The suppression of evidence, including stepping on the foot of social media, is a crime unto itself. The evidence of suppression ordered by the FBI was a stomp on Free Speech. FBI threatened social media behemoths if they did not suppress the NY Post breaking story on Hunter Biden’s laptop.

From WAPO, we can’t believe that the venerated Washington Post has opinionated that the operation was real. This shakedown among others is an albatross around the Biden family’s neck. This was not a Russian scandal as originally debunked, but a Joe Biden de rigueur operation.
From the Washington Examiner, “And now, the Washington Post reports that several wealthy Biden supporters are planning an assault against the investigators and witnesses in the Hunter Biden investigation. They are assembling what the Washington Post calls a “sprawling infrastructure” that is “rapidly, almost frantically assembling to combat Republicans’ plans to turn Hunter Biden into a major news story when the GOP takes over the House next year.”
But this clandestine operation is coming to the fore – picked up as worse than the Watergate Break-in. Such esteemed news outlets, such as the Washington Examiner have weighed in. “WE ARE AT WAR.”
The coming war over Hunter Biden
December 12, 2022 05:36 PM
THE COMING WAR OVER HUNTER BIDEN. Republican lawmakers will take control of the House of Representatives on Jan. 3.
The investigation into the business dealings of the Biden family — Joe, Hunter, and Jim Biden is paramount.
“Committee Republicans have spoken with multiple whistleblowers from numerous schemes involving the Biden family, reviewed Hunter Biden’s laptop, and received documents of previously unknown transactions,” House Oversight and Reform Committee Chairman-to-be
Rep. James Comer (R-KY) said during a news conference on Nov. 17.
What we found are business plans aimed at targets around the world based on influence peddling, including with people closely tied to foreign governments like China and Russia.” The Bidens, Comer said, “flourished and became millionaires by simply offering access to ‘The Family.'”
The pro-Hunter group includes Kevin Morris, a high-powered entertainment attorney in Hollywood who at some point became friends with Hunter Biden and is now paying his client’s back taxes and monthly bills. Morris reportedly paid Hunter Biden’s $2 million back taxes bill. He reportedly pays his friend’s rent, too — about $20,000 a month.
Morris reportedly is advising his friend and beneficiary to get tough with those Republicans who want to delve into the connection between Hunter Biden’s highly lucrative business deals and Hunter Biden’s father. According to the Washington Post, Morris is advocating that Hunter Biden file defamation suits against Fox News, against former President Donald Trump’s son Eric, and against Rudy Giuliani. Morris also, according to the Washington Post, wants “extensive research,” which means dirt-digging, on “two potential witnesses against Hunter Biden — a spurned business partner named Tony Bobulinski and a computer repairman named John Paul Mac Isaac.” It was Mac Isaac to whom Hunter took his laptop for repair and then apparently forgot what he had done with it.
Morris is joined in advocating an aggressive strategy by David Brock, who in the 1990s styled himself a “right-wing hitman” writing articles attacking Bill and Hillary Clinton. Then Brock changed sides, trying to ingratiate himself with the very people he had earlier attacked. The right-wing hitman became a left-wing hitman, not to mention a prolific fundraiser. Now, Brock has formed a new group, Facts First USA, to fight Republicans who want to investigate Hunter Biden and other Biden administration topics.
In other words, it’s all about Joe Biden’s business. To hear Comer talk, Hunter Biden is almost a bit player in the Hunter Biden investigation. “We’re not trying to prove Hunter Biden is a bad actor,” Comer said. “He is. If anybody wants to disagree with that, then there’s nothing we have to talk about. Our investigation is about Joe Biden.”
But the real story here is the Democrat debunking of the wholesale access to Vice President and now President Joe Biden, the Capo di tutti capi. We are talking about a Democrat Thug at the highest level of government. The sidebar to this story are those in the Democrat party who consistently tout this as false, biased and untrue. You can see what we are dealing with here – liars, cheats, murderers, gang bangers, thugs, anti constitutionalists and outright thieves. 
From the 
It is hard to think of a single living individual who has experienced as total an annihilation of digital privacy since our devices became extensions of our consciousness. A suite of executives and thousands of employees were victimized by the Sony hack. In the iCloud hack known as “the Fappening,” nude photos of dozens of celebrities ended up on Reddit and 4chan. The 2016 hack of DNC servers and John Podesta’s Gmail exposed the private communications of a major political party. But in terms of the vastness of the data breach, the narrowness of its target, and its capacity to be deployed as a political weapon, none of those compare to the exposure of Hunter Biden’s entire virtual life.
Hidden inside the laptop, according to those (almost exclusively on the right) who have reviewed the data or who trust the word of those who claim they have, is a corruption scandal that implicates not just Hunter but other members of the Biden family, including the president. The laptop details Hunter’s involvement with a Ukrainian natural-gas producer that paid him millions of dollars to serve on its board — the relationship at the center of Donald Trump’s first impeachment. It shows how a Chinese energy company directed millions of dollars in consulting fees to Hunter and his uncle. It reveals White House meetings and slush-fund dinners and wheeling and dealing, from Romania to Monte Carlo to Cafe Milano. Most important, these people claim the laptop contains proof that, despite his denials, Joe Biden — allegedly referred to in emails as “the big guy” — was fully aware of, and looking to profit from, his son’s business activities.
The most serious allegations remain unproved. The White House has whistled past the issue, with ritual “no comments” on the occasions it is questioned about matters related to the laptop. (In response to a request from New York, a White House spokesperson said, “You can say the White House declined to comment for the story.”) Without a counterargument from the White House or the Biden family, and with mainstream political reporters only now trying to catch up to the tabloid coverage and the ideologically motivated actors who have been advancing the story, Democrats in Washington simply don’t know what to say. There has been no penalty for silence while they’ve been in power, just the vague assumption that it does seem like there’s something to the story, if only anyone credible would bother to check it out.
But the present stalemate, in which one side treats the subject with polite indifference while the other side foments and fundraises off it, is unsustainable. Maybe it will be broken by the Justice Department, which is reported to be conducting a wide-ranging criminal investigation into Hunter Biden, examining whether he violated various tax, money-laundering, and lobbying-disclosure laws. In July, CNN reported that the Justice Department had “debated the strength of the case for months,” as it faced an unofficial September deadline to file charges ahead of the midterm election. Biden paid off a large tax liability with the help of a loan from an entertainment attorney (one of at least three lawyers on his team) in an apparent attempt to head off a potential indictment.
Even if the DOJ doesn’t bring charges against Hunter, Republicans may gain control of at least one chamber of Congress — and, with it, subpoena power — in November. If they do, they have vowed to start their own investigations, which would lead to months or years of manufactured drama. (The laptop has already been entered into the Congressional Record on a motion by Florida Republican Matt Gaetz.)
When you look at it as merely a political object, the laptop may not seem all that remarkable. But the implications of what happened to Hunter Biden go far beyond politics. Whether or not he turns out to be the perpetrator of a crime, he is certainly the victim of a violation — an invasion of privacy that is staggering in its totality. Even the people who are responsible for disseminating the laptop admit that, on a human level, what happened to Hunter is horrifying. “A lot of stuff I do, I don’t feel great about,” says one of them, Steve Bannon. “But we’re in a war.”
The act of investigation, once the discrete province of professionals, has been crowdsourced. And if you believe the story told by some famously unreliable narrators, it all begins with the eyewitness account of a computer repairman. Who is legally blind.