War is raging in the Middle East. Joe Biden backed Iran giving Iran $6.5 billion large. He has enabled the pseudo Palestinians to go on a rampage by condoning their behavior, then tried to convince Israel to truce while he used diplomatic means in trying to release the hostages.
The United States has accommodated those with student visas from the Levant; these students are committing crimes against Jewish citizens. When Jewish students are being threatened and beaten across the land where is Joe Biden? Is he so myopic that blood must flow before he acts? Apparently so!
Joe Biden licks the ass of the Ayatollah, giving the go ahead to release $6 billion large. They bought more armaments supplying Hamas and Hezbollah. These murderers thrive on the killing of innocent women and children. The sight of Israeli blood incentivizes them to kill even more. They thirst for the blood of Israel.
The cease fire requests only serve one purpose, that being the re-arming of Hamas by Iran. As it stands now, Iran is playing with fire. Only one more incident will inevitably cause Israel to drop a bomb on the Ayatollah.
Netanyahu has so far failed the country by not being ready. This is due to the hostage situation. Acquiescing to Branden’s dictate can only last so long, but the time is close for a full body assault on Gaza. The rats must be eliminated in their entirety, never to see the light of day again.