Jewish voters cast their ballot 90% of the time for Democrats. Why? We can’t hazard a guess. On top of that, the likes of Up-Chuck Schumer
and Jerry Nadler,
do everything in their power to give safe harbor to the likes of AOC and the carpet bomber from Somalia, Ilhan Omar. They also protect the rest of the Suicide Squad. All of them are despicable human beings.
The other Muslim House members consistently spit out trope after trope in their attempt to denigrate Israel and Jews as a whole. Yet, the Jewish voter looks the other way.
Haven’t we reached a point where they see what is happening? Yes, we are talking about the Fuhrer and his scheme to target the Jews. He insisted that they controlled the banks, the manufacturers, the press, the libraries, the arts etc. Jewish business were targeted on Kristallnacht, then the burning of academic books, mostly written by Jews, then his SS troops took over the press. And before you know it escape from the Rhineland was impossible.
Can’t these Jewish Democrats see it happening here? We thought they had open minds, didn’t they say, “NEVER AGAIN?” Well, it is time they recognized the internal threat before to their existence today, tomorrow is too late. BUT ARE THEY SMART ENOUGH?
"Where Revolution is the Solution" Taking back the Empire