The United States Secretary of State ( SOS), have persistently slammed China for their re-education of Uyghurs while incarcerated in prison like conditions. We see an irony here. The NEA, state and local education officials have been doing the same thing to our youth for the past three decades using similar BRAINWASHING TECHNIQUES that were learned from CIA’s MKUltra campaign. This has been accomplished under our very eyes using stealth programming.
Our children are sent off to school to learn, but instead their minds are consistently flushed of conservative thought and ostensibly filled with liberal dictums. We have finally Woken up to the Education Industry. Parents have been slammed at PTA meetings and various forums, such as Board of Education meetings. Various boards of education have been called out for their agenda. About time! But this is not enough, more must be done.
School libraries are filled with deviant messages, deviance pervades the classroom, sexual acts of perversion and plain old filth. Men our allowed in girls bathrooms, girls in men’s bathroom, all in the name of trans. Sanitary napkins our now vended in boys bathrooms. Schools provide condoms to both sexes. Masturbation techniques are taught to children as young as seven years old.
CDC Directs LGBT Children to Secretive Chats About Sex Changes, Activism, the Occult
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is promoting to youth an online chat space that discusses sex, polyamorous relationships, the occult, sex change operations, and activism, and is specifically designed to be quickly hidden while being used. It also mixes LGBT adults and children and is run in part by Planned Parenthood.
CRT and 1619 are the Creme fraiche, the Soup d’jour. White guilt is preached to those in first grade. Hating the United States for past crimes against humanity is common place. Slavery is the consistent ailment that divides us; it is the common denominator of all of our ills. Setting back the clock, erasing history and reprogramming is their ultimate objective. Those who seek to destroy our heritage, our history must be stopped at all costs.