Monthly Archives: July 2023
We knew the latest member of the Supreme Court would be to the left of all those Libtards who came before her, but never in our dreams did we realize how left leaning this savage is. In the latest case concerning Affirmative Action her views were so far left that she was even called out by members of the Black Community.
Now get this, “For high-risk Black newborns, having a Black physician more than doubles the likelihood that the baby will live, and not die,” Jackson wrote as one example.
In a Wall Street Journal op-ed this week, Ted Frank, a senior attorney at Hamilton Lincoln Law Institute, responded directly to Jackson’s claim, lambasting the justice for making a mathematical error.
“A moment’s thought should be enough to realize that this claim is wildly implausible,” wrote Frank, who filed an amicus brief in support of Students for Fair Admissions. “Imagine if 40% of black newborns died — thousands of dead infants every week. But even so, that’s a 60% survival rate, which is mathematically impossible to double. And the actual survival rate is over 99%. How could Justice Jackson make such an innumerate mistake?”
Justice Jackson “uses her broad observations about statistical relationships between race and select measures of health, wealth, and well-being to label all blacks as victims.”
Democratic Sen. Chris Murphy of Connecticut put a finer point on it on Friday. “This Supreme Court: Six right wing politicians, masquerading as judges, gleefully imposing their politics on the country by fiat,” he tweeted.
Murphy, epitomizes the scum bag extraordinaire; he dances with the Suicide Bombers, beds with the suicide bombers and kisses up to the radical ideology of Judge Jackson, who by the way is the most racist judge ever to sit on a court. Judges like her are responsible for the killing in Democrat cities such as Chicago, NY, Saint Louis, Baltimore and Philadelphia.
We have a question for the Judge, if Whites are guilty of racism as she describes it, why even attempt to go to Harvard where the professors and students are mostly White?
There is a solution to Affirmative Action. Judge Jackson sees Racism as the bottom line fault for all injustices. We recommend that she and her racist friends tap the wallets of those athletes who command multi-million dollar salaries. With the billions in-hand she and her racist cauldron of individuals can build an All Black College staffed with the brightest Black professors. This way, affirmative action would become a non issue.
So they found the Peruvian Lady in the White House. No fooling! This called into action the Secret Service; their Mission was to determine how she got in. From past experience it is obvious. She was able to make it through security by entering the BACK DOOR – you fools, why no security there?
A hand shake was all that was needed to accomplish the task. The Cocaine Hunter slipped a few “C” notes to the valet, also laced with “Blow” so he would keep his eyes shut and mouth closed.
Hunter kept a STASH there, available when visiting the Big Man, like every day for a fix. Both of them partied together. Joe took a liking to the stuff when he was holed up during his 2020 campaign. That explains why POTUS is such a BLOW, addicted to Nose Candy like his son. In this case it is “father like son, not son like father.
Sandra Day O’Connor said this day will come and it has exploded onto the scene. The Supreme Court of the United States struck down “affirmative action” when it comes to choosing who gets accepted in college. “Merit”, is a word the losers of this world can’t digest.
The Court said that to use “color” in determining who is admitted into college is discriminatory; by giving one a racial preference over another is against the law. The striking down of affirmative action set the liberals into a mental breakdown.
In her opinion in Grutter v. Bollinger, Justice Sandra Day O’Connor concluded that affirmative action in college admissions is justifiable, but not in perpetuity: “We expect that 25 years from now, the use of racial preferences will no longer be necessary to further the interest [in student body diversity] approved today.”
We don’t sympathize with those who have been given a free lunch. This has gone on way to far; for those who have been shut out or in this case been shoved to the back of the bus, they are celebrating today’s victory. In a nut shell, one segment of the population values hard work, studies diligently, values educational opportunities, but another segment has been pampered, socially promoted, sanctioned, curved, but above all they have received benefits not available to all comers. With that being said, they believed that they had the wherewithal to succeed. That being the case, then we shall see if they can stand on their own two feet. Society does not owe them a favor. They can’t have their cake and eat it too. By the decision of SCOTUS, we will find out if they have been cutoff at the knees. Therefore, those who have been patronized for decades will have to make it on their own
The Issue: The Supreme Court’s decision ruling against race-based affirmative action in colleges.
Does anyone really believe that the cure for racism is more racism (“Justice is color blind,” June 30)?
The Supreme Court correctly decided this case, and the decision should come as no surprise to anyone who has read the 14th Amendment.
Justice Sonia Sotomayor in her dissent said the court’s decision “closes the door of opportunity that the Court’s precedents helped open to young students of every race,” but this case was in part brought on behalf of Asian students who were denied admission. Are they not a minority?
And what few seem to acknowledge (and you would never know it from the opinions of the liberal minority): Affirmative action was never intended to be in place forever. Good riddance to bad policy that demeans minority students.
In ruling against affirmative action in college admissions, the Supreme Court has recognized that a meritocracy is an essential component of a true democracy.
Discrimination against any individual solely based on race is a blatant injustice that engenders divisiveness.
A merit-driven standard for personal achievement is not only equitable and objective, but it incentivizes the individual to strive diligently to achieve his or her goal.
Denis David
East Rockaway
As we celebrate Independence Day on July 4 it is important to remember the days leading up to our break from Great Britain.
Click here for the story of the 4th of July.
WHEN in the Course of human Events, it becomes necessary for one People to dissolve the Political Bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the Powers of the Earth, the separate and equal Station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent Respect to the Opinions of Mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the Separation.
WE hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness—That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient Causes; and accordingly all Experience hath shewn, that Mankind are more disposed to suffer, while Evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long Train of Abuses and Usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a Design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their Right, it is their Duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future Security. Such has been the patient Sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the Necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The History of the present King of Great-Britain is a History of repeated Injuries and Usurpations, all having in direct Object the Establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid World.
Those of us know that we are closer to the “abolish” the present government than most people realize. God only know what event will trigger the 2nd revolution. But we do know that “REVOLUTION IS THE SOLUTION” to the tyranny we now live under.
December 14, 1799) was the first President of the United States (1789–97), the Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War, and one of the Founding Fathers of the United States. He presided over the convention that drafted the current United States Constitution and during his lifetime was called the “father of his country”
Burisma boss in alleged Biden bribe scheme claims to have 15 taped conversations with Hunter, 2 with Joe: Grassley
Teaching a stone is a fool’s errand. Educator will agree on this, most will not hesitate to tell you about the difficulty of getting the same results from a global universe. The majority of students exposed to the same input struggle interpreting, then digesting it in a meaningful way, resulting in a comprehension space that is 180 degrees from one another; top tier is 10% at best. The explanation of the wide range of comprehension can be explained by genes, yes DNA. Numerous studies by world renowned scientists, genealogists, biologists have concluded that all brains are not created equal. In today’s world where “equity” is demanded, not equality, we see this as a euphemism for divisiveness of cultures. Ethnicity, in many respects has proven to be a accurate way of determining the upper echelon in today’s fast paced technological world, but that doesn’t register with the culture clashers. Ethnicity also has subsets that confirm the empirical evidence because others in that space are left behind. To fend for themselves these mental dwarfs rely on the political class to do their bidding.
Today’s aggressive sub groups can be broken down by common interests not only by ethnicity aka as nationality to some. The proof is manifested in the success of Silicon Valley. Workers from various countries, ones that have been at war for centuries or are still at war today, coalesce, cooperate and collaborate for the good. Their clan attitude dissolving in milliseconds. The final result, the goal is what counts, that being success. Finding a solution to a problem overweighs their past biases, racist thinking and cultural differences. With the conflagration of past clashes put aside, great strides have been made. Scientific discoveries of one kind or another are the result of cooperation between ethnic groups. Today, this is happening all over the world. The democracy of ideas leads to success across several fronts.
However, all are not equal. Because one person in a specific ethnic group has succeeded beyond expectations, doesn’t mean we expect all to do the same. Apples do not fall far from the tree. This is a fact of life. Study after study have demonstrated this, but to no avail. Those who dismiss empirical evidence, the naysayers, are their own worst enemy. They don’t see the true facts as being true. This ideological grouping is the enemy of the people. Who are they: Socialists, Libtards, political hacks and those who pull the Race Card at every turn.
We want to be crystal clear here. Facts are facts, empirical evidence supports these facts, but criminal politicians against individualism turn a blind eye to them. We provide you with an example. Dog breeds have been tested for intelligence; certain breeds always rise to the top. No need to list them all, but the sheltie, retriever, shepherd and poodle are the hierarchy of top brainiac dogs. You don’t hear the owner’s of those down on the list protest, do you? This is the same with humans, all are not created equal. To think an educator can influence the intelligence of a human beyond their biological capability is Neanderthal thinking. We advise those who ‘think-not’ to read the voluminous tomes that explicitly provide facts, figures and hard evidence proving such theories. They aren’t theories once proven, they are facts. At this point science cannot be denied.
There are those who deny the theory of eugenics. However, once a theory is now proving to be going mainstream. Eugenics has been associated with zero population growth (ZPG). The application on populations where poverty exists and other sub-human characteristics has been disavowed by many of past and also today’s dim-witted politicians. But the world population has reached the state of no return. More people, more pollution! Something has to give. That brings us to “critical race theory (CRT)” which says that the White Race stymies the advancement of people of color. Defining CRT says the hypocrites among us say it is inherently racist and that race itself, instead of being biologically grounded and natural, is a socially constructed concept that is used by white people to further their economic and political interests at the expense of people of color. Of course this canard is another one used by the socialist cabal that includes those who apologize for past inequities. Pale Face must pay, they are guilty for crimes against humanity. Their colonial past has subjugated us, turned us into slaves. Therefore we have carried this burden with us forever. “If you give us equity all will be alright.” So money will solve the problem. How so? Increase your brain cells? Yeah right! Man has to know his limitations.
But again we refer to the statistics that prove beyond a reasonable doubt that all brains are not created equal. Everyone is not an Einstein, Darwin, Ramanujan, Curie, Leibniz, Bose, Gasparov Emeagwali, Bacon, Tesla, da Vinci and Newton. Educators believe that they can make you into one. Once again, we repeat the old saying, you cannot put lipstick on a pig and call it a pig. They just don’t get it. These unruly retards will be the first to bare the brunt of incarceration upon the return of law. The likes of Pelosi, Schumer, Biden, Waters, Cortez, Schitt, Nadler, Harris to name a few will feel the scalpel of justice once and for all. Lobotomy is the cure for social elitists.
The criminalocracy aka Democrats do not believe in the Constitution. Their demented pea brains do not subscribe to the theory that all men/women are created equal, yes created equal, not created equal equitable. Their misinterpretation of this statement results in their thinking that struggles, do to racism, are denying people of color their equitable rights. They are wrong, dead wrong. For example, the hierarchy of Mexican intellectuals proves it. Mexico has a very dynamic middle and upper class. Those at the bottom rung of the ladder have not succeeded due to the limits of their DNA to think above the margin. Those that break into our country will not add to the gene pool, they will dilute it. Additionally, top echelon scientists, doctors, engineers from Nigeria debase their conclusions. Look to Afghan and Pakistani doctors who man hospitals, are they discriminated against? How about the Vietnamese rice picker who came here after the war, is he/she not fulfilling a lifelong dream as a math professor? Those of the Jewish persuasion have been discriminated against from day one, do you hear a peep out of them? So what goes? The simple truth is that the liberal elite are power hungry scam artists who seek control of the lives of Americans. Their mission is to destroy what is right about America. Their disdain for individualism, liberty, truth, justice and democracy is well known. If things were so bad here why is that millions are waiting in line to come here?
We beg you to read the the laws of Human Stupidity printed in full below. This will provide you full circle of the “stupid is stupid” theory proving without a reasonable doubt that today’s DESTRUCTORS ARE FULLY ENGAGED to accomplish the ultimate DESTRUCTION OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION.
A traffic stop of a Muslim youth who was shot dead in the driver’s seat has developed into Muslim rage. The evil has reared its ugly head across France. As had been written before, the Muslim community in France has not been integrated into French society, but continues to be and is a firestorm waiting to be ignited. And so, with this traffic stop, the Islamic State of France has gone Rage, destroying town after town, looting, burning and killing innocents.
In the “Suicide of France” Eric Zemmour laments the loss of will by native Frenchmen and their displacement by mostly-Muslim immigrants.
As had been reported back in 2013, this is not the first time that the Muslim (a peacful religion) has gone rage. In 2016 Muslims of France took to the torch on New Years Eve celebrated by lighting the streets with burnt cars. This is nothing new, in 2013 the street jihadists lit 1200 on fire. The interior minister said that 1,193 vehicles were burned overnight around the country. Clashes between police and offenders in the New Year’s Eve took place in the Muslim majority districts in the city of Strasbourg and Mulhouse. About seven police officers were attacked New Years eve night.
So the Little Punk drove with impunity, no license, stopped many times before, but never appeared. And where did he get the money to buy a Mercedes? To the Police, this guy was a two-bit punk, driving with stolen plates and no insurance. HE WAS A MENACE TO SOCIETY. GOT WHAT HE DESERVED.
Nahel had been the subject of as many as five police checks since 2021 – what is known as a refus d’obtempérer – refusing to comply with an order to stop.
When he was stopped by police, he was driving a Mercedes with Polish number plates, with two passengers and no licence.
As recently as last weekend, he had reportedly been placed in detention for refusing to comply and was due to appear before a juvenile court in September.
His name was on a police file called a Taj, used by authorities for a variety of investigations.
Last September a judge imposed a “disciplinary measure”. Most of the trouble he got into involved cars: driving without a licence or insurance and using false number plates.
The French-Algerian delivery driver was shot dead after being stopped by an officer for violating traffic laws at around 8.30am. Nael M., 17, was gunned down at the wheel of a Mercedes after an officer threatened to “lodge a bullet in his head”.
His record of attendance of college was poor. Nahel had been in trouble before and was known to police, but family lawyers stressed he had no criminal record.
Videos purported to be of the incident were “extremely shocking,” Darmanin said, pledging a full investigation. The images show two police officers leaning into the driver-side window of a yellow car, before the vehicle pulls away as one officer fires into the window. The car is later seen crashed into a post nearby.
There is then a bang and the car lurches forward, with the officer allegedly firing at point blank range as the teen tried to steer away before crashing into a barricade.
Two other passengers were allegedly in the car with Nael. One fled, and the other was taken into custody.
The perpetrators to be sanctioned with the utmost severity – French PM
On her visit to L’Hay-les-Roses to show support for mayor Vincent Jeanbrun, French Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne said the attack on his home last night was “particularly shocking”.
The hope is that the wave of riots will now start to peter out

Hugh Schofield
Reporting from Paris
The most shocking event of Saturday night was when attackers set fire to a car and sent it towards the house of the mayor of the Paris suburb of L’Hay-les-roses.
At 01:30 he was at the townhall but his wife and two young children were at home. Fleeing, his wife broke her leg and was taken to hospital.
The burning car hit a low wall and failed to set fire to the house, but the prosecutor said that was the intention.
Overall Saturday was a quieter night than previous ones, especially in the Paris suburbs – but the interior ministry still counted more than 570 vehicles and 74 buildings set on fire across the country.
The hope is that the wave of riots has peaked and will now start to peter out, though only the coming days and nights will show if that is indeed the case.
“We will let no violence go unpunished,” she said, urging that those responsible be sanctioned with the “utmost severity”.
- France has seen a fifth night of unrest, with heavy clashes between police and rioters in the southern city of Marseille
- Some 719 people were arrested overnight, down from well over a thousand the previous night
- Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin has hailed a “calmer” night and praised the 45,000 police officers deployed
- Rioters in a southern Parisian suburb rammed the local mayor’s home, tried to set it alight and fired rockets at his wife and small children, police say
- The mayor’s wife suffered a broken leg in the incident, which is being investigated as attempted murder, prosecutors say
- The riots began after police fatally shot a 17-year-old boy of Algerian descent, Nahel, in the Paris suburb of Nanterre on Tuesday