United States already show many similarities to what one finds in authoritarian states such as China. Constitutional and cultural differences mean that the private sector, rather than the federal and state governments, currently takes the lead in these practices, which further values and address threats different from those in China. But the trend toward greater surveillance and speech control here, and toward the growing involvement of government, is undeniable and likely inexorable.

[The Atlantic]

As the leaks above show, organizations like the Integrity Initiative are not exactly “private sector” either, at least in the traditional understanding of the term. As state funded organizations accomplishing state funded “national security” goals, groups like the Integrity Initiative are better thought of as extensions of the security state that have evolved to operate with less accountability. Nina Jankowicz’ own evolution as an apparent member of the Integrity Initiative to the head of a “Disinformation Governance Board” within the Department of Homeland Security attests to the emergence of a public-private revolving door for faithful members of the Disinformation Industry.

In any case, the Integrity Initiative represents the the nature of the modern influence operation. Censorship is far more than just woke employees at Big Tech companies deciding whom to ban and which topics become “trending.” Quietly but also constantly, censorship and narrative control are flowing from the state, taking the form of cutout civil society groups, NGOs, and “networks” that control domestic information under the pretext of preserving national security and fighting “disinformation.” An entire industry– the Disinformation Industry — has emerged to facilitate this process.

Disinformation is part of the Integrity Initiative’s motto for a very good reason. “Disinformation” is the skeleton key of modern domestic propaganda. The regime can now target political movements and specific politicians on the grounds that they are influenced by or in thrall to foreign “disinformation.” Previously purely political questions, like the Brexit movement or Catalan independence or Donald Trump’s reelection, are now assessed as “serving Putin’s agenda.” And now, critically, the coordination of academics, journalists, and public intellectuals to secretly push a regime-backed political line is now justified as the needed counterbalance to “disinformation” narratives.

The Integrity Initiative may be gone, but the Disinformation Industry it helped to birth remains. If Americans want to fight back against censorship and the broader domestic war on terror conducted by their own state security apparatus, it is imperative to understand this Disinformation Industry in full. Strap in — we’re just getting started.

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