President Zelenskyy stands at 5’7″, Vlad the Impaler about the same. However, Zelenskyy stands much taller in the world view. A diminutive figure before the Russian – Ukraine war, he now stands among the world elite.
President Zelenskyy has shown the world that standing up against a bully is possible. But as we said before, the EU and USA did not have gumption, the nuts to prevent this from happening. Europe is now paying the price in spades. A long cold winter awaits them because of their weakness, NATO included.
However, the United States under Branden is 100% to blame for the invasion. They did not establish a No Fly Zone at the outset. Vlad would not attempt to invade Ukraine under Trump; he would have stood down,
Additionally, the weak Obama allowed Putin to annex Crimea. Another action by Branden, the pullout of Afghanistan manifested weakness which Vlad interpreted as “go ahead” to invade.
But through it all PRESIDENT ZELENSKYY MANNED UP in the face adversity. That is why we chose him as the NBTP Person of the Year.
"Where Revolution is the Solution" Taking back the Empire