To each and every one of you, we wished you the best for 2023, health, happiness and prosperity. But a word to the wise, there will be major events transpiring in the year ahead, Black Swans 
are ready, willing to appear without warning. Make sure you have your back, because no one else will.
The world is a tinderbox ready to explode at the instant. And when it does, Gold and Silver will be your insurance policy says Kitco News. 
China will eventually make a move on Taiwan, when is the question. Don’t dismiss the lunatic in North Korea whose people are starving while he digests caviar. The right-wing government in Israel is no doubt one step closer from smoking Iran. Turkey’s authoritarian ruler is playing with fire in Syria. Will Biden cut the turkey’s neck? Russia,
has upped the game in Ukraine, but the question remains will this lead to a nuclear event? Will Nato be drawn into war?
Can Branden stop the second round of gas price increases?
Iran is the Russian supplier of drones and other more sophisticated munitions. Will the U.S. give Israel the go-ahead to take out their weapons industry?
But we have more problems at home, for instance the open border, inflation, printing money like the Weimar, a Woke military, a weak
president and all eyes are on the 2024 presidential election. Come August or early September, the table will be set, the players known. Will we stop the steal this time around?
But before the above comes to pass, expect ANTIFA and their cohorts to go on the slash and burn trail. 2022 was only a warm-up appearance.