The indictment of Donald Trump is a detailed recounting of his decisions to keep classified documents and to involve others in his alleged refusal to come clean about everything he had.

Based on a grand jury search warrant, federal agents raided Mar-a-Lago and the evidence they gathered was bolstered with FBI interviews of Trump aides, employees and even his lawyers.

Weaving in seized texts and emails from key moments, prosecutors have created a compelling picture of their case, with Trump’s personality and habits of deception coming through loud and clear in the 49-page charging document.

However, I believe that if federal prosecutors had empaneled a grand jury and obtained a search warrant for Joe Biden’s properties and if FBI agents had put his aides, employees and lawyers under oath, scoured their phones and emails and confronted them with evidence to get them to talk, agents would have found that Biden knowingly kept classified documents for many years in his homes and offices, including in the four years between his being vice president and president.

Honest agents unencumbered by any political bias of their own or their bosses’ might also have discovered that Hunter Biden and other family members and associates had access to the supposedly secret documents and possibly used them in drawing up their lucrative business schemes with foreign officials and businesses.

Donald Trump
Former President Trump said Saturday he “will never yield” to President Biden’s “Stalinist” tactics, his first comments since the unsealing of a 49-page, 37-count federal indictment on charges of mishandling classified documents.
Getty Images
Hunter Biden
Hunter Biden and other family members and associates reportedly had access to supposedly secret documents and possibly used them in drawing up lucrative business schemes with foreign officials.
Ouzounova / Shutterstock

Instead, a special counsel assigned to the case appears to be about as vigorous as Joe.

I also believe that had the Department of Justice empaneled a grand jury and executed a search warrant on Hillary Clinton’s home and offices in 2013 or 2014 and seized her private computer server, phones and electronic devices, along with the devices of her aides and interviewed her lawyers under oath, FBI agents would have found many thousands of unsecured critical documents that were still in her possession long after she left the Department of State.

As it was, more than 2,000 documents deemed to be classified, top secret or confidential were recovered from her devices in 2015 and 2016, despite the fact that Clinton deleted some 33,000 emails she claimed were not work-related.

Although the FBI oddly accepted her claim, then-Director James Comey said Clinton was wrong to use a private server and there was evidence she and aides were “extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information.”

“None of these e-mails should have been on any kind of unclassified system,” Comey said before suddenly changing course and adding: “Although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information, our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case.”

James Comey
Then-FBI Director James Comey said Hillary Clinton was wrong to use a private server and there was evidence she and her aides were “extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information.”

Comey was out of line in publicly recommending against prosecution, but got away with it — and so did Clinton.

It probably didn’t hurt either one that Attorney General Loretta Lynch worked in the Justice Department under President Bill Clinton and that Bill and Loretta just happened to meet during the probe in an Arizona airport and have a private conversation about, you know, golf and grandkids.

Tale of three candidates

F. Scott Fitzgerald once wrote that “the test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time, and still retain the ability to function.”

For my money, that neatly sums up the challenge presented by the Trump indictment.

While his case will ultimately rise or fall on its merits, it is indisputable that Trump is being treated far more harshly than either Biden or Clinton were under very similar circumstances.

All three kept classified documents where and when they shouldn’t have.

Only one is being prosecuted.

All three ran for president, but only one had his campaign spied on by the FBI, an action later found to be unwarranted.

And only one was the victim of nonstop FBI leaks to the media alleging collusion with a foreign power that helped undermine his presidency, even though many of the leaks were found to be misinformation.

Does it matter that the one person subjected to these extreme measures by the government and media is a Republican, while the other two are Democrats?

Only a fool or a liar would deny the obvious.



WASHINGTON — The FBI source who reported President Biden’s alleged role in a bribery scheme said that a Ukrainian businessman claimed to keep as “insurance” 15 audio recordings of first son Hunter Biden and two of Joe Biden, a Republican senator revealed Monday.

Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) made the staggering claim in a Senate floor speech after FBI Director Christopher Wray last week allowed House Oversight Committee members to see a redacted informant file about the claim that Hunter and then-Vice President Joe Biden received $5 million apiece to serve the interests of Burisma Holdings owner Mykola Zlochevsky.

“Congress still lacks a full and complete picture with respect to what that document really says. That’s why it’s important that the document be made public without unnecessary redactions for the American people to see,” said Grassley, accusing the bureau of needlessly redacting information about the recordings from the file shared with House lawmakers.

“Let me assist for purposes of transparency,” the 89-year-old went on. “The 1023 [form] produced to that House Committee redacted reference that the foreign national who allegedly bribed Joe and Hunter Biden allegedly has audio recordings of his conversations with them. Seventeen total recordings.

Burisma Holdings owner Mykola Zlochevsky


The Criminals in government will stop and nothing to prevent Trump from winning a second term. They fraudulently stopped him in 2020, but in 2024 he is Coming Back to finish the job. Only he can purge the swamp criminals,  who are one step away from those who disagree with them, by putting the into internment camps; the same thing that China is doing to the Uyghurs.  Stop the steal

You don’t think it is possible? Step back for a second. Think about it, Biden, Clinton and Pence all have retained the so called “top secret” memos. Nothing has happened to them. No bracelets on them. And the cocaine, lying front man for the Big man, not arrested yet for fraud, for stealing government property, for shaking down our adversaries.

And Branden, a criminal who puts Al Capone to shame. Remember Scarface was sent to jail on tax evasion. You don’t see that happening to Cocaine Criminal Hunter, who by the way was thrown out of the service for pushing, selling and using cocaine. 

Former President Trump issues fiery response to Biden DOJ indictment




The Branden administration has forced down America’s throat the teaching of CRT, the 1691 Project, the elimination of gas stoves, now they are attacking your furnace. His administration has embraced the LBGTQ+ community with vigor. In fact, his energy floozie was a Manshee.


not a Banshee, but a Manshee. California has already eliminated gas appliances and in the decade to come all new vehicles must be electric, no gasoline fueled vehicles are to be sold.

Biden admin is preparing to target Americans’ gas furnaces amid stove crackdown

Between 40-60% of the current residential furnaces on the market currently would be prohibited under the proposed regulation

The Biden administration is expected to soon finalize regulations restricting which home gas-powered furnaces consumers are able to purchase in the future.

According to experts, the regulations — proposed in June 2022 by the Department of Energy (DOE) — would restrict consumer choice, drive prices higher and likely have a low impact on greenhouse gas emissions. The agency could finalize the rules targeting residential gas furnaces, which more than 50% of American households rely on for space heating, at any point over the upcoming weeks.

“This is a classic example of one size not fitting all,” Ben Lieberman, a senior fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute, told Fox News Digital in an interview. “Every home is different, every homeowner is different and people are best off having a wide range of choices. They can work with their contractor to make the best decision for their home and their circumstances.”


What the school made this young girl say is so graphically disgusting that I can’t even put it in writing.

A teacher forced a 15-year-old girl to perform a pornographic monologue in front of the whole class. Then school officials lied to the child’s mother. And worst of all, the school board BANNED the mother from reading to them the words her daughter was forced to say in front of the class, cutting off her mic.
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