Hey Democrats, you like 10% inflation? Wait, next year it will be 20%. And the best is yet to come. Shortages galore, gas lines are next.
Think the worst and hope for the best. However, you can never dismiss what the Dufuss in the White House will do next.Don’t forget him pulling out of Afghanistan. Gee we thought Catholics didn’t pull out. But on a more serious note, Americans have taken Branden’s shit up the gass for too long. What can they do about it? Vote all, and we say all, Democrats out of office. They are all snakes in the grass.
Biden’s plans for you are two fold; Numero Uno is the new FEDCOIN which is out of the planning stage into the transition stage. It will soon be coming to a neighborhood near you. Say what? Yes all future benefits provided by the government in any form will be distributed in a TRACKABLE FED COIN. But not only that, this coin will have an imbedded RFID chip that tracks your every move. In fact, the government can turn it on or off at will. Think about theSTASI, your government will have spyware in your bedroom. Come Again? No play on words here, but the social, economic, political and education police will hound you like there is no tomorrow,
And while we are at it, it behooves us to mention the Cave Dweller’s moral compass. As many dictators from the past rose to power as populists, but soon became power hungry, this Plank is of the same cloth. He has rationalized the FBI and all other departments within the government. There are no Trump sympathizers remaining. IRS agents to be hired will be vetted; their voting records scrutinized, donations checked, tax returns inspected and religious affiliations analyzed. No stone will be left unturned.
So in a nutshell your future is not your future, but the government’s future.They are playing you like suckers. However, there is time to jump ship. And that time is in this coming November. Vote Republican. Save yourself before they come for you.
"Where Revolution is the Solution" Taking back the Empire