So Biden is laughing this thing off, like
he has laughed everything in his life off. Biden is ample proof that lies get you elected; George Santos is living proof of this. Democrats have no right to criticize Santos, nor for that matter Trump. One difference between Trump and Biden is that Biden is not only the Mother of Liars, but also a blowhard extraordinaire and a China Monger on top of it.
In fifty years Biden has done nothing but lie, cajole, threaten, steal, hold hostages, but most of all intimidate those who have witnessed his transgressions. We will lay out the facts below regarding the latest STEAL.
Trump was the Ex-President of the United States, he had the right to declassify documents. That is exactly what he did. Biden as V.P. did not have that right. The Weaponized Justice Department, under Garland’s orders, in the dead of night, went rogue when they busted into Mar a Lago, Trumps personal residence. This was on Biden’s orders because Trump is a threat to Biden’s bid for a second term.
During Biden’s search for Top Secret documents, Biden’s attorney’s combed through the garage for Top Secret documents; not so when Trumps residence was raided. A major difference here is that Trump had Secret Service protection 24/7. Biden’s garage did not. And the Biden Center had no such security. Let us look at the creation of this matrix.
In 2018, former vice president Biden announced the creation of the Penn Biden Center, in Washington, D.C., However, in November 2022 Biden’s phalanx was preparing to close down the Penn Biden Center. Why? The aforementioned documents were discovered in November by the president’s personal attorneys when they were packing files housed in a locked closet as they prepared to vacate the office, the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement, according to Biden’s White House lawyer. They were preparing to vacate the space less than five years after Biden had cut the ribbon to unveil it.
So based on the fabricated story up till this time, is obvious from an outside observer that there was crucial Top Secret information located in the closet, But that was not the end of the story, Biden’s garage, which his cocaine addictive lying son had full access, 
was full of more Top Secret Documents. This went beyond the pale, In Trump’s case, the FBI raided his residence; not the case with Biden, his attorney’s combed through the documents before handing them over. This smells like “Lock her Up” scenario, she set the Democrat paradigm for disposing of prima facie evidence that would have sealed the fait for these two lying killers for good. Didn’t happen! America wants to know why there are two justice systems in the United States.
We call for a THUNDER MARCH ON WASHINGTON D.C., to manifest the frustration of law abiding Americans who see the injustice that now pervades our Government. Treating the same situation differently is a Crime itself.