Over the weekend Branden took a stroll along the Delaware seashore. We are surprised that a shark didn’t befriend him; after all, aren’t attorneys known as “sharks.” Thought that would be a nice gesture for a cousin to show some brotherly love. Don’t you think?
The real world is beckoning for Branden to do something, anything, but time has took its toll on him. Like free radicals running inside his mind, oxygenating his cerebellum, filling his brain, what is left of it, with plaque. We should not despair though, because this train wreck in the best thing that happened to the Republican party. Come November we will pick up the pieces – do what we have to do to take back our Country from the FREE RADICALS that have insulted it, turning our once beautiful America into a haven for the illegal, the gangbanger, the murder, the drug pusher, all in the name of Guess What, Democracy, Freedom, Liberty.
As you have seen, their values are not our values, their culture is not our culture, their morals are not our morals. Come January 2023 the take back will occur; we will hear scowls, see riots, see cities go up in flames, but all of that will be to no avail as the Police will be energized to enforce the law, not stand down and watch criminals violate it with impunity.
Back to Biden, STUPID JOE DOESN’T KNOW THE STREET. He is on the verge of finding out how America feels about him. Thumbs down from all quarters. $10 a Gallon Joe has two diseases, one untreatable, the other treatable. Socialism, the worst disease known to man and the second disease, Inflation, only treatable by Republicans and they could give a flying “f” to save Joe.