Many of Twitter’s employees fall in a class of vengeful Nerds; better described as Trump Haters. We will not be surprised if some commit the ultimate act.
Approximately 2000 of Twitter’s employees are Asian out of a total count of 7500, a majority of which are from India; whites make up approximately 3000.
Our guess is that a “group peace in”, sort of like Jamestown or the Branch Davidians episode, will take place in the very near future.
They will don their special elixir, pray to their lord, smoke ganja, pop the date rape drug or fentanyl, space out on LSD, a love fest of sorts, before committing to the final act.
Such a sad story to find that there are those who will succumb to the world’s venerable and incurable disease as well, that is known to man, the infliction of Socialism.
Free speech is only palatable to them if it suits their cause, which of course is the stifling of independent thought, freedom of the press and voicing ones own opinion.
There are NEW WORLDS TO CONQUER, the TWITTERSPHERE welcomes you. 
Start the Falcon 9 Launch Video at 30 minutes. A real thrill to watch.
Begin at 3 hours at 25 minutes for the thrill of Falcon 9. An admirable endeavor and accomplishment indeed.