Harry Truman would have shot that Balloon down in a matter of seconds.
Harry had the chutzpa, but Joe Biden has proved once again that he is a Capon. China is on a quest waiting for Joe’s reaction, this incident is a prelude to them making a move on Taiwan.
Asked if the U.S. government will shoot down the surveillance aircraft, Biden said, “we’re gonna take care of it.”
Yeah, like you took care of the China Virus. 
Nobody believes you Branden. You can’t keep America safe anymore. Impeachment now.
The updated location of the suspected surveillance device comes after Defense Department spokesman Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder said Friday that the balloon, which China claims is a civilian reconnaissance airship that inadvertently drifted off course, had “changed its course” and moved to the central part of the country.
Does Jeff Bezos or Elon Musk have the fire power to take out the Balloon? Come on guys, do America a favor. Do what Joe doesn’t have the intestinal fortitude to do.
What we see now is a China continuing on their mission to threaten the western hemisphere. We know that they have many of our politicians in their pocket, for example, Eric Swalwell.
Five years ago this month, the Philippines won a landmark legal victory over China, concerning territorial incursions in the disputed South China Sea.
A tribunal at the Permanent Court of Arbitration ruled that Beijing had been unlawful in its occupation and blockade of traditional Filipino fishing grounds, including Scarborough Shoal.
The coral reef, roughly the size of Manhattan Island in New York City, is around 140 miles from the Philippine coastline, but since 2012, and despite the tribunal ruling, there has been a constant Chinese Coastguard presence there – with Filipino fishermen reporting harassment by the authorities.
Our Philippines correspondent Howard Johnson, joined a Filipino fishing crew – to take a closer look.
Video journalist: Virma Simonette
You can see more on this story in: Our World – Battle for the South China Sea, this weekend on BBC World News.