Saturday, October 21, 2023

“I’m from a militant group,” one caller said, per the outlet. “I can’t wait till our group sees you one day and I can rip your f***ing rag off your head. … I hope the Israelis kill every f***ing one of you.”
“You work for this country,” another caller was heard saying. “Pull your f***ing head out of your f***ing turban-wearing a** and f***ing see the light of day, you dumba** f***ing terrorist-supporting f***ing piece of s***.”

Omar eventually walked back her initial reaction to the hospital bombing, blaming “the fog of war” and “misinformation” on X, formerly Twitter. The Minnesota representative continued to call for an investigation into the attack.




Ilhan Omar (from Wikipedia)

Omar was born in Mogadishu, Somalia, in October 1982. According to the biography posted on her own website, she lived there for around eight years before her family fled to a refugee camp in Kenya, moving to the United States four years later, and eventually settling in the Cedar-Riverside neighborhood of Minneapolis in 1997.

In a 2018 interview with the Intercept website’s “Deconstructed” podcast, Omar said she became a naturalized U.S. citizen before she turned 18 years old, explaining that “My father became a citizen and so I got my citizenship through that process.”

In the same interview, she said her family resettled in the U.S. in 1995. Since a would-be naturalized citizen must first live in the U.S. as a permanent resident for five years, 2000 would be the earliest year in which Omar’s father (and Omar herself) could become citizens. Since Omar was born in October 1982, she turned 18 in October 2000. So, based on the sequence of events presented by Omar, it appears she became a U.S. citizen at the age of 17, sometime between January and October 2000 —

Although Omar’s account makes sense, and we found no substantive dispute over it, we were unable to locate any official documentation that supports that version of events. We asked Omar’s spokesperson and district director to provide any official documentation that would confirm the date of her naturalization, but we received no such evidence.

The Congresswoman’s spokesperson reiterated that she became a U.S. citizen in 2000 and pointed out that an individual cannot be elected to the U.S. House of Representatives without demonstrating citizenship, but the spokesperson did not have Omar’s “personal government documents.”

Until and unless evidence of that nature becomes available to us, definitively establishing that Omar became a U.S. citizen in 2000 she has pull off one of the greatest cons in history.

Excerpts above taken from article by Dan MacGuill Published 16 July 2019


In the AP story, Omar’s replies to all this are those of the victim combined with overtones of the royal “we”:

“We choose not to further the narratives of those who would oppose us” Omar’s statement said, adding that she believes the claims are being made by people who want to stop a black, female Muslim from sitting in Congress.

The chronology of all this, briefly, follows:

  • 1982 — Born in Somalia;
  • 1991 — Went to refugee camp in Kenya;
  • 1995 — Came to United States as a refugee, becoming a citizen at some later point;
  • 2002 — Took out a marriage license to marry Ahmed Hirsi (AKA Ahmed Aden), but did not marry him except in a Muslim ceremony; they had two kids;
  • 2008 — Parted from Hirsi; a Muslim divorce, not recorded, took place;
  • 2009 — Married Ahmed Elmi; a marriage certificate exists;
  • 2011 — Parted from Elmi, with a Muslim divorce;
  • 2012 — Reunited with Hirsi and had a third child;
  • 2017 — Formally divorced Elmi (after being elected to the legislature);
  • 2018 — Married (re-married?) Hirsi and was nominated for Congress.

At the very least, a busy lady — one with a fondness for guys named Ahmed.

It is outrageous that her father got a job at the post office when so many of our citizens are unemployed. How did that happen? Secondly, she became a professional nutrition educator at the University of Minnesota. No doctorate here. Omar also wrote, “Israel has hypnotized the world, may Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel.

In November 2021, Republican Representative Lauren Boebert said she had shared an elevator with Omar, and that she and a Capitol Police officer both mistook Omar for a terrorist. Boebert referred to Omar as the “Jihad Squad”.  Omar said that she had not shared an elevator with Boebert, that the story was made up, and that Boebert’s comments were “anti-Muslim bigotry”.

Who is Ilhan Omar’s husband?

Omar has been married to Tim Mynett since March 2020.

Mynett, is known as a political consultant whose consulting firm, the E Street Group, received more than $523,000 from Omar’s campaign during the 2020 election cycle.

Omar’s campaign was the E Street Group’s biggest moneymaker.

The connection between Omar’s campaign and Mynett’s consulting firm was brought to national attention by her critics and opponents.

In response to the critics, Omar’s campaign terminated its contract with Mynett’s firm on November 17, 2020, saying the termination was to “make sure that anybody who is supporting our campaign with their time or financial support feels there is no perceived issue with that support.”

The two have also faced rumors that the relationship began as an affair.

Beth Mynett, Tim’s ex-wife, accused the two of having a relationship when she filed for divorce in August 2019.

Omar is currently married to Tim Mynett 

Omar is currently married to Tim MynettCredit: Splash

What happened at Ilhan Omar’s congressional office?

On October 26, 2021, it was reported that there was a suspicious substance found outside her office on Capitol Hill.

While it still remains unclear what the substance was, staff members were told to avoid the area until further notice.

Other offices were seen on the seventh floor of the Longworth House Office Building and were told to shelter in place.

Following an investigation, Capitol Police confirmed that anything hazardous came back negative and the building then reopened.

Has Ilhan Omar been married before?

Throughout her life, the U.S. Representative has been married a total of three times.

Prior to her relationship with Mynett, she was married to Ahmed Hirsi.

The former couple first entered a faith-based marriage in 2002 but then separated in 2008.

After that, Omar then married Ahmed Nur Said Elmi, a British Somali, until they got a faith-based divorce in 2011, when she got back with Hirsi.

Despite a 2011 split, Elmi and Omar did not get a legal divorce until 2017.

In 2018, Omar and Hirsi then got legally married but filed for divorce soon after in 2019, citing an “irretrievable breakdown” of the marriage.

Throughout the course of their on and off again relationship, the couple welcomed three children together, Isra, 18, Adnan and Ilwad.

” alt=”Ahmed Nur Said Elmi was Omar’s second husband.” width=”805″ height=”960″ data-src=”” data-credit=”” data-sizes=”(max-width: 375px) 335px, (max-width: 520px) 480px, 620px” data-img=”″ data-srcset=” 335w, 480w, 620w, 670w, 960w, 1240w, 1005w, 1440w, 1860w, 1340w, 1920w, 2480w” /> 

Ahmed Nur Said Elmi was Omar’s second husband.

Did Ilhan Omar marry her brother?

Over the years, Omar has faced criticisms of her marriage and claims that she married her brother for years.See the source image

Former President Donald Trump fanned the flames of those allegations in July 2019 saying “There’s a lot of talk about the fact that she was married to her brother. I know nothing about it.”

When Omar was seeking a state House seat in 2016, the conservative sites flagged a screenshot of a since deleted Instagram post that was allegedly uploaded by Elmi on June 12, 2012.

The caption of the photograph posted shortly after Omar gave birth to her third child identified Elmi as holding the baby girl, calling her his niece.