New emails uncovered by House Republicans probing the COVID-19 pandemic reveal the deceptive nature of Dr. Anthony Fauci.

They show he “prompted” or commissioned — and had final approval on — a scientific paper written specifically in February 2020 to disprove the theory that the virus leaked from a lab in Wuhan, China.

Eight weeks later, Fauci stood at a White House press conference alongside President Trump and cited that paper as evidence that the lab leak theory was implausible while pretending it had nothing to do with him and he did not know the authors.

“There was a study recently,” he told reporters on April 17, 2020, when asked if the virus could have come from a Chinese lab, “where a group of highly qualified evolutionary virologists looked at the sequences… in bats as they evolve and the mutations that it took to get to the point where it is now is totally consistent with a jump of a species from an animal to a human.

“So, the paper will be available. I don’t have the authors right now, but we can make it available to you.”

Donald Trump, Dr. Fauci, and Dr. Deborah Birx.
In a press conference with then-President Donald Trump and Dr. Fauci, both men cited that the paper’s theory of the lab leak was implausible.
Getty Images

That paper, entitled “The Proximal Origin of SARS-CoV-2” was sent to Fauci for editing in draft form and again for final approval before it was published in Nature Medicine on Feb. 17, 2020.

It was written four days after Fauci, and his NIH boss Francis Collins, held a call with the four authors to discuss reports that COVID-19 may have leaked from the Wuhan lab and “may have been intentionally genetically manipulated”.

The House Oversight subcommittee published emails Sunday in which the paper’s co-author Dr. Kristian Andersen admits Fauci “prompted” him to write the paper with the goal of “disprove” the lab leak theory.


Bankruptcies galore, foreclosures, car repo man busier than ever. Who would expect this to be the new normal. What is the cause? We have had a volcanic eruption in interest rates during the past twelve months, from almost zero to 5%. Yes 5%, do you believe it? James Powell, the Sachem (big chief) at the FED, is in a bloody battle with the Inflation Tiger. Our take is that in the end the Sachem will win. This poses a question on what will happen come election time in 2024?

The interest rate hikes have decimated the bond market to such a degree, they suffered their largest losses in history. The twenty year bond rate has catapulted from 2.23% to 4.14% today, passing 4.45% six moths ago. In relation to value, the bond has imploded by 47%. Who said treasury bonds are safe?  So, now what is the future.

Another reasons to increase the interest rate was due to the 32 trillion in debt we have built up. If rates remained at prehistoric levels the Almighty Dollar would have imploded even more. As it is, the dollar is losing value by the day. Any human with a beating heart realizes today’s cost of goods; affectively the dollar has lost value in purchasing power. This was built into the deck, more printing of fiat currency, the less they are worth. Printing finally caught up with us.

What remains to be seen is the continuation of the dollar printing charade. Will it continue ad infinitum? Sooner or later the dollar price in gold will reflect the largesse. However, we bring to light the effect the interest rate revival has had on those who have provide funds to the debtors. For instance, if rates have been at 5% all along, there would have been no need to lower the rates to zero. And why is that? Because those with cash were robbed of their life savings. Now the chickens have come home to roost.

The ten trillion in savings/money market accounts are now drowning in five hundred billion in interest per year. This is the fuel needed to propel the economy into growth mode going forward. Retirees, now have money to burn, buying new cars, remodeling their home, gifting to children and grand children, taking vacations and frequenting restaurants.

Bottom line here,  the FED never needed to drop rates to near zero. Who benefitted, those without a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of. They are the ones who are now going broke. When it is all told they will realize their mistake. 


Controversial school board member from Libya endorsed curriculum that removes ‘Islamic terror’ from 9/11 history lessons

School board member Abrar Omeish has previously been accused of ‘cruel’ and ‘callous’ rhetoric relating to 9/11

Fairfax, Virginia, school board member recommended curriculum materials for teachers to use for their lesson plans which opposed using terms such as “radical Islamic terror,” “Islamic terrorists” and “jihadists” when discussing the history of the Sept. 11 attacks.

Abrar Omeish is a school board member and Georgetown law student who has become marred in controversy over a series of controversial statements. In one instance, she refused to vote on a motion to commemorate 9/11 victims.

Fox News Digital found that in 2021 Omeish recommended public school teachers use a “culturally responsive” curriculum guide for their lesson plans about 9/11 history.

Virginia school board member says Iwo Jima comments were ‘misrepresented,’ backlash rooted in Islamophobia

An embattled school district in Virginia has been ground zero for controversial public school education policies and one member of the school board has frequently made headlines for her left-wing talking points.

Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) board member Abrar Omeish has sparked outrage among parents in recent years for her comments about capitalism, racism, white supremacy and American history.

During a school board meeting last week, the 28-year-old Muslim school board member described the Battle of Iwo Jima as “unfortunate” and “evil” while discussing the Day of Remembrance that commemorates the victims of Japanese American internment during World War II and coincides with the US invasion of Iwo Jima, which occurred on Feb. 19, 1945.

“Just a few days ago was Japanese Day of Remembrance,” Omeish said during the meeting. “Something for us to certainly reflect on … the days when, you know, Iwo Jima unfortunately happened and set a record for really what, I hate to say, human evil is capable of.”

The Battle of Iwo Jima, in which almost 7,000 American service members died trying to capture the island from the imperial Japanese army, is considered a significant US victory in World War II.


President Biden was criticized for letting out a laugh as he discussed a mother who lost her two children to fentanyl overdoses in 2020.

Biden chuckled while discussing the situation during the House Democratic Caucus Issues Conference in Baltimore, Maryland on Wednesday night.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., pinned blame on the government for failing to stop the inflow of illicit drugs into America during a House hearing on the southern border crisis. Her comments were in response to testimony from Rebecca Kiessling, whose two sons died on July 29, 2020, due to fentanyl poisoning. According to the Detroit News, the two consumed what they thought were Percocet pills but contained fentanyl.


We knew it was coming. The controversial mayor of Chicago was bloodied at the voting booth, her career is buried like those who were killed on her watch. During her tenure murders in the meat town reached an all time high. Bet she is proud of the killing machines that run will on the Southside. One could say that the tarnished mayor is now RED MEATButchering a Deer - Jessica Hits the Road

Lightfoot is out, Vallas and Johnson are in — the April runoff

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Mayor Lori Lightfoot finished third in Tuesday’s election with 16.89% of the vote, behind former Chicago Public Schools CEO Paul Vallas at 33.95% and Cook County Commissioner Brandon Johnson with 20.32%.