The most recent poll shows Trump stomping Biden by 4%, others, have shown Trump up by 10%, but those who took  the poll called it an outlier. How stupid is that?

Biden takes two trips and almost one fall. Catch the action here. Pathetic. The guy doesn’t know when to quit.


U.S. is running on fumes, yes fumes. Their budget deficit in fiscal 2023 is estimated at $1.3 trillion dollars. Currently, the National Debt is $33.6 trillion and counting. This is not pocket change, but an albatross around our neck. The ten year treasury bill was knocking on the 5% ceiling. That is where things get tricky because this is an indication that those buying treasuries require higher interest rates due to the risk.

For those cognoscenti in our midst know first hand that a real implosion in treasuries can occur at any time. Therefore, they are purchasing gold, the one asset that measures risk. Just this past year, gold has risen by $350 per ounce to close at $1982, while the stock market saw $1000 chopped off its still lofty level.


There is no way out of here. The government clock is ticking away, the interest rate is rising in tandem, budget deficits the world-over are spiraling out of control, mirroring the United states as a whole.

Turn those extra green- backs into gold, bury them somewhere, in a clandestine location so the government can’t get their hands on them, like they did in 1933. Remember, the hand of Big Govt is long and strong.




What is so special about GOLD? Why has it endured in times of war, political upheaval and economic turbulence? What is money and how does one value it? These are questions that “time” has answered.

Countries have gone to war over gold, pillaged, robbed, murdered and savaged unsuspecting peoples. If printing paper was money, why seek gold in the first place? “TRUST” in government is the number one priority of a stable currency; without trust, citizens resort to the accumulation of precious metals; this is to secure their wealth. Governments have tried to prevent citizens from holding gold, but in the end they all have failed.

And now world governments sit on the precipice of massive inflation, one which there is no viable solution. Trillions upon trillions of dollars have been printed by world governments since March 2020. The continuation of printing continues without interruption; a runaway freight train that can’t be stopped. Revolution or War is the end result.

World governments have seen this show before. They were all socialist in nature. For instance some were on our southern border, for instance Cuba, Venezuela, Argentina and Brazil; burning investors over and over again.

Citizens around the world have learned from past experience that the devaluation of money through printing, let’s call currency money as an academic illustration to make a point, is outright theft by government. So, to ward off the devaluation of their wealth, they resort to the purchase of gold, silver, platinum, palladium; they trust no one accept themselves when it comes to protecting their wealth. Therefore, it is imperative that citizens take note of what is happening in currency markets today. The dollar has been devalued in terms of gold which has risen by over $600 during the past five years.


The name Palestine was a new name given to the country of Israel by Roman Emperor Hadrian. It was punishment for the Israeli revolt which started in 70AD and lasted until 135AD.  The name has endured for the past 2000 years.  So the question remains, where did all of those Palestinians of today come from?

To quote Mark Twain, who visited Israel in 1880? He described what he saw in three words, “Palestine is desolate.”  The Holy Land was occupied by the Ottoman Turks in the 1800’s; they settled Turks in Palestine to farm and strip the forests for Turkish export.  From 1840 to 1920 the Turks brought in 506,000 Arabs (see  below).  In 1920 The British Mandate approved by the League of Nations in 1922 opened the floodgates to more foreigners. The British allowed 36,000 Syrians to enter the land in 1934. From 1924-1947 the British secretly brought in 440,000 Arabs from Jordan, Syria, Egypt, Lebanon and Iraq. During the Holocaust, the British smuggled in 200,000 more Arabs.

The Turks in Palestine (Turkish: Filistin’deki Türkler), also referred to as Palestinian Turks and Palestinian Turkmen (Turkish: Filistin Türkmenleri) are ethnic Turkish descendants who have had a long-established presence in the State of Palestine. With Turkish rule spanning between the years 1069-1917/22, mass Turkish migration was encouraged during the rule of Nureddin Zengi in Syria, and then when thousands of Turks participated in the battle of Jerusalem with Saladin. Turkish migration continued further during the Mamluk and Ottoman rule of Palestine as well as during the British rule. Estimates during mid 18th century had a total population of 350,000. 

Of the 1,303,000 Arabs living in Palestine in 1947, One million were illegally brought in and the other 300,000 were born to those brought in after the Zionist movement in 1882 was born.  The BIG Lie continues to this day.  One question remains to be answered; why is the western media continuing the perpetration of this falsehood?

When British rule began, says the Colonial Office, Palestine was primitive and underdeveloped. The population of 750,000 were disease-ridden and poor. But new methods of farming were introduced, medical services provided, roads and railways built, water supplies improved, malaria wiped out. (see above for details)

In mid 1800 the estimated pseudo Palestinian population was 200,000; in 1947 there were 1,100,000. Quite a jump. Jews were the majority during the 1st through the 4th century. The years between 1900 and 1947 the Jewish population exploded due to those leaving Europe after the war and those who fled Muslim countries.

In 1920 the British estimated that no more than 700,000 people lived in all of Palestine.

Official reports

In 1920, the British Government’s Interim Report on the Civil Administration of Palestine stated that there were hardly 700,000 people living in Palestine:
There are now in the whole of Palestine (1920) hardly 700,000 people, a population much less than that of the province of Gallilee alone in the time of Christ. Of these 235,000 live in the larger towns, 465,000 in the smaller towns and villages. Four-fifths of the whole population are Moslems. A small proportion of these are Bedouin Arabs; the remainder, although they speak Arabic and are termed Arabs, are largely of mixed race. Some 77,000 of the population are Christians, in large majority belonging to the Orthodox Church, and speaking Arabic. The minority are members of the Latin or of the Uniate Greek Catholic Church, or—a small number—are Protestants. The Jewish element of the population numbers 76,000. Almost all have entered Palestine during the last 40 years. Prior to 1850 there were in the country only a handful of Jews as there were Muslims. keep in mind In the following 30 years a few hundreds came to Palestine. Most of them were animated by religious motives; they came to pray and to die in the Holy Land, and to be buried in its soil. After the persecutions in Russia forty years ago, the movement of the Jews to Palestine assumed larger proportions. Jewish agricultural colonies were founded. They developed the culture of oranges and gave importance to the Jaffa orange trade. They cultivated the vine, and manufactured and exported wine. They drained swamps. They planted eucalyptus trees. They practiced, with modern methods, all the processes of agriculture. There are at the present time 64 of these settlements, large and small, with a population of some 15,000.
By 1948, the population had risen to 1,900,000, of whom 68% were Arabs, and 32% were Jews (UNSCOP report, including Bedouin).


Many governments have been toppled because of their leaders failed to carry through on threats they made to enemies. It should be no different here. Netanyahu said he was going release the “Mother of all Responses in cleaning out Hamas from the strip.

So far little has happened. Information gathered from the slime based media, the “xtra, xtra, read all about it”  failed to mention the ineptness of Netanyahu, who has not taken responsibility for the Hamas raid that killed over 1000 Israelis. Netanyahu was sleeping on the job, when in fact he should have seen the signs that an invasion was imminent.

Netanyahu Promises a Response Hamas Will Remember ‘for Decades to Come’

Story by Kaitlin Lewis  • 1w
Don’t test us in the north. Don’t make the mistake of the past. Today, the price you will pay will be far heavier, referring to Israel’s 2006 war with Hezbollah.
Netanyahu’s message, shared to X, formerly Twitter, follows Hamas militants’ surprise attack on Israel Saturday. The Israeli government has declared its country at war with Hamas, the Palestinian fundamentalist political party, and has ordered a complete siege on the Gaza Strip.




Saturday, October 21, 2023

“I’m from a militant group,” one caller said, per the outlet. “I can’t wait till our group sees you one day and I can rip your f***ing rag off your head. … I hope the Israelis kill every f***ing one of you.”
“You work for this country,” another caller was heard saying. “Pull your f***ing head out of your f***ing turban-wearing a** and f***ing see the light of day, you dumba** f***ing terrorist-supporting f***ing piece of s***.”

Omar eventually walked back her initial reaction to the hospital bombing, blaming “the fog of war” and “misinformation” on X, formerly Twitter. The Minnesota representative continued to call for an investigation into the attack.




Ilhan Omar (from Wikipedia)

Omar was born in Mogadishu, Somalia, in October 1982. According to the biography posted on her own website, she lived there for around eight years before her family fled to a refugee camp in Kenya, moving to the United States four years later, and eventually settling in the Cedar-Riverside neighborhood of Minneapolis in 1997.

In a 2018 interview with the Intercept website’s “Deconstructed” podcast, Omar said she became a naturalized U.S. citizen before she turned 18 years old, explaining that “My father became a citizen and so I got my citizenship through that process.”

In the same interview, she said her family resettled in the U.S. in 1995. Since a would-be naturalized citizen must first live in the U.S. as a permanent resident for five years, 2000 would be the earliest year in which Omar’s father (and Omar herself) could become citizens. Since Omar was born in October 1982, she turned 18 in October 2000. So, based on the sequence of events presented by Omar, it appears she became a U.S. citizen at the age of 17, sometime between January and October 2000 —

Although Omar’s account makes sense, and we found no substantive dispute over it, we were unable to locate any official documentation that supports that version of events. We asked Omar’s spokesperson and district director to provide any official documentation that would confirm the date of her naturalization, but we received no such evidence.

The Congresswoman’s spokesperson reiterated that she became a U.S. citizen in 2000 and pointed out that an individual cannot be elected to the U.S. House of Representatives without demonstrating citizenship, but the spokesperson did not have Omar’s “personal government documents.”

Until and unless evidence of that nature becomes available to us, definitively establishing that Omar became a U.S. citizen in 2000 she has pull off one of the greatest cons in history.

Excerpts above taken from article by Dan MacGuill Published 16 July 2019


In the AP story, Omar’s replies to all this are those of the victim combined with overtones of the royal “we”:

“We choose not to further the narratives of those who would oppose us” Omar’s statement said, adding that she believes the claims are being made by people who want to stop a black, female Muslim from sitting in Congress.

The chronology of all this, briefly, follows:

  • 1982 — Born in Somalia;
  • 1991 — Went to refugee camp in Kenya;
  • 1995 — Came to United States as a refugee, becoming a citizen at some later point;
  • 2002 — Took out a marriage license to marry Ahmed Hirsi (AKA Ahmed Aden), but did not marry him except in a Muslim ceremony; they had two kids;
  • 2008 — Parted from Hirsi; a Muslim divorce, not recorded, took place;
  • 2009 — Married Ahmed Elmi; a marriage certificate exists;
  • 2011 — Parted from Elmi, with a Muslim divorce;
  • 2012 — Reunited with Hirsi and had a third child;
  • 2017 — Formally divorced Elmi (after being elected to the legislature);
  • 2018 — Married (re-married?) Hirsi and was nominated for Congress.

At the very least, a busy lady — one with a fondness for guys named Ahmed.

It is outrageous that her father got a job at the post office when so many of our citizens are unemployed. How did that happen? Secondly, she became a professional nutrition educator at the University of Minnesota. No doctorate here. Omar also wrote, “Israel has hypnotized the world, may Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel.

In November 2021, Republican Representative Lauren Boebert said she had shared an elevator with Omar, and that she and a Capitol Police officer both mistook Omar for a terrorist. Boebert referred to Omar as the “Jihad Squad”.  Omar said that she had not shared an elevator with Boebert, that the story was made up, and that Boebert’s comments were “anti-Muslim bigotry”.

Who is Ilhan Omar’s husband?

Omar has been married to Tim Mynett since March 2020.

Mynett, is known as a political consultant whose consulting firm, the E Street Group, received more than $523,000 from Omar’s campaign during the 2020 election cycle.

Omar’s campaign was the E Street Group’s biggest moneymaker.

The connection between Omar’s campaign and Mynett’s consulting firm was brought to national attention by her critics and opponents.

In response to the critics, Omar’s campaign terminated its contract with Mynett’s firm on November 17, 2020, saying the termination was to “make sure that anybody who is supporting our campaign with their time or financial support feels there is no perceived issue with that support.”

The two have also faced rumors that the relationship began as an affair.

Beth Mynett, Tim’s ex-wife, accused the two of having a relationship when she filed for divorce in August 2019.

Omar is currently married to Tim Mynett 

Omar is currently married to Tim MynettCredit: Splash

What happened at Ilhan Omar’s congressional office?

On October 26, 2021, it was reported that there was a suspicious substance found outside her office on Capitol Hill.

While it still remains unclear what the substance was, staff members were told to avoid the area until further notice.

Other offices were seen on the seventh floor of the Longworth House Office Building and were told to shelter in place.

Following an investigation, Capitol Police confirmed that anything hazardous came back negative and the building then reopened.

Has Ilhan Omar been married before?

Throughout her life, the U.S. Representative has been married a total of three times.

Prior to her relationship with Mynett, she was married to Ahmed Hirsi.

The former couple first entered a faith-based marriage in 2002 but then separated in 2008.

After that, Omar then married Ahmed Nur Said Elmi, a British Somali, until they got a faith-based divorce in 2011, when she got back with Hirsi.

Despite a 2011 split, Elmi and Omar did not get a legal divorce until 2017.

In 2018, Omar and Hirsi then got legally married but filed for divorce soon after in 2019, citing an “irretrievable breakdown” of the marriage.

Throughout the course of their on and off again relationship, the couple welcomed three children together, Isra, 18, Adnan and Ilwad.

” alt=”Ahmed Nur Said Elmi was Omar’s second husband.” width=”805″ height=”960″ data-src=”” data-credit=”” data-sizes=”(max-width: 375px) 335px, (max-width: 520px) 480px, 620px” data-img=”″ data-srcset=” 335w, 480w, 620w, 670w, 960w, 1240w, 1005w, 1440w, 1860w, 1340w, 1920w, 2480w” /> 

Ahmed Nur Said Elmi was Omar’s second husband.

Did Ilhan Omar marry her brother?

Over the years, Omar has faced criticisms of her marriage and claims that she married her brother for years.See the source image

Former President Donald Trump fanned the flames of those allegations in July 2019 saying “There’s a lot of talk about the fact that she was married to her brother. I know nothing about it.”

When Omar was seeking a state House seat in 2016, the conservative sites flagged a screenshot of a since deleted Instagram post that was allegedly uploaded by Elmi on June 12, 2012.

The caption of the photograph posted shortly after Omar gave birth to her third child identified Elmi as holding the baby girl, calling her his niece.


Squad’ members Omar, Tlaib blame Israel for deadly hospital bombing, demand Biden call for cease-fire

Story by Katherine Donlevy •6h

Far-left “Squad” member Reps. Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib pointed the blame on Israel for Tuesday’s bombing of a Gaza City hospital that left hundreds dead — demanding President Biden call for a cease-fire ahead of his visit to the Middle East.

“Bombing a hospital is among the gravest of war crimes. The IDF reportedly blowing up one of the few places the injured and wounded can seek medical treatment and shelter during a war is horrific,” Omar (D-Minn.) wrote on X.

Tlaib (D-Mich.) also fingered the Israel Defense Force as the culprit behind the explosion at Al-Ahli Arab Hospital that Gaza officials said more than 500 people dead — but took Omar’s sentiment one step further.

Tlaib accused the 80-year-old commander in chief of playing a role in the carnage by not stepping in to quell the conflict between Israel and Hamas after the terrorist group launched its surprise attack on Oct. 7, killing more than 1,300 people in Israel.

Italy: Hamas must be punished for Gaza hospital strike, UK urges cool heads

British foreign minister James Cleverly said on Wednesday that “cool heads must prevail” and that too many people jumped to conclusions around a blast at a hospital in Gaza on Tuesday.

By REUTERSThe international community “must protect innocent civilians and punish Hamas”, Italian Defense Minister Guido Crosetto said on Wednesday, commenting on the Gaza hospital strike in which hundreds of people died.

Hamas, the Palestinian terrorist group that controls Gaza, has blamed the blast on Israel. Israel says it was a result of a failed rocket launch by Palestinian Islamic Jihad, another terrorist group in the enclave.

How Iran used the Gaza hospital strike to spread anti-Israel, US propaganda

Iran claimed that the attack was linked to US support for Israel. It used the terms “evil,” “barbaric” and “bloodthirsty creature.” 

 Iraqis students gather during a protest in support of Palestinians in Gaza as the conflict between Israel and Hamas continues, in Baghdad, Iraq, October 18 (photo credit: REUTERS/AHMED SAAD)Iraqis students gather during a protest in support of Palestinians in Gaza as the conflict between Israel and Hamas continues, in Baghdad, Iraq, October 18(photo credit: REUTERS/AHMED SAAD)

Iran mobilized its media in the region to exploit the explosion at a hospital in Gaza on October 17 to increase threats to Israel and the US.

Protesters in Iran, Lebanon and other countries were likely guided and exploited by these reports which falsely portrayed the explosion as Israel’s fault.

Iran uses incendiary language in portraying the attack. For instance, Iran’s Fars News media described the blast at the hospital as the “real Holocaust.” The report in Iranian media, which is close to the IRGC, called Israel a “demonic” regime and accused it of

How Iran used the Gaza hospital strike to spread anti-Israel, US propaganda

Iran claimed that the attack was linked to US support for Israel. It used the terms “evil,” “barbaric” and “bloodthirsty creature.” 

 Iraqis students gather during a protest in support of Palestinians in Gaza as the conflict between Israel and Hamas continues, in Baghdad, Iraq, October 18 (photo credit: REUTERS/AHMED SAAD)Iraqis students gather during a protest in support of Palestinians in Gaza as the conflict between Israel and Hamas continues, in Baghdad, Iraq, October 18(photo credit: REUTERS/AHMED SAAD)

Iran mobilized its media in the region to exploit the explosion at a hospital in Gaza on October 17 to increase threats to Israel and the US.

Protesters in Iran, Lebanon and other countries were likely guided and exploited by these reports which falsely portrayed the explosion as Israel’s fault.

Iran uses incendiary language in portraying the attack. For instance, Iran’s Fars News media described the blast at the hospital as the “real Holocaust.” The report in Iranian media, which is close to the IRGC, called Israel a “demonic” regime and accused it of


‘Squad’ member Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., drew criticism for retweeting a photo of dead children with the caption “CHILD GENOCIDE IN PALESTINE.”

The photo showed seven dead children wrapped in white and claimed they were part of the “614 Palestinian children murdered by the Israeli [IDF] forces.”

A community note from X, formerly known as Twitter, stated that the picture was from a 2013 sarin gas attack in Ghouta, Syria, and not from the Israel-Hamas war.



THE ILHAN OMAR CON Ilhan Omar (from Wikipedia) Omar was born in Mogadishu, Somalia, in October 1982. According to the biography posted on her own website, she lived there for around eight years before her family fled to a refugee camp in Kenya, moving to the United States four years later, and eventually settling in the Cedar-Riverside neighborhood of … Continue reading THE HOUSE SHOULD INVESTIGATE ILHAN OMAR


These aren’t people, but terrorists who are planning worldwide domination. As they developed massacre skills in the 7th and 8th century, their appetite for world domination increased on a level equal to the Mogul empire of Genghis Khan. Continuing their threats to convert or be killed, the spread of Islam continued until the Ottoman Empire was wacked during the first world war. Their jihad is largely based on Israel, who they claim has colonized the levant. This is not so based on historical data.

Mayor Eric Adams adamantly denounced the actions of Hamas while speaking at a “New York Stands with Israel” rally.

MICHAEL GOODWIN  When did it become acceptable to defend the slaughter of Jewish children?


His passion rising, Adams, speaking without notes, went on:

“Your fight is our fight. And right here in New York we have the largest Jewish population outside of Israel. This is the place that our voices must raise and cascade throughout the entire country. We will not be all right until every person responsible for this act is held accountable.”

‘You marched with us’

The speech lasted just four minutes, but managed to cover every base, including the historic alliance between blacks and Jews.

Your fight is my fight,” the mayor said.

“That swastika not only displays the pain of antisemitism, it displays the pain of racism among African Americans.”

“You marched with us with Dr. King. You stood with us with all the fights we have. And I’m saying we’re going to stand with you and stand united together.”


Senator Blumenthal nor Chris Murphy didn’t show their faces. Where were they on Friday? Not in New Haven, CT.

Ask them why they weren’t there. Don’t bother, there is no use talking to these progressive destroyers of America.


Biden is resettling upwards of 50,000 Afghans into the United States. See below, Biden doesn’t even know how many Americans are still in Afghanistan. Is he for real. And this guy Sullivan, another doofus. There is no vetting process here; even if there was, these Afghans hate us. Sure they worked AS SCOUTS and INTERPRETERS, but not because they liked us, they did it for the money. What will happen here, and we say quickly, they will be recruited by the likes of Tlaib (impeach the mother fucker) and Omar (see bleow). Both are suicide bombers in their own right.

  • ENGAGING WITH THE ENEMY. DO YOU BELIEVE THIS? The U.S. is in close coordination with the Taliban as it works to evacuate tens of thousands of people from the Kabul airport before Aug. 31, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said.
  • “We are engaging with the Taliban, consulting with the Taliban, on every aspect of what’s happening in Kabul right now,” Sullivan said.
  • The U.S.-led international effort to get people out of Afghanistan has picked up pace in the last 24 hours.
  • So they tout the fact that our drone stopped another suicide attack today. “Big F’n deal” 170 got killed on the first one. Where was Biden then. Stupid question. He was hold up in his rat hole.
Taliban fighters in a vehicle patrol the streets of Kabul on August 23, 2021 as in the capital, the Taliban have enforced some sense of calm in a city long marred by violent crime, with their armed forces patrolling the streets and manning checkpoints.
Tens of thousands of Americans, NATO coalition nationals and Afghans who have aided NATO are desperately trying to leave the country via the only airport not controlled by the Taliban.
Sullivan defended the Biden administration from critics who say the chaotic and often tragic scenes that have played out in and around the Kabul Airport in the past week could have been avoided with better planning and execution.
Sullivan said an element of chaos was inevitable in any U.S. withdrawal.
“Whether Kabul fell in August or September, or December or next August, the fact is, there were going to be American citizens in Kabul who needed to be evacuated,” he said.
Nonetheless, “we believe that we have time, between now and the 31st, to get out any American that wants to get out” of Afghanistan.

U.S. officials provided Taliban with names of Americans, Afghan allies to evacuate

The White House contends that limited information sharing with the Taliban is saving lives; critics argue it’s putting Afghan allies in harm’s way.

U.S. Air Force loadmasters and pilots load people being evacuated from Afghanistan onto a U.S. Air Force C-17 Globemaster III.

The decision to provide specific names to the Taliban, which has a history of brutally murdering Afghans who collaborated with the U.S. and other coalition forces during the conflict, has angered lawmakers and military officials. | Master Sgt. Donald R. Allen/U.S. Air Force via AP


08/26/2021 03:28 PM EDT

Updated: 08/26/2021 09:48 PM EDT

U.S. officials in Kabul gave the Taliban a list of names of American citizens, green card holders and Afghan allies to grant entry into the militant-controlled outer perimeter of the city’s airport, a choice that’s prompted outrage behind the scenes from lawmakers and military officials.

The move, detailed to POLITICO by three U.S. and congressional officials, was designed to expedite the evacuation of tens of thousands of people from Afghanistan as chaos erupted in Afghanistan’s capital city last week after the Taliban seized control of the country. It also came as the Biden administration has been relying on the Taliban for security outside the airport.

NBC News blames Trump for ISIS-K attack in Afghanistan

NBC News blamed former president Donald Trump for the ISIS-K attack in Afghanistan Thursday that took the lives of 13 U.S. service members, injured 20 more, and killed even more Afghan citizens.

An article written by NBC military writer Sebastien Roblin said it may be “easy” to blame President Biden for the attack, but the “architecture” of the withdrawal of U.S. troops from the region was built by Trump.

“The rushed evacuation and its vulnerability to Thursday’s deplorable attack were inevitable outcomes of the rapid collapse of the Afghan government,” Roblin wrote.

Ilhan Omar files unusual financial disclosure report

Omar’s most recent personal disclosure lists only five assets, four of them belonging to her husband. Notably, the disclosure lists the congresswoman’s husband’s earned income from his six to seven-figure job as a partner at political consulting firm eStreet Group, but does not appear to list any of the congresswoman’s personal bank accounts.

Omar’s bank account is an asset required to be disclosed, according to federal law, with her personal financial disclosure listing a pair of money market accounts.

The Minnesota Democrat’s latest lacking disclosure appears to be the newest instance in her lackluster financial reporting.

Omar also appears to have failed to disclose her bank account in both her 2018 and 2019 financial disclosures, suggesting a potential unethical pattern in what she is disclosing to the public.

Omar’s campaign paid eStreet Group $3.7 million over the 2020 cycle, according to campaign filings, contributing four-fifths of political payments to her husband’s firm during the election cycle.



Where is the Butcher from Brooklyn? Yes, we are talking about Charles Schumer, who is MIA. Does he have no Balls to call out members of his Party who call Jews Pigs. No, he is void of cajones, a capon without the guts to enter the fray. And you might ask why? He does not stir the pot because he is POWER HUNGRY.

Americans with the guts to tell our government what to do are the new leaders. No, they are not of the far right, but of Defenders of Freedom; not weaklings like Branden or Obama – the Red Line King, who let Russia support Assad in brutalizing the Christians in Syria.

Why the U.S. Should Suspend All Aid to the Palestinian Authority

“Fatah calls on the masses of our people to declare tomorrow, Sunday, as a day of general strike and intensifying the confrontation in all arenas of confrontation with the occupation, in order to defend our people and our sacred right to freedom, a state, and independence. Glory to the Martyrs, healing to the wounded, and victory to our mighty Palestinian people.

In world history there has been no such thing as the Palestinian people. If there was, they certainly didn’t exercise any weight while Jordan controlled the Samaria and Judea from 1958 to 1967. And where did all these people come from?


Always willing to dig their own grave, now they have reached the depths of the Dead Sea by attempting to rewrite history going back 5000 years.

Woke history hits Middle East as Palestinians accused of erasing history

Palestinians seek to erase Jewish history, defining Israelis as ‘Zionist thieves,’ critics say

By Ben Evansky| Fox News

Palestinian leaders and their western supporters on the political Left are now re-interpreting biblical history amid a wider expansion of woke activism in the Middle East, critics say. The Palestinian Authority (PA), emboldened by some in Europe and United Nations bodies, are looking to dismantle Judeo-Christian ties to the Holy Land as they seek to invent a new narrative favoring their claims on the region, opponents of the campaign argue.

“The PA’s erasure of Jewish history combined with the inventing of a Palestinian history is used by the PA to define Israelis as ‘Zionist thieves,’ ‘usurpers,’ ‘foreigners,’ ‘invaders,’ ‘colonialists,’ in short people with no connection to the land who therefore must be defeated and expelled,” Itamar Marcus, director of Palestinian Media Watch, an Israeli-based organization researching Palestinian society, told Fox News.

Marcus points to the many historically inaccurate statements made by senior PA officials, including President Mahmoud Abbas, who in a 2016 claimed during a televised speech on Palestinian TV that, “our narrative says that we were in this land since before Abraham. I am not saying it. The Bible says it. The Bible says, in these words, that the Palestinians existed before Abraham. So why don’t you recognize my right?”


A series of questions sent to Abbas’ spokesman and the Palestinian Mission to the U.N. were not returned for comment.

Jerusalem has and continues to be the main flashpoint in the fight to erase history. Senior Palestinian leaders summarily dismiss Judaism’s holiest site, The Temple Mount, as an “alleged Temple.” Ze’ev Orenstein, director of International Affairs for the City of David, an archeological site for ancient Jerusalem, told Fox News, “There is no place in the world which holds more significance for more people than Jerusalem. Yet, today, both the U.N. and Palestinian leadership are seeking to erase the Jewish and Christian heritage of Jerusalem.”

“Every single day, archaeological excavations in the City of David – the place where Jerusalem began…are affirming not simply as a matter of faith, but as a matter of fact, the millennia-old connection of Jews and Christians to Jerusalem,” Orenstein added. “This includes the discovery of millennia-old inscriptions affirming biblical events; ancient seals with the names – in Hebrew – of figures straight out of the pages of the Bible, including that of the biblical King Hezekiah – direct descendant of King David from 2,700 years ago.”

Orenstein says that by visiting the City of David, people can witness this history “with their own eyes, touch with their own hands, and walk upon with their own feet.”

Yet, while the erasure campaign is especially charged around Jerusalem, Regavim, an Israeli nongovernmental organization, warns that the cradle of Jewish history has been under constant attack for years.


“The Palestinian Authority has undertaken a very carefully and purposefully orchestrated program of historical revisionism, in an attempt to blur and eventually erase the Jewish connection to the Land of Israel,” Naomi Kahn, Regavim’s international spokesperson, told Fox News. “Because Judea and Samaria are the cradle of Jewish history, these areas are quite naturally the focal points of this insidious campaign.”

She said, “The Palestinian Authority and its supporters have proven willing, even eager, to destroy the physical remains of thousands of years of Judeo-Christian culture in an attempt to make way for a fictitious quasi-historical narrative that supports their political agenda.”

Kahn said the Oslo Accord made it clear that the Palestinian Authority had to protect sites of Judeo-Christian significance and that the PA “was required to protect and enable free access – for worship, study, tourism and scientific exploration.” The “PA has completely disregarded these requirements,” she said.

Kahn gave these examples:

Photo credit Regavim

Photo credit Regavim (Regavim)

Sebastia is the name the Romans gave to Samaria and the capital city of the Northern Israelite Kingdom founded in the 9th century B.C. It is now an official Palestinian tourism site, but Regavim claims that visitors will hear no mention of its Jewish connection, including its being an independent Jewish kingdom of which Samaria was the seat of government.


In the same area, Regavim said there once stood a Byzantine structure purporting to be the burial place of St. John the Baptist’s head, but added that the structure has been destroyed and defaced. It now lies in ruins. Regavim says other cathedrals that were turned into mosques in Sebastia have been reinterpreted in PA tourism guides. Regavim said it had identified over 300 such sites “that have been looted, damaged or totally decimated or are in the process of being wiped out.”






From a letter to the Editor of the Wall Street Journal published December 30, 2017.

“If I forget you, O Jerusalem, may my right hand forget its skill. May my tongue cling to the roof of my mouth if I do not remember you, if I do not consider Jerusalem my highest joy.” These words in Psalm 137: 5-6 written long before the birth of Muhammad, attest to the reality that Jerusalem has been Israel’s capital for millennia. I did not vote for President Trump, but I applauded his willingness to put his money where past presidents have only put their mouths in relations to Jerusalem.

Signed, Linda K. Gragg

Kennewick, Washington

Below is an article from Mitchell Bard, written many years ago when Arafat and Sharon were still living.

Today, the Palestinians could be enjoying their 54th year of independence, or their 52nd, or their 19th, or their 3rd or the eve of their 2nd. That’s right, by my count they have had at least five opportunities to have a state beside Israel if that was their real objective, but they have chosen to hold out for a Palestinian state instead of Israel. Even today, under that “hardline, right-wing” Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, the opportunity for emancipation exists, but the Palestinians stubbornly cling to their dreams of a Palestinians state replacing Israel rather than accepting the offer to establish a state beside Israel.

The first chance for statehood was in 1947 when the UN actually created an Arab state in Palestine. It was not perfect, it was not what they wanted, but it was a state. The Zionists accepted partition even though it was a truly rotten deal for them too. Think about it. Like the Arabs, the Jews believed they were entitled to all of Palestine, and not just what was then called Palestine, but the 80% of what had been Palestine that the British lopped off and turned into Transjordan. True, the UN gave the Jews more land, but most of it was the Negev desert. The borders were indefensible, and Jerusalem was not only excluded from the Jewish state, it was to be internationalized and surrounded by the Arab state.

So why did the Jews accept such a lousy deal?

David Ben-Gurion and the other Zionist leaders recognized it was the best deal they would get. They also understood that the international community was offering legal recognition for the establishment of a Jewish state. And most important, they would now have an independent state that could be a haven to Jews from around the world, and they could build it into something greater.

Most Palestinian Arabs, on the other hand, believed Palestine really was just southern Syria. They were convinced by their Arab brethren that they had no need to compromise because the Jews would be driven into the sea and they would have the entire country. The whole refugee issue is proof that most Palestinian Arabs were not even prepared to fight for their independence; they chose to flee instead. And so their chance for statehood was squandered.

The Palestinians actually had 19 years to demand statehood during the Jordanian occupation from 1948-1967. Jordan annexed the West Bank in 1950 rather than grant the Palestinians independence. What is remarkable is that there were no Hanan Ashrawis demanding the end to Jordanian occupation and the creation of a Palestinian state for all those years. Ask a Palestinian today about that and you’ll hear a lot of hemming and hawing. They only discovered a passion for independence after Israel captured the territories in 1967.

The third opportunity for statehood was presented by yet another “fanatical, right-wing” Prime Minister, Menachem Begin. In fact, when the Palestinian state comes into being, as it inevitably will some day, Begin should be regarded as its true founder. Begin was the first one to offer the Palestinians control over their own affairs. Yes, the autonomy plan that came out of the Israeli-Egyptian peace negotiations was limited, and did not offer immediate statehood, but there is no question that once the Palestinians began to control their own affairs, it would be impossible for Israel to stop them from ultimately becoming totally free of Israeli control. From about 1983 on, it was no longer a question of if there would be a Palestinian state, but when. Had the Palestinians accepted Begin’s offer, however, they would have had their state long ago.

The Oslo agreements were specifically geared toward an Israeli withdrawal from the territories and the creation of a Palestinian state. According to the timetable, the last remaining issues should have been resolved by 1999, but the Palestinians never lived up to the commitments they made, starting with the recognition of Israel and renouncement of terrorism that Arafat declared in September 1993 that was the basis for the entire Oslo process. Had Arafat ended the violence and complied with his treaty commitments, the Palestinians would be completely under Arafat’s control today (as it is 98% of the Palestinian people are under his autocratic control).

Finally, the Palestinians were offered a state by Ehud Barak in the negotiations at Camp David and the White House in 2000. Today, they could be living in a Palestine comprised of 95% of the West Bank, 100% of the Gaza Strip, and most of Arab east Jerusalem. They would have greater control of the Temple Mount and an unimpeded highway between Gaza and the West Bank. Instead, most of their cities are under curfew and surrounded by Israeli forces because Arafat rejected Barak’s offer and waged a war of terror in hopes of achieving his dream of liberating all of “Palestine.”

The best chance for the Palestinians to achieve statehood in the short-run would be to tell Ariel Sharon they are now prepared to end the violence, replace Arafat, and negotiate. They should offer to accept whatever deal Sharon offers even if it means a Palestinian state the size of a postage stamp. Why? For the same reason the Zionists accepted a state that was little more than a postage stamp.

Think about it. After agreeing to make peace with Israel, within a nanosecond of declaring statehood, the United States will recognize the new state. The rest of the world will follow suit. Within a few minutes, the Americans and Europeans will begin throwing so many dollar bills at the Palestinians that they’ll think that it’s a plague of locusts. If the Palestinians truly wish to live in peace, they can spend the next 50 years building their state, developing an economy, infrastructure, governmental institutions, and all the rest, and the world will cheer and do everything to help them. Israel will be first in line with assistance.

The great thing from the Palestinian perspective is that they don’t even have to give up their goal of destroying Israel. They just need to exercise some patience. As soon as they’re independent, they can have Karine-A’s docking nonstop at Gaza port bringing in tons of weapons. In 50 years, then, they may be strong enough to drive the Jews into the sea.

But Israel won’t allow this, you say. Even the far left in Israel has only been willing to allow the Palestinians a demilitarized state. This shows how naive they truly are. Once Palestine is independent, Israel cannot enforce this. Sure, Israel will do everything possible to prevent the large scale importation of weapons, and will interdict shipments of arms, and maybe have to conduct an Osirak type raid if necessary, but there will be a limit to what Israel can do. I still believe Israel can defend itself, because it will do whatever is necessary to insure its security, as will the Jordanians, by the way, who have just as much incentive as Israel to insure the Palestinian state is as small and weak as possible to insure the Palestinians don’t repeat their 1970 effort to take over their country.

President Bush has now offered the Palestinians a sixth opportunity for statehood. Will they finally abandon their dreams of liberating all of Palestine and choose the path of compromise rather than extremism? Will they devote their energy to building a state of their own rather than try to destroy the state of the Jews?

What do you think?

FROM TIP:Posted by Tip Staff – December 28, 2016

In a speech at the State Department on Wednesday, Secretary of State John Kerry cast the majority of the blame on the lack of Israeli-Palestinian peace on the Israelis, ignoring Israel’s history of repeatedly making risky overtures for peace with the Palestinians, only to receive terrorism in response.
Israelis voted in Labor’s Ehud Barak to the premiership in 1999 specifically because he promised to make peace with the Palestinians; in 2000, he met with then-PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat at Camp David and offered the Palestinians 92% of the West Bank, all of the Gaza Strip, and eastern Jerusalem as its capital. Israel even proposed that a maximum of 100,000 refugees would be allowed to return to Israel on the basis of humanitarian considerations or family reunification, and an international fund would be created to compensate the Palestinians. Arafat rejected the offer. Sweetening the deal, the Clinton administration suggested that the Palestinians control 97% of the West Bank and the entirety of the Gaza Strip, with a land-link between the two, as well as a capital in East Jerusalem. Barak endorsed the Clinton Parameters; again, Arafat rejected them. After having rejected Israeli peace offers at Camp David with no counter-offers of his own, Arafat chose to launch the murderous Second Intifada, killing more than 1,500 Israelis between 2000 and 2005.
In 2005, Israel withdrew from the Gaza Strip, only for that territory to be taken over by Hamas in a Palestinian civil war in 2007. Ever since, Hamas has used the Strip as a base from which to launch attacks on Israelis, using rockets and underground tunnels, and Gazans live under the grip of Hamas’ authoritarian rule.
In 2008, then-Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert offered Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas 93.7% of the West Bank; the remaining 6.3% would be made up with land swaps. He also offered to take in 5,000 refugees over five years; an international committee to oversee Jerusalem’s holy sites; and an international fund consisting of billions of dollars, administered by Norwegians, to compensate Palestinian refugees. In a May 2009 interview with The Washington Post, Abbas admitted that he had turned down the offer and said, “The gaps were wide.”
The government of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu agreed to an unprecedented 10-month freeze in settlement construction in November 2009 only for the Palestinians to say it was insufficient and then call for an extension when it expired. Netanyahu said he would do so if the Palestinian Authority recognized Israel as the Jewish state; the PA refused.
When the Obama administration proposed a framework for a peace agreement in 2013, the Netanyahu government accepted it, while the Palestinians turned it down. Even still, Israel was willing to talk with the Palestinian Authority, until Fatah and Hamas announced a unity government in April 2014. Hamas refuses to reject violence and terror against Israel and Israel refuses to negotiate with it. The Palestinians adopted a policy of trying to skirt direct negotiations and internationalizing the conflict via the United Nations and other international fora.



Millions of people have fallen for the greatest lie of the twenty first century; it found its birth 50 years ago.  The lie, “there are a Palestinian people.”  History says otherwise. A country was never named Palestine.  During the past 2000 years there were never a people called Palestinians.  However, in 1967 Arabs who resided in Israel, the West Bank (Samaria and Judea) and Gaza began to call themselves Palestinians.

The name Palestine was a new name given to the country of Israel by Roman Emperor Hadrian. It was punishment for the Israeli revolt which started in 70AD and lasted until 135AD.  The name has endured for the past 2000 years.  So the question remains, where did all of those Palestinians of today come from?

To quote Mark Twain, who visited Israel in 1880? He described what he saw in three words, “Palestine is desolate.”  The Holy Land was occupied by the Ottoman Turks in the 1800’s; they settled Turks in Palestine to farm and strip the forests for Turkish export.  From 1840 to 1920 the Turks brought in 506,000 Arabs.  In 1920 The British Mandate approved by the League of Nations in 1922 opened the floodgates to more foreigners. The British allowed 36,000 Syrians to enter the land in 1934. From 1924-1947 the British secretly brought in 440,000 Arabs from Jordan, Syria, Egypt, Lebanon and Iraq. During the Holocaust, the British smuggled in 200,000 more Arabs.

Of the 1,303,000 Arabs living in Palestine in 1947, 1 million were illegally brought in and the other 300,000 were born to those brought in after the Zionist movement in 1882 was born.  The lie continues to this day.  One question remains to be answered; why is the western media continuing the perpetration of this lie?


Seal of the Jewish community of Jaffa (1892), bearing the biblical phrase: “Unto the Great sea shall be your coast”

Jaffa or Yafo is the southern and oldest part of Tel Aviv-Yafo, an ancient port city in Israel. Jaffa is famous for its association with the biblical stories of JonahSolomon and Saint Peter as well as the mythological story of Andromeda and Perseus, and later with oranges.