Kevin McCarthy was ousted as House Speaker by a vote on October 3, 2023.Now, ex-Speaker of the House, Kevin McCarthy, said, “Bring It On”! And so Matt Gaetz, brought it on, a Right Hook smack into McCarthy’s jaw.  Down for the count said the interim Speaker(pro-tempore) of the House, Patrick McHenry. This action has caused mayhem. What will the Republicans do now? Rep. Matt Gaetz said he wanted McCarthy removed as Speaker because of his lack of commitment to spending cuts.

McCarthy promised to his members during the 15th round of voting for Speaker, that he would bring to the floor a separate vote for individual budget items. McCarthy did not keep his word, and so Matt Gaetz and seven others tore him a new a…..e. This is hardball politics, folks. The lonesome eight will be up for election in 2024, apparently they feel secure enough to repeat. Others, who voted nay, on McCarthy’s removal did not want to risk being tossed overboard.

Why Matt Gaetz led charge to remove Kevin McCarthy as House speaker