We knew the latest member of the Supreme Court would be to the left of all those Libtards who came before her, but never in our dreams did we realize how left leaning this savage is. In the latest case concerning Affirmative Action her views were so far left that she was even called out by members of the Black Community.

Now get this, “For high-risk Black newborns, having a Black physician more than doubles the likelihood that the baby will live, and not die,” Jackson wrote as one example.

In a Wall Street Journal op-ed this week, Ted Frank, a senior attorney at Hamilton Lincoln Law Institute, responded directly to Jackson’s claim, lambasting the justice for making a mathematical error.

“A moment’s thought should be enough to realize that this claim is wildly implausible,” wrote Frank, who filed an amicus brief in support of Students for Fair Admissions. “Imagine if 40% of black newborns died — thousands of dead infants every week. But even so, that’s a 60% survival rate, which is mathematically impossible to double. And the actual survival rate is over 99%. How could Justice Jackson make such an innumerate mistake?”


National Review

Justice Jackson “uses her broad observations about statistical relationships between race and select measures of health, wealth, and well-being to label all blacks as victims.”

Democratic Sen. Chris Murphy of Connecticut put a finer point on it on Friday. “This Supreme Court: Six right wing politicians, masquerading as judges, gleefully imposing their politics on the country by fiat,” he tweeted.
Murphy, epitomizes the scum bag extraordinaire; he dances with the Suicide Bombers, beds with the suicide bombers and kisses up to the radical ideology of Judge Jackson, who by the way is the most racist judge ever to sit on a court. Judges like her are responsible for the killing in Democrat cities such as Chicago, NY, Saint Louis, Baltimore and Philadelphia. 

We have a question for the Judge, if Whites are guilty of racism as she describes it, why even attempt to go to Harvard where the professors and students are mostly White?

There is a solution to Affirmative Action.  Judge Jackson sees Racism as the bottom line fault for all injustices. We recommend that she and her racist friends tap the wallets of those athletes who command multi-million dollar salaries. With the billions in-hand she and her racist cauldron of individuals can build an All Black College staffed with the brightest Black professors. This way, affirmative action would become a non issue.