In 2016 the lame stream media, in a vain attempt, to convince Americans that Donald J. Trump was a Russian Plant to no avail. The public didn’t go for it. This was corruption at the highest level. Trump was more than lucky that the voters hated “Lock Her Up” so much, they stayed away in droves. But the ‘libtards’ weren’t through, they had more than an axe to grind.
During the next four years they tried everything, legal and illegal, to bring Trump’s presidency down. Impeachment, based on false information, lying Senators, planted evidence became the norm. Trump was acquitted. 
But the MFR’s couldn’t accept that Trump was acquitted. So they went to Plan B, the Mueller investigation. This was the biggest farce the world has ever seen. The Criminals weren’t investigated, but an Honest President was. Seventeen Libtard attorneys were hired to comb through all of the lies and planted documentation but not one scant of incriminating evidence was found. Mueller ended up with prairie coal all over his face.

However, the ‘tard’ playing field has not let up, they are more angry than ever. NY attorney general is still after him. The House committee has his IRS records. They can’t quit unless Trump is dead. Yes, they still have all of their shills; CNN, MSNBC, Facebook, YouTube ETC, but their Twitter machine, which went Woke the past six years, has now exposed what we already knew. What was that? Prosecutors, FBI, CIA, Secret Service, Defense Department, Department of State, Defense Intelligence Agency withheld evidence which would have turned the election upside down. In other words, exculpatory evidence was kept from the public eye. 
This is still happening. However, Elon Musk’s Twitter, has brought out in an avalanche way, the corruption of our Government. Members of the Biden administration pressured Facebook, YouTube and Twitter during and after the 2020 election. They conspired with the government in covering the Hunter Biden Laptop conspiracy.
The facts will become known. The evidence presented thus far indicates Joe Biden was the Capo di tutti capi. He and his family raked in millions of dollars by shaking down foreign governments. China, Russia, Ukraine paid Hunter for access to the Godfather.
Elon Musk vows ‘more smoking guns’ to be revealed by Twitter after Hunter Biden bombshell

December 3, 2022 9:26pm
One day after Twitter’s new CEO Elon Musk and journalist Matt Taibbi released a bombshell report on political censorship at Twitter, Musk said that there are “more smoking guns” he plans to reveal in the future.
He said he hopes that by showing how Twitter worked to suppress information — like it did with The Post’s expose on Hunter Biden’s laptop in 2020 — it will force mainstream media to be more committed to the truth.
“We’re just gonna put all the information out there try to get a clean slate we will be iteratively better and it will force other media companies to also be more truthful or else they’ll lose their readership,” Musk said in a live Twitter Space Question and Answer session, which tens of thousands of users tuned into.
On Friday, Taibbi published a shocking collection of internal communications revealing that Democrat insiders communicated with Twitter to suppress The Post’s coverage of Hunter Biden’s laptop ahead of the 2020 presidential election.
Musk said Saturday that he believes there are “more smoking guns” at Twitter he wants to share with the public — but said it’s not clear when the information will be released.