Georgia Democrat calls out own party for opposing school choice, prioritizing migrants over inner city kids

Georgia Rep. Mainor said she’s ‘just getting started’ to call out hypocrisy from her party

(COPY AND PASTE: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/georgia-democrat-calls-party-opposing-school-choice-prioritizing-migrants-inner-city-kids



The Latino/Hispanic invasion continues without a word from major Black organizations. Where is the leadership, where is the Black Caucus, where is the NAACP? The influx of illegals from Latin America during the past three decades has marginalized the Black community. No longer are they a force to be reckoned with in the Democrat party, their power succeeded to the Latino/Hispanic cabal. All of this was done under the cover of racism. The Black leaders never realized or even if they did, none spoke out against this invasion. They were taken for granted that equal rights meant for all, even those with no gripe. According to latest estimates, there are 35,000,000 Hispanics residing in the USA, this includes Mexican, Cubans, Puerto Ricans and those from other countries; this is almost equivalent to 36,000,000 Blacks or those who are African American. The Blacks are now on the threshold of being marginalized.

Blacks have been clamoring for their rights ever since the founding, but the major thrust began after the Civil Rights bill of 1960 became law, this was subsequent to the Civil Rights Act of 1957 but preceded the 1964 and 1965 Acts. Since then Blacks have made great strides, however monies that were initially intended for them were side tracked to the Hispanic community. Bilingual education became paramount. Instead of the focus helping Black children in their childhood years funds became diverted. But now a new element has swallowed up more funds initially intended for Blacks. We are talking about bringing in refugees from foreign lands with a history of being anti-Christian and anti-Semitic. However, to ascertain the full impact one must look at the cost. And that cost to integrate these foreigners will run into the trillions.


(click)Preferences for such people are entirely legal. The federal government’s definition of “Hispanic” for both the census and affirmative action guidelines is, “a person of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Central or South American, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race. Since preferences apply “regardless of race,” a person qualifies for affirmative action even if every one of his Latin American ancestors was a white slave owner. And slavery was much more brutal in Latin America than in British North America.

In the first two decades of affirmative action (the 1960s and 1970s) its rationale was to redress the effects of slavery and post-slavery anti-black discrimination. During this period, “black” and “minority” were used interchangeably, and arguments about affirmative action were about whether past anti-black discrimination justified present discrimination preferences

At the beginning of the 1960s, when white Americans tried to come to terms with the legacy of slavery, unelected government bureaucrats included Hispanics in the same “minority” category as blacks. Neither the public nor Congress discussed or even noticed this bizarre categorization because Hispanics were then such a small percentage of the population. Minority status, in turn, resulted in relabeling Hispanics as deserving non-whites and generating a myth that Hispanics had suffered the same type of discrimination as Blacks.

So where do we stand today. A reminder that Blacks deserve their due, the Hispanics do not. Blacks fought valiantly in the Civil War, WWI, WWII, Korea and Viet Nam. Not to say that natural born Hispanics did not, but they were not discriminated against, they were not prevented to vote, they were not enslaved.

Click here for “National Council of la Raza” Effectively this socialist organization’s philosophy is simple, “take from the rich give to the poor, demand placement for Latinos in jobs in the name of diversity when a more qualified person (white in most cases) has the better credentials and last but not least, fight for the right of illegal aliens to not only stay in the United States, but to give them free everything.

Click here for Jorge Ramos quipping that there is no invasion of the United States.

“There is no invasion. No one is invading the United States,” Mr. Ramos said. “Mexicans are not invading the United States. The undocumented population has remained stable at about 11 million for the last decade. So those are the positive things. The negative is that this is the ‘Trump effect.’ This is created because of the policies of fear, and xenophobia and cruelty.”

The Univision star sent a different message on Fox News just one day earlier. Mr. Ramos told told Tucker Carlson on March 8 that America, for all intents and purposes, belongs to anyone who crosses the border — legally or illegally.

So we call for the BLACK LEADERS to break away from the past PARADIGM and look to the future where your voice will be heard; if you don’t do it now, you will never have a voice again. Please shout as loud as you can, your future is at stake. Your community has gone in reverse, progress is at the very least a standstill.  The marauding bands of Hispanic/Latino leaders have usurped your hard work and no pun intended, “BLACKENED YOUR LEGACY.”