This play has gone on long enough, John Q. Public wants answers, for no one is above the law. Tolerating the FBI’s omerta policy is seen its day. The number one priority is to bring Christopher Wray, a deep state operative, an apparatchik protecting those who dwell in the swamp, to testify before the House.  


Hunter Biden probe: 2022 marked fourth year — and counting — of investigation

Story by Brooke Singman • Tuesday

Biden’s DOJ accused of playing hide and seek with Hunter Biden documents

Federal prosecutors in 2022 are wrapped up the fourth year of their investigation into Hunter Biden for possible tax and foreign lobbying violations, false statements and more.

Hunter Biden has been under federal investigation since 2018.

The probe was predicated, in part, by suspicious activity reports (SARs) regarding suspicious foreign transactions. Those SARs, according to sources familiar with the investigation, involved funds from “China and other foreign nations.”

Fox News first reported the existence of some type of investigation involving Hunter Biden in October 2020, ahead of the last presidential election. It became known then that the FBI had subpoenaed the laptop purportedly belonging to Hunter Biden in the course of an existing money laundering investigation.

Logo: The Washington Times

– The Washington Times – Sunday, January 8, 2023

The Justice Department is withholding 400 documents related to Hunter Biden’s overseas business dealings, a Colorado lawyer claims.

Kevin Evans sued the Justice Department in March after it failed to comply with his Freedom of Information Act request for documents pertaining to “any relationship, communication, gift(s), and/or remuneration in any form between President Biden’s son Hunter and brother Jim Biden and China, Russia or Ukraine.”

Mr. Evans told the Daily Mail that the department’s lawyers first admitted to having at least 400 documents potentially related to his request, but now claim they can “neither confirm nor deny” that the documents exist.

The Justice Department did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Described by the Daily Mail as a “FOIA expert,” Mr. Evans filed his request in November 2020 after reading about Hunter Biden’s far-flung business affairs. He later sued the department after it failed to adequately respond to the request.