Monthly Archives: April 2023
In case you haven’t heard, the gang bangers are now coming to the “burbs. Yes, just like the Holy Rollers who appear at your door, preaching the Book of Mormon, the bangers are now spreading their enterprise to more fertile territory.
You don’t believe us, check out the following. Truth may help you understand how Goebbels and Hitler got away with their lies. The victim is always at a disadvantage, particularly when the victim is an unknown but “Authority” has Respectability. In this case “Authority” is the Black Perpetrator or “Guilty White Liberal” seeking repentance or a “Black DA, Judge or Prosecutor. Think of the Jussie Smelly case where we finally got justice. But justice hasn’t been served on those innocents who have been killed, mugged or raped.
But for Smollett, lying was not a crime according to Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx who inexplicably recused herself after pressuring prosecutors to drop the charges. Yesterday Smollett was exonerated, his record wiped clean like Hillary’s. Well, Well, Well! How did this happen? CLICK HERE TO UNDERSTAND HOW PEOPLE IN POWER, LIVE ABOVE THE LAW. In this case it was none other than ex President Obama who mad the call to Foxx through a little known lawyer who previously served as an assistant to President Obama.
Just when it looked as though former Empire star Jussie Smollett may have dodged the criminal charges that were filed last year and later dropped in the controversial case in which he allegedly faked an assault, he’s back in court again. This time, a Chicago grand jury indicted Smollett on six new charges as of Tuesday, which, according to court documents, allege that the actor “planned and participated” in staging a hate crime against himself.
A jury in Cook County, Ill., has found actor Jussie Smollett guilty of felony disorderly conduct for staging a fake hate crime nearly three years ago.
Prosecutors said the former Empire star arranged for two men to attack him, wrap a noose around his neck and douse him with bleach in downtown Chicago, yelling racist and homophobic slurs — and that Smollett repeatedly lied to the police about the incident.
The verdict was announced Thursday, days after Smollett took the witness stand to tell the jury, “there was no hoax.”
Jurors deliberated for a little more than nine hours over two days before finding Smollett guilty on five of the six counts he faced, which were related to a false report he gave on the day of the attack. He was acquitted on one count of giving a false report to police at a later date.
Back to ANARCHY. Yes, the spread of anarchy to the suburbs is real and a threat to those who seek peace and quiet in their daily lives. It is also True that Blacks are moving into the suburbs too.
Crime spills into dozens of Minneapolis suburbs, sparking fear among residents
Crime is spilling into some Minneapolis suburbs and causing anxiety among residents, a recent data analysis found.
“A large number of crimes can be a one-person crime wave, particularly in a suburban area with a relatively small population,” Chris Uggen, professor and criminologist at the University of Minnesota told the Star Tribune. “The numbers then go up, and the fear goes up, but it can still be a relatively small number of people who are actually doing the activities.”
Violent crimes have surged in Minneapolis and St. Paul, with a combined record 135 homicides last year, the outlet reported. While violent crimes in the suburbs of the Twin Cities have not reached the same levels, data compiled by the Star Tribune examining 50 of the largest suburbs over the last five years finds homicides have increased in some suburbs.
A combined 51 homicides were recorded in 2021 across suburban areas – with the majority occurring in northern metro suburbs – compared to 22 in 2019. The majority of suburbs did not see an increase in violent crimes, but nearly all suburbs saw increases in property crimes, such as car and catalytic converter thefts, the report found.
From the NY Times, Crime is growing in the Suburbs.
As Suburbia Surges, Violence Tags Along
from WAPO |
Rising crime comes to the suburbs
One aspect of the rise in violent crime in the Twin Cities has been the increase in carjackings. On November 5, Kare 11 reported that Minneapolis has seen 457 carjackings this year — that’s up 319 percent from 104 in 2019. In St. Paul, there have been 80 carjackings so far in this year.
But this rise in violent crime, if unchecked, will not restrict itself to the urban core of the Twin Cities. If not tackled, it will spread. There are signs that this is already happening.
Yesterday, KSTP reported that between 8:15 p.m. and 9 p.m. on Monday night:
A Blue Jaguar sedan was taken from Target West by people armed with handguns. In an update later Tuesday, police said the sedan was recovered by the Ramsey County Sheriff’s Office, with help from the Minnesota State Patrol and Minneapolis police.
Then, a Honda Accord was taken from a business near Eagle Creek Lane. Police said later Tuesday that this vehicle has not yet been recovered.
Police said the suspects in those two incidents arrived in a 2014 gray Honda Pilot and a black BMW X1.
After that, police said armed suspects robbed a person at a Chick-Fil-A near Valley Creek Road and Woodlane Drive.
Police said the victims of the Woodbury incidents were not physically hurt.
Woodbury wasn’t the only city unaffected on Monday: KSTP reports that police also reported an attempted armed robbery at the Hy-Vee off North 10th Street in Oakdale.
WCCO reported:
Bev Berchem lives in Oakdale and frequents the shopping area that was targeted.
“It’s not just in the inner cities anymore, it’s stretching out and it gets scary,” she said. “You don’t know where to go.”
Residents of much of the state have been able to look at the mounting chaos in the Twin Cities and feel the relative safety that comes from distance. They will not be able to indefinitely.
As if we don’t have enough to worry about when it comes to maintaining our cars, getting a catalytic converter lock is probably not on everyone’s list.
One thing a lot of people in New Jersey have done is install a home security system.
Investing in a home security system is one of the best ways to keep your home secure. A home security system can alert you to any potential threats and will give you peace of mind.
One in four homes in America have security cameras.
It’s pretty common in New Jersey neighborhoods for plenty of people to have a Ring Doorbell security system. They’re a lot easier to install yourself than older security systems.
Read More: Are New Jersey’s suburbs seeing more crime? |
YOU SHOULD BE IN RAGE – Soon police with determine if you are a Republican, if so, they will find a CRIME TO FIT THE MAN. Pulled over by the police, oh Republican, guilty as charged. 
“LOCK HER UP” drew controversy by using a private email server for official public communications rather than using official State Department email accounts maintained on federal servers.
After a years-long FBI investigation, it was determined that Clinton’s server did not contain any information or emails that were clearly marked classified. Federal agencies did, however, retrospectively determine that 100 emails contained information that should have been deemed classified at the time they were sent, including 65 emails deemed “Secret” and 22 deemed “Top Secret”. An additional 2,093 emails were retroactively designated confidential by the State Department.
Experts, officials, and members of Congress contended that Clinton’s use of a private email system and a private server violated federal law, specifically 18 U.S. Code § 1924, regarding the unauthorized removal and retention of classified documents or materials, as well as State Department protocols and procedures, and regulations governing recordkeeping.
FBI director James Comey announced that the FBI investigation had concluded that Clinton had been “extremely careless” but recommended that no charges be filed because Clinton did not act with criminal intent, the historical standard for pursuing prosecution.
Let us be clear here, she utilized her own server; for what purpose? For Deception, for bribery, for foreign contacts, for shakedowns, for the Clinton Foundation, for setting up the Russian Hoax, for murder.
No charges were ever brought.
The Special Counsel’s report, made public in April 2019, examined numerous contacts between the Trump campaign and Russian officials but concluded that there was insufficient evidence to bring any conspiracy or coordination charges against Trump or his associates.
After a year and a half, this incompetent Mueller, found no evidence that Trump colluded with Russia or any of their spy-plants. Although Clinton initiated the Russian hoax through the hiring of British intelligence officer Robert Steele, there never was a follow-up on “Lock her up.” Her attempt to sabotage the 2016 election was one of the greatest cover-up scandals in the History of the United States. This was a Deep State Cover-up by lying bureaucrats from the Democrat party falsifying records to bring a FISA probe against Trump, his immediate family and members of his executive team.
We are not through though with outing the CRIMINAL DEMOCRATS. Take for instance John Podesta’s punk brother. Remember John headed Hillary Clinton’s campaign. He went Brown Pants the nigh the election returns were coming in. His brother, Tony was a wheeler dealer, who violated Federal Law regarding lobbying for a foreign power by never registering with our government.
Tony Podesta is viewed as one of the most prominent Democratic lobbyists in Washington. His firm, the Podesta Group, has been a subject of special counsel Robert Mueller‘s investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election in part because of its work on behalf of foreign interests. The spokesperson told ABC News that the Podesta Group “filed the appropriate public disclosures of its representation” of the nonprofit group called the European Centre for a Modern Ukraine in 2012.
The finding of the Laptop was a Dream Come True for the Republicans. The information provided proved beyond a reasonable doubt the incestuous relationship the Bidens had with Russia, China and Ukraine. Remember the quote, “my son did nothing wrong.” What a big fat lie from Branden, whose family shook-down everybody and everyone for all they could get.
October 2020, a controversy emerged involving data from a laptop that belonged to Hunter Biden that was abandoned at a Delaware computer shop in 2019. Three weeks before the 2020 United States presidential election, the New York Post published a story presenting emails from the laptop, alleging they showed corruption by Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden. The story was based on information provided by Rudy Giuliani, the personal attorney of incumbent president and candidate Donald Trump. Forensic analysis later authenticated some of the data on the laptop, including one of two key emails used by the Post in their initial reporting.[1][2]
Trump attempted to turn the story into an October surprise to hurt Joe Biden’s campaign, saying he had acted corruptly regarding Ukraine while in office.[3][4][5] The hard drive data had been shared with the FBI and Republican operatives such as Trump advisor Steve Bannon before it became publicly known.[6]
PolitiFact wrote in June 2021 that, while “over time, there has been less doubt that the laptop did in fact belong to Hunter Biden”, the laptop “was real in the sense that it exists, but it didn’t prove much”, as “[n]othing from the laptop has revealed illegal or unethical behavior by Joe Biden as vice president with regard to his son’s tenure as a director for Burisma“.[7]