“The PA and Fatah has justified the Hamas massacre, claiming it is a “natural response” to what they say is Jews “defiling” their Jerusalem and holy places and Israel’s “aggression and crimes against our people and its Islamic and Christian holy sites”:
They always mention Christians, when in fact the Muslims have a Fatwah on all Christians and Jews. Where is the evidence to support the defiling of Christian holy sites. They have none. Go to Turkey and you will witness first hand of what the Turks have done to Christians and their holy sites. Remember Hagia Sophia. the ruthless dog has turned it into a latrene.
Hagia Sophia was built in 537, with minarets added in the 15th–16th centuries when it became a mosque
Iran is now the center of attention in the Israeli War Room. The plans are being formulated on what, when and how the Israelis will make Iran pay for the nigh time raid that killed, at least, 1200 Israelis.Those diehard Hamas murderers unleashed a savage attack on Israel, infiltrating the southern towns, raping, murdering and maiming innocent children, mothers and fathers. But what these Scum has done is to behead innocent children. We will not show photos of these atrocities.
The Scum Mayors of Dearborn Michigan and Hamtramck have spouted verbal diarrhea from the mouth. They are vehemently against the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. This Muslim excrement needs to be deported ASAP. SEDITION IS THE CHARGE; adding and abetting the enemy.
Israel has no choice but to eliminate the enemy. But how do they do that? They must send in the drones filled with razor blade bombs. We are speaking of urban warfare where everything goes. Slice and Dice the enemy is the only way. The objective is to kill their existential combatant.Israel has not learned their lesson which is Hamas, an Iranian subset of the IRG, has one objective,and that is to wipe Israel from the map.Fire must be fought with fire.
Yesterday, the Mahmoud Al-Zaharhis, put out the Fatwah on Jews and Christians world wide.“the entire 510 million square kilometers of Planet Earth will come under a system where there is no injustice or oppression, no Zionism, treacherous Christianity and no killings and crimes like those being committed against Palestinians,and against the Arabs in all the Arab countries, in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and other countries.”
This POS will be hunted down like Sheik Yassan, a wheel chair bound scum who was sent on a carpet ride by an Israeli rocket.
Don’t be misled by the Palestinians, they are not for peace as long as Israel exists.We remind you that Yassar Arafat had the chance to bring peace to he people, but chose war. Israel was willing to succeed 98% of the Samaria and Judea to the Palestinians.And Sharon pulled out of Gaza in the hope that the Pseudo Palestinian would finally have peace, but you see how that turned out. A war machine that has now turned into a battle ground. Before this is over, we predict that 10,000 or more Palestinians will be dead.
Do not be misled by the Muslim community as a whole, they are for world domination, world hegemony. They have infiltrated all governments, all agencies, all states, all cities and towns. They have demanded that Americans obey the Quran. They have forced us to cater to Muslim’s social practices. We have been subjugated to an enemy and their beliefs. Democrats, mostly Christians and Jews have bowed down to the feet of Allah.
Most of the local elected officials linked to the Democratic Socialists of America refused Monday to condemn the group’s hate-filled pro-Palestinian rally in Manhattan a day earlier.
The widely criticized rally — where an Israeli flag was stomped on and burned and a pro-Israeli faction taunted with a swastika image.– occurred just a day after Palestinian terrorists launched Saturday’s sneak attack on Israel on the Jewish holiday of Shemini Atzeret, killing more than 800 people, mostly civilians, and abducting at least 150 more.
Israel retaliated Sunday by officially declaring war and bombarding the disputed territory of Gaza with bombs, killing nearly 600 Palestinians.
In the midst of the deadly chaos and unspeakable tragedy, hundreds of pro-Palestinian demonstrators still converged in the Crossroads of the World on Sunday — including some who grabbed an Israeli flag from counter-protesters and stomped on it before lighting it ablaze.
A pro-Palestinian supporter also was pictured flaunting an image of a swastika on their phone.
The suicide bombers were seen drinking Arak and a local bar. They could be heard saying, Allah Akbar.
This is the garbage that resides in the United States. Jews should no be misled by the Democrats, they are hated by them, but use them to their advantage such as voting them into power.
For example, see below:
Whitmer says she’s ‘unequivocally supportive of Israel’ after social media backlash
Grand Rapids — Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer said Monday she’s “unequivocally supportive of Israel” after drawing backlash from critics who contended one of her weekend social media posts about Hamas’ attack on the Jewish state was too vague.
Asked if she regretted the post, Whitmer told reporters at an event in downtown Grand Rapids that her Saturday message on the platform X, formerly known as Twitter, came as the “serious” situation in Israel was “evolving.”
“I am grateful that I’ve got so many wonderful friends and counsel in the Jewish community who keep me apprised, and I’m unequivocally supportive of Israel,” Whitmer said. “And they have a right to defend themselves.”
Don’t be misled by her stupid comments. She is patronizing the Jews after being called out. What has been described as “the world in two square miles”, Hamtramck, in Michigan USA has now become the first and only Muslim-run city in the United States. With about 30 languages spoken within its 5 sq km area, Hamtramck is a place where Church bells ring out along with the Islamic call to prayer. Hamtramck set a new milestone in its history this month as it elected an all-Muslim City Council and a Muslim mayor, becoming the first in the US to have a Muslim-American government.
To those who saw the movie, Walking Tall, you will know what we are talking about here. When Sherriff Buford Pusser became the town’s mayor, his first act was to assign the men’s bathroom to the Judge, who swore up and down about his new quarters. This brings us to the boot that Pelosi received from Gentleman McHenry. The guttersnipe finally got her due.
If you could recall this POS ripped up the State of the Union speech immediately after President Trump completed his address to a Full House.Pelosi lets loose with the diarrhea by declaring the booting wrong and unethical. However, ripping up the speech is felonious. She easily could have been arrested by the Sargent at arms.
‘The Office means nothing to me‘: Nancy Pelosi reacts to being booted from U.S. Capitol
Elex Michaelson
·2 min read
“The office means nothing to me.”
Days after the U.S. House of Representative’s historic vote to oust Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) brushed off an order by Speaker Pro Tem Patrick McHenry (R-NC) for her to vacate her Capitol hideaway office.
“That’s so incidental, Pelosi told FOX 11’s Elex Michaelson during an exclusive interview on the statewide political show “The Issue Is.”
“I’m more concerned about the fact that they’re trying to cut 30% out of our food for children and women, infant children. I’m more concerned they want to take 70, 80% out of what we’re doing for LIHEAP, low-income energy for, mostly, low-income seniors,” Pelosi said. “That’s what I’m concerned with.”
In his first act as Speaker Pro Tem, McHenry also booted former Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD) from his Capitol workspace, a move that some on Capitol Hill have linked to McCarthy, a possible act of retaliation for Democrats not backing him during Tuesday’s historic vote to vacate the Speakership.
Some serious shit is happening to the Big Apple’s prodigious hotel industry, not to mention the subways and private apartments. BED BUGSare everywhere. Thanks to Biden, the illegal aliens have crossed the border with the bugs hitching a ride on them.Thanks Branden! These critters aren’t really dangerous, but their bites, amounting to hundreds on a person’s body, can cause itching for days. Coming in contact with an ILLEGAL will increase the threat, plus you will most likely take them home with you.
But low and behold, we have found out why they are so prevalent; they want Blood. We should have known that, they are Democrats showing up early to vote. These creatures are incarnations of Count Dracula, sucking the blood out of their favorite prey. Aren’t Democrats so hospitable?
I’m a flight attendant — here’s how to check for bed bugs at your hotel
Flight attendant and frequent traveler Cari Curri, known as @cici.inthesky on TikTok, is used to being careful in airports and on public transit and in hotels, places where the disgusting little creatures thrive.
In a popular video posted in response to the Parisian outbreak, Curri revealed all the steps you need to take to ensure these pesky bugs won’t get in your way while on the road:
The first tip Curri offered in the video was to keep your luggage away from any carpeted surfaces in the hotel room.
2. Check the bedding in the dark
When checking the bed for bed bugs, Curri turns off the lights and uses her phone’s flash light to see if there’s any in the bed.
Bed bugs are most active at night, according to Forbes Home.
Curri pulls up all of the sheets on the bed and looks closely, instructing to watch out for red or rust colored dark spots or groups of tiny dark spots in the sheets.
Not only does she check the sheets, but she pulls back the mattress cover to inspect the mattress and its creases.
Curri also noted that it’s important to check the crevices in the headboards for bed bugs, especially if they’re made from fabric.
3. Look in creases in fabric chairs and sofas
If your hotel room has a sofa or chair covered in fabric, you’re going to want to make sure there’s no bed bugs crawling in those crevices, either.
“More and more of the seating is changing to hard surfaces like leather, instead of fabric, but this one is fabric, I just don’t go near it,” Curri warned, showing off a fabric seat in one of the hotels she’s stayed at before.
4. Look out for luggage racks
Another important spot to scan in the hotel room is the luggage racks, Curri said.
“If you’re using the luggage rack, I just look in these little crevices to see if I spot anything,” she explained.
And, bed bugs can also be hiding in the hollow legs of luggage racks, according to Apartment Therapy — so it’s important to keep your eyes peeled everywhere.
5. Using certain oils can help keep the bed bugs at bay
At the end of the clip, Curri also revealed that bed bugs are similar to lice, and don’t like tea tree oil.
Making a special spray can help to keep them at away.
“They also don’t like peppermint oils, and they don’t like lavender,” she explained. “So, you can make a spray and spray it on the outside of your bag and that could be acting as a repellent.
“Another thing you can use is lemon grass oil, that is also another repellent.”
What to do if you find bed bugs in your hotel room
f you find bed bugs in your hotel room, she recommended to let the front desk know.Adobe Stock
In her viral video, Curri also instructed what to do if you do find any bed bugs while searching around your hotel room.
“Go ahead and call down to the front desk, and tell them what you think you have found,” the flight attendant said.
“I suggest you get another room, and then do your checks again,” she continued. “A lot of times, they will send housekeeping up and they will take a look at the room to see if they see the evidence.”
The Post reached out to Curri for comment.
Reports of bed bug infestations in Paris are so bad the government is deploying sniffer dogs to inspect trains
The Parisian government is sending in sniffer dogs to detect bed bugs on public transportation.
The move comes after the French transportation minister said there were dozens of bed bug reports.
Bed bugs have also been spotted in movie theaters and a major airport in recent weeks.
Parisians might be sleeping tight, but it’s getting hard not to let the bed bugs bite.
Over the past several weeks, reports of bed bugs throughout Paris have skyrocketed. Residents and visitors all over the city have reported the blood-sucking creatures in movie theaters, subway cars, and the Charles-de-Gaulle airport, Insider previously reported.
Related video: Paris battles bedbugs as infestation soars (The Associated Press)
Now, reports of bed bugs on public transport are getting so bad that the government is sending in sniffer dogs to hunt down the pests on Paris’ trains and subway cars.
Trump entered the court room on the second day of his fraudulent for fraud. A trumped up (no pun intended) charge brought by a flame thrower from NYC. There is no victim here, but James, the mother chucker, wants to make some political hay out of nothing.There is also a two bit judge who is anti Trump. So, we are looking at a Kangaroo Court.
For decades before his presidency, Donald Trump had long been synonymous with the real estate industry — as well as his namesake New York properties, which have been the subject of great discussion recently.
That’s when a New York judge, Arthur F. Engoron of the state Supreme Court, concluded in a 35-page judgment that Trump had exaggerated the value of his holdings to secure favorable loan and insurance terms with financial institutions.
Judge Engoron’s decision was issued as part of New York State Attorney General Letitia James’ $250 million civil fraud case against the former president, his company and executives. And if that ruling ultimately stands, Trump could lose control over some well-known New York City properties that bear his name.
The highly publicized trial began on Monday, and in opening remarks, The Post reported Trump lawyer Christopher Kise argued the defendants didn’t intend to defraud anyone with differing property values. He said it’s the essence of the real estate market: “Buyers have a view, sellers have a view, none of them are wrong.”
The Stupid Democrat, a buffoon by the way, didn’t know that pulling a fire alarm would lead to the emptying of the Capitol building. What he did was a criminal act by impeding an administrative procedure. This was not any regular vote, this entailed a Biggy, an up or down vote for a Continuing Resolution (CR).
The Doofus used all kinds of excuses to no avail.
Rep. Jamaal Bowman Triggered a Fire Alarm in a House Office Building Amid Voting on a Funding Bill
Democratic Rep. Jamaal Bowman has acknowledged triggering a fire alarm in a U.S. Capitol office building
FILE – Rep. Jamaal Bowman, D-N.Y., listens to fellow speakers before President Joe Biden speaks on the debt limit during an event at SUNY Westchester Community College, Wednesday, May 10, 2023, in Valhalla, N.Y. Bowman acknowledged triggering a fire alarm Saturday in one of the U.S. Capitol office buildings as lawmakers scrambled to pass a bill to fund the government before the midnight shutdown deadline. (AP Photo/John Minchillo, File)JOHN MINCHILLO
WASHINGTON (AP) — Democratic Rep. Jamaal Bowman acknowledged triggering a fire alarm Saturday in one of the U.S. Capitol office buildings as lawmakers scrambled to pass a bill to fund the government before the midnight shutdown deadline.
The fire alarm sounded out around noon in the Cannon House Office Building and prompted a building-wide evacuation at a time when the House was in session and staffers were working in the building. The building was reopened an hour later after Capitol Police determined it was not a threat.
The GOP-controlled House Administration Committee, which oversees issues pertaining to the Capitol complex, posted a picture of a person pulling the fire alarm who appeared to be Bowman.
The New York lawmaker told reporters hours later that it was a mistake and that he was rushing to get to votes and was trying to get through a door that is usually open, but was closed due to it being a weekend.
“I thought it would help me open the door,” he said about pulling the trigger, denying that it was an effort to stall anything.At the time of the evacuation House Democrats were working to delay a vote on a 45-day funding bill to keep federal agencies open. They said they needed time to review the 71-page bill that Republicans abruptly released to avoid a shutdown.
Branden and his Two Stooges, he is the Third Stooge, have unleashed on American Cities, five million, at the minimum, illegal aliens who have crossed our border en masse. Alejandro Mayorkas, the Third Stooge, Harris is the Second Stooge. Mayorkas, the Secretary of Homeland Security, is guilty of Sedition by allowing these criminals from breaking into our country. We do not know who they are, or where they are going.
Brave Men in Texas have taken it upon themselves to disperse the trash onto the footsteps of Democrat cities, And oh are these Democrats screaming at the top of their lungs.
Gov. Hochul says border ‘is too open’ and demands ‘limit’ on crossings as NY struggles with migrant crisis
The migrant crisis in New York is so bad that even Democratic Gov. Kathy Hochul is ramping up her attacks on US border policies, demanding “a limit on who can come across’’ and more agents to nab illegals.
Hochul targeted Congress in comments Sunday but still risked the wrath of the Biden administration as it grapples with the crisis wreaking mayhem in the Big Apple and across the country.
“We want [Congress] to have a limit on who can come across the border,’’ said the governor, who has been criticized in the past for going too easy on the White House over the debacle.
“People coming from all over the world are finding their way through, simply saying they need asylum, and the majority of them seem to be ending up in the streets of New York, and that is a real problem for New York City,” she said.
From Dust to Dust, as the saying goes.Senator Barbara Feinstein has turned back into Dust. The Old Lady from San Francisco, man do they ever wake up out there?Dope, filth and scum are prevalent on the streets; remember Haight, Ashbury, Castro, Fredrick and Market streets,wow,they breed a different kind of animal there, don’t they?Age was not too kindly her.
But, “in death do us part” Newsom has chosen a Flame Thrower to serve her remaining term. She doesn’t even live in the City by the Bay, nor does she live in California. How is that possible? With Democrats anything is possible.
California Gov. Gavin Newsom has chosen Laphonza Butler to fill the Senate seat left vacant by the death of California Sen. Dianne Feinstein, he announced early Monday.
Butler is the president of EMILYs List, an organization devoted to electing Democratic women who support abortion rights. She previously served as a senior campaign adviser to Kamala Harris during her 2020 presidential campaign and has a long history as a labor leader.
She will be sworn in Tuesday at the U.S. Capitol in Washington by Vice President Harris. Newsom also noted, “She will make history — becoming the first Black lesbian to openly serve in the U.S. Senate.”
Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., was evicted from her private Capitol office by the new speaker pro-tempore.
Fox News Digital confirmed that House Speaker pro-tempore Patrick McHenry, R-N.C., gave the order to Pelosi to vacate her Capitol hideaway by Wednesday.
McHenry is a close ally to now-former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., who was ousted from his role on Tuesday.
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