Israel has no choice but to eliminate the enemy. But how do they do that? They must send in the drones filled with razor blade bombs. We are speaking of urban warfare where everything goes. Slice and Dice the enemy is the only way.  The objective is to kill their existential combatant. Israel has not learned their lesson which is Hamas, an Iranian subset of the IRG, has one objective, and that is to wipe Israel from the map. Fire must be fought with fire.

Yesterday, the Mahmoud Al-Zaharhis, put out the Fatwah on Jews and Christians world wide. the entire 510 million square kilometers of Planet Earth will come under a system where there is no injustice or oppression, no Zionism, treacherous Christianity and no killings and crimes like those being committed against Palestinians, and against the Arabs in all the Arab countries, in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and other countries.”

This POS will be hunted down like Sheik Yassan, a wheel chair bound scum who was sent on a carpet ride by an Israeli rocket. Who was the Islamic Jihad leader killed by an Israeli strike?

Don’t be misled by the Palestinians, they are not for peace as long as Israel exists. We remind you that Yassar Arafat had the chance to bring peace to he people, but chose war. Israel was willing to succeed 98% of the Samaria and Judea to the Palestinians. And Sharon pulled out of Gaza in the hope that the Pseudo Palestinian would finally have peace, but you see how that turned out. A war machine that has now turned into a battle ground. Before this is over, we predict that 10,000 or more Palestinians will be dead.

Do not be misled by the Muslim community as a whole, they are for world domination, world hegemony. They  have infiltrated all governments, all agencies, all states, all cities and towns. They have demanded that Americans obey the Quran. They have forced us to cater to Muslim’s social practices. We have been subjugated to an enemy and their beliefs. Democrats, mostly Christians and Jews have bowed down to the feet of Allah.


Most of NYC’s Democratic socialist pols refuse to condemn ‘hateful’ pro-Palestine rally