Smallpox/Monkeypox The New York times has an article today (6/3/22) implying that monkey pox is a disease so far infecting men who have sex with other men in the USA. They looked at 17 cases and all but one had sex with other men. 3 were immuocompromised. 14 traveled to other countries.
It also said the stockpiles of the old vaccine are decades old and may have lost potency, AND that it. (ACAM2000) may cause heart perimyocarditis 6 CASES PER 1000 DOSES! Quote: “The U.S. emergency stockpile holds 100 million doses of the older smallpox vaccine called ACAM2000. But the vaccine contains live vaccinia virus, and causes about six cases of myopericarditis — inflammation of the heart muscle — for every 1,000 people who receive it.”
“In Switzerland, the World Health Organization maintains about 2.4 million doses of the vaccine used to eradicate smallpox, and it has stockpiled another 31 million doses in five donor countries that could be released to countries in need.”
“The W.H.O. is also assessing the newer Jynneos vaccine for prequalification, a step needed for its use in many countries.” but are not scheduled to meet until October on that issue. Scientific advisers to the C.D.C. voted in November to recommend Jynneos for immunizing researchers and health care personnel who are at risk of exposure to smallpox or monkeypox.”
That vaccine is made by the Danish company Bavarian Nordic and is supposed to be safe for everyone, women, children, immune compromised… quote: “ACAM2000 cannot be used in pregnant women, infants or those who are immunocompromised — exactly the people who most need protection from the monkeypox virus. Jynneos, by contrast, has been shown to be safe in older adults, people with H.I.V. or AIDS and those who have received bone marrow transplants and are therefore immunocompromised.”
Supposedly the USA only has about a million doses of it so far but has ordered more. The article says the antivirals for the disease have been tested only on animals and the USA has some on hand. We have 1.7 million doses of tecovirimat (TPOX) on hand and ordered 7.5 million dollars worth more before the outbreak began. Here’s the link to NYT article.: NYTimes: 21 Americans Infected With Monkeypox, C.D.C. Reports 21 Americans Infected With Monkeypox, C.D.C. Reports JYNNEOS SMALLPOX VACCINE INSERT and cardiac AESIs Cardiac AESI (Adverse Event of Special Interest aka AESI) in Jynneos drug insert: 1.3% in Jynneos recipients (that would be about 4 out of every 300 ppl) versus .2% in saline placebo group. (Which would be 1 out of every 500)
They compared the previously vaxxed with the old smallpox who got Jynneos to the ppl who only got Jynneos. (Shouldn’t they of used a saline placebo for that one too? ). 2.1% of the previously vaxxed had cardiac AESI. Which would be 21 out of every 1000 recipients). Sidenote: I think making the percentages into whole numbers of ppl per 100s makes more sense than percentages of reactions to lay people. Its easier to understand if you say x number of people, instead of 2.1 ppl per hundred. Because there is no such thing as a 1/10ths person.
Rounding up or down is not accurate when you consider populations of millions. Before I thought of this I normally would use averages and 2.1% would be 2 people out of a hundred. But when you get up to a thousand people you lose 1 persons adverse event. So when you vax 100,000 you would lose 100 AESI. Ect. Back to safety study report from Insert.. It mentions most Cardiac AESI had elevated troponin levels. When your troponin levels are high you are at higher risk of heart attack. To me it appears the new “safe” smallpox vaccine actually causes heart issues at a much higher rate than the saline control group. And more than the 6/1000 the NYT said the old vaccine caused. IMO anyone with previous smallpox shot definitely should be told their risk is 21 out of 1000 of having heart issues. That is a far cry SAFE. The same goes for the 4 out of every 300 cardiac AESI in the not previously vaccinated for smallpox. JYNNEOS VACCINE INSERT

21 Americans Infected With Monkeypox, C.D.C. Reports