Monthly Archives: December 2023
In case you are afflicted by the Joe Biden Mad Cow disease we will enlighten you this Christmas. Gold has been hovering around the $1950 to $2000 range for the past month. The United States Deficit is about to breach the $34 Trillion mark. What does this tell you?
First off is that the interest paid on the debt is soon to reach over $1 trillion a year if it has not already. In a slim dozen years the interest on the debt will be close to $3 trillion dollars; this is not small change. In fact there will be little left for any of today’s programs sans Social Security and Defense. Do you get what we are talking about here? You better because time is wasting.
Back in the day the Weimar Republic went on a spending spree, AKA printing money with abandon. One mark turned into 500,000,000 marks after the printing was complete. Same now for the United States. You don’t have to look far to see the results; Inflation has roared its ugly head from every crevice it could find. Take wages for example, they are going up, up and up. Workers have had it, they no longer will take being the patsy.
The United Nations is a deplorable organization with only purpose, serving as a Surrogate for Russia, China and the Muslim World. Their long term agenda is to blame Israel (Jews) for the worlds ailments. Their memory is short sighted though. They forget the Syrian war where 300,000 were killed as Russia supported the Blood Thirsty Assad. They have failed to stop the killing of Christians in Nigeria, no voice raised as the massacres go on. Now they are begging for a cease fire in Gaza. What will that do? Give the Hamas murderers more time to regroup?
António Guterres’ UN: A story of missed chances and diplomatic flops
During António Guterres’ tenure as Secretary-General, the UN’s leadership has been notably absent in critical times, including ISIS in Iraq, genocide in Syria, and the Yemen war.
In the days leading up to Lynn Hastings’ departure from UNESCO, we’re reminded once again of the world’s imperfections. Hastings, serving as the deputy to the UN Secretary-General‘s Special Coordinator for the Peace Process, Tor Wennesland, and as an envoy for humanitarian affairs, faced visa denial by Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs following her criticism of an Israel Defense Forces (IDF) operation in Gaza.
We’re witnessing a global reality marred by wars and crises, overseen by governments helmed by egocentric figures more concerned with their social media following and public adoration than the actual fulfillment of their duties and effective policy implementation.
Sadly, this global trend also affects the UN. Tasked with overseeing the broader picture, the UN is plagued by biases and limitations. Its failures span multiple crises – ISIS in Iraq, genocide in Syria, the Yemen war, and the recent conflict with Hamas. In each, the UN’s bias has been notably negative.
During António Guterres’ tenure as Secretary-General, the UN’s leadership has been notably absent in critical times. For instance, they remained passive during the Saudi-led bombing of residential areas in Yemen and the Syrian regime’s mass atrocities, with Russian and Iranian support.
In Iraq, the UN’s representatives barely grasped the complex political and security landscape of Baghdad. Conversely, in the Cypriot crisis, Guterres attempted to be proactive, involving the current Norwegian Foreign Minister, but ultimately failed. Even Libyan Khalifa Haftar rejected Guterres’ meeting proposal.
Guterres handling of other crises
In the Ukraine crisis, as in Gaza, the UN, under Guterres, quickly labeled the situation a “humanitarian crisis,” overlooking the deeper causes and implications. The question arises: does Guterres view leaders like Putin as lawbreakers or as perpetrators deserving of trial for massacres?
- Thirteen Gallant Marines killed in Afghanistan – Turned Tail leaving 5,000 Americans stranded
- Like Obama, let Russia walk into Ukraine – White Flag surrender similar to Obama Red Line in Syria and Crimea disaster
- Watched a Chinese Spy Balloon fly over the United States – caught red handed by covering it up
- Didn’t address the Houthis takeover of part of Yemen who sent a message to the House of Saud – now we are paying for it
- Sent Five Billion large to Iran – in turn the mullahs are creating a violent upheaval in the Middle East
- Turned the economy upside down – crashed the middle class by inflating all goods and services
- Opened the Borders to twenty million criminals – Terrorists now are a bigger threat than the M-13 gang
- Fell down on the job numerous times, embarrassing the United State’s stature in the world
- Ran budget deficits to the ceiling – almost $34 trillion in debt – interest rates to stay high for years
- United States became a paper tiger on Biden, no country can count on us in a conflict
- China is now one step away from marching into Taiwan – The United States will watch from afar or risk nuclear war
- Branden took orders form the Palestinian Suicide Squad as their Green Agenda has imploded
- Biden went all in on the Transition to WOKE in our armed services
- Branden has littered America with so many three dollar bills we don’t know what he will do next. The DOE has been decimated
- Last but not least China is a threat to South East Asian countries, Viet Nam, Philippines, Indonesia, Cambodia, etc.
Mazi Melesa Pilip, an Israeli Defense Forces veteran and Republican candidate vying to keep the embattled Rep. George Santos’ vacated district red, spoke at length with Fox News Digital about her message to New York voters, pitching herself as the best candidate to combat the far-left “Squad” of the Democratic Party in Congress.
Pilip, an Ethiopian Jew, immigrant to Israel and the United States, married mother of seven children and a recent political newcomer, detailed her background and platform while campaigning for New York’s 3rd Congressional District ahead of a February 13 special election against former Democratic Rep. Tom Suozzi.
Winning her first political campaign in 2021, flipping a county legislative seat from blue to red while pregnant with identical twins, Pilip is up against Suozzi, whose lengthy Long Island political career affords him name recognition and fundraising advantages after previously representing the same district for six years.
“You know what, Suozzi? Suozzi, a great politician. He’s absolutely a talker,” Pilip told Fox News Digital. “He is playing a game of ‘I am a moderate.’ He’s not.”

Mazi Melesa Pilip holds a weapon during her service in the Israeli Defense Forces. (Fox News)
Rejecting Suozzi’s claim to be a moderate Democrat who vows to take on the far left of his party, Pilip argued Suozzi’s voting record proves he almost always aligns with President Biden and the “Squad.”
By contrast, Pilip said she is best suited to take on antisemitic rhetoric from the likes of Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y.; Cori Bush, D-Mo.; Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich.; and Ilhan Omar, D-Minn, because she and her Ukrainian-born husband know firsthand what it was like living in Israel during the second intifada of the early 2000s.
“I know the fear. My family is living this life,” she said, noting how her relatives were in bomb shelters in Israel for several days after Hamas’ October 7 attack. “I know how bad and what the Israeli civilians right now are going through. And the only one who can speak really against the Squad, who are causing so much problems for us as a nation here, and especially about Israel.
“The lie, the lie they are spreading left and right. It’s wrong, and the only one who can present things the way it is, is me, is me. And in all my community here, the Jewish community wants somebody who also can fight antisemitism. Since the war started, the Jewish community are living with fear.”
Pilip condemned the testimony of the presidents of Harvard, MIT and UPenn, who failed to clearly state before a congressional hearing earlier this month whether calls for intifada or the genocide of Jews on campus violated their institutions’ codes of conduct.
“They couldn’t even condemn the intifada in calling for genocide of the Jewish people. And it was nothing for them. They didn’t see the red flag on that. Now, I want to ask you if that was happening against African Americans, against any minority class or against LGBTQ?” Pilip said.
“But here we go when this is happening to the Jewish students, all of the sudden, that’s OK. And I’m here to say that’s not OK. And I’m here to say it as a Black person, OK, as an immigrant, as a woman, as a Jew. I’m here to draw the line. That’s unacceptable.
“We don’t have to hate each other. We have to respect each other,” she added. “We have to work together. We may not . . . agree with policies, which is normal. But let’s not forget, we are one nation here. We have America here. We are Americans. And we have to continue with that respect to each other, which this country, unfortunately, lost it. And I hope we’re going to be able to build a better future for our kids.”

Mazi Melesa Pilip with fellow IDF service members (Fox News )
Citing the atrocities of Hamas burning and beheading babies, raping young women and taking hostages, Pilip advocated for continued U.S. support for Israel and Ukraine.
“Tell me who else will do something like this? Evil,” she said. “The war that Israel right now is doing is not just for the future of Israel, the future of the Middle East, the future of the entire world. OK? And therefore, we need to make sure United States continues to support Israel and also Ukraine, because this is our interest, is American, is our national interest. We have to say no for injustice and Israel … And every day there is a price for that for both sides. Unfortunately, civilians are dying. But the only one we can blame is Hamas.”
Pilip detailed how, at age 12, she was among the more than 14,000 Jews airlifted to Israel from famine-ravaged Ethiopia in 1991 as rebel forces were advancing toward the capital.
“It was a very emotional day for us to come to Israel, to a beautiful country, a country full of lights, a country, you know, that has so many opportunities,” Pilip said, recalling having to learn a new language and become acclimated to a new culture. “Right after I finished the school, I really wanted to join the Israeli Defense Force because I wanted to give back to the country that really gave me the opportunity.
“I remember when I came to my dad and I said, ‘I want to serve.’ And he said, ‘No, you’re too skinny, too little. What are you going to do in the Israeli army?'” she recalled, “But very quickly he realized that was the things I would like to do, and he was very supportive. Later on, he was very proud. I learned a lot during the service. It was beautiful to see people from different countries who came to Israel to live joining the IDF and for one mission really to defend the country.”

Mazi Melesa Pilip announces her congressional run. (Fox News)
Describing herself as someone who hates promises, Pilip says she’s used the past two years as Nassau County’s legislator for the 10th District, encompassing Great Neck, Lehigh Park and Manhasset, to freeze property taxes, fully fund law enforcement and increase the police presence to combat crime and concerns from the Jewish community amid the Israel-Hamas war.
“When this opportunity also came to run for Congress, I decided to take it because it’s really about the future of our country. We have a beautiful country, a country full of opportunities. A country really, that’s — I’m living the American dream, my husband is dreaming American dreams. But I’m not sure if my kids’ are going to live the American dream because there is a lot of extreme policies out there,” Pilip told Fox News Digital. “The only one really who benefits from it? The politician. The one that’s pretending they care about the people.”
Vowing to support the eventual Republican nominee for president, Pilip argued that it was too soon to say whether she would support Donald Trump, noting that other GOP candidates still were in the running. As for Santos, who’s under federal indictment for allegedly defrauding campaign donors and lying to Congress, Pilip said voters care more now about the issues the district is facing.
One such issue is the migrant crisis. Pilip alleges Suozzi fully supports the Biden administration’s immigration policies, which she blames for bringing millions of people into the country without a plan, raising national security concerns over potential terrorists entering the country unchecked and ultimately disenfranchising American voters.
“The politician is doing such a great job dividing us,” said Pilip, who immigrated to the United States with her cardiologist husband, with whom she shares seven children.
“They’re bringing them in because they are the future voters,” she said. “That’s the right thing to do, really? For your American citizen, the one who voted for you? The one who trusted you? OK. And this is what you’re doing for migrants? Who are coming here without any plan, putting them on the street? That’s irresponsible. Again, this is all about power. How are we going to secure the future right now? How are we going to re-elect another two- and another four- and another six-year? That’s a game. That’s a politician’s game. That’s the real story.
“And I want people to wake up to see the reality. Yes, we support immigration. Absolutely. Yes,” she said. “And I want people to have the American dream opportunity the way I and my husband, so many immigrants here in the 3rd Congressional District. But it has to be correct. That’s what I’m standing for. Really.”

Mazi Melesa Pilip is running to represent New York’s 3rd Congressional District. (Fox News)
Pilip said when she immigrated to the U.S., she registered as a Democrat, but she later ran for elected office as a Republican.
“They knew I was registered as a Democrat. It wasn’t a secret,” Pilip said of the Nassau County GOP, adding she soon realized Republicans were committed to supporting law enforcement, reducing crime and lowering taxes.
On abortion, projected to be another major issue for 2024, Pilip said she is “pro-life” but would not force her views on other women.
“Abortion is a very personal decision, and I am a religious person. Therefore, I am pro-life. Me. Mazi Melesa Pilip,” Pilip said. “But I will not going to push my own beliefs on any woman. I’m not going to risk women’s rights. That’s all. Therefore, I’m not going to support a national abortion ban. I’m a woman. I understand what a woman needs. I understand. So it’s OK for me to have seven children. That’s not going to play well maybe for other women. So, why I’m going to push her to have the same beliefs, the same way of life?”
She concluded the interview with a message to fellow women and mothers to stand against “extremist policies” pushed by the government that will impact children.
“From the day we are pregnant until we give birth — the emotion, the physical that we have to go through, how hard it is. I know, because every woman goes through the same things. And then we have to raise our children to be good children, to have great education, to find a good job. Yeah. So, where is President Biden and Tom Suozzi to protect that right for us as a mother?” she said. “We the mothers we went [through] a lot, so we don’t have a right to protect our children?
“We don’t have the right to say no to policies that are extremist policies that’s putting our children at risk? And I’m talking to mothers. Really, I want you to open your eyes, mothers,” she said. “I know you are fighters. I know you care about the future of your children. Nobody will tell you what’s best for your children. Wake up. See what’s happening around us. See all these extreme policies that are putting out there. They’re risking our children. We have to wake up. We have to say no to this.”
As you have it, the Democrats have a new line, Trump, a threat to Democracy.
Add up the Liberal Progressive dog shit and you find that the Democrats are bathed in socialistic venom; the most serious threat to Democracy are Democrats and their puke green agenda agenda being forced down the throat of us common folk. Look no further that the lower courts, who by every step of the way, have obliterated the rights of victims in favor of felons.
Case after case have been reversed by higher courts. Gun legislation across the land preventing Americans of the right to defend themselves exemplifies the left wing bludgeoning of the Second Amendment. Mostly all cases that have reached the Top Court have been ruled by the Supremes as Unconstitutional.
Again, and we repeat for the umpteenth time, the severity of the liberal court in LEGISLATING FROM THE BENCH, rather than deciding cases on existing law or what in legal terms is known as “stare decisis.” are the real threat to Democracy.
However, we would be remiss if we didn’t mention the Illegals crossing the border. The violent surge has overwhelmed our Border Patrol, abutting States and cities all over the country. This is because of the Democrats failure to enforce existing laws. Their definition of democracy is Chaos, Killings, Rapes, Murders, Gang Bangs and more. Anarchy is their motto, death to those who are for Law and Order.
Mexico-US illegal crossings: Surge in crossings overwhelm border patrol
From the Surge in crossings overwhelm officials at U.S. border, and more of today’s top videos series
Updated video
However, there can be no better example than the Education Industry, who have obliterated “free thought” by brainwashing our youth. From Climate Change to the liberal orthodoxy of being right versus a contesting position as Evil. For example, when School Choice of Vouchers are brought up, the Snake in the Grass Educators go on the warpath, painting their antagonists as Right Wing enemies of Democracy. Can’t get a better example as the latest bluster from the AFT.
Teacher union boss Randi Weingarten claims school choice ‘undermines democracy’
The leader of one of the nation’s largest teachers unions was seen in a viral video saying that school choice “undermines democracy.”
American Federation of Teachers (AFT) President Randi Weingarten made the remarks at the “Network for Public Education Action” national conference in October.
In the video, Weingarten took aim at former White House Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, Manhattan Institute’s Christopher Rufo, and American Federation For Children Senior Fellow Corey DeAngelis for advocating for school choice measures.
“They have not one thing that they offer as a solution other than privatizing or voucherizing schools which is about undermining democracy and undermining civil discourse and undermining pluralism because 90% of our kids go to public schools still,” she said. “They just divide. Divide. Divide. Divide.”
School choice policies allow parents to send their kids to schools outside their neighborhood or opt out of going to the public school in their neighborhood. Most states restrict parents to schools within their zip code or the school district that presides over their residential area.
Teachers unions typically lobby against school choice because they claim it siphons off taxpayer funding that is being allocated to other educational options and instead could be used to boost teachers’ salaries, invest in public school facilities, and recruit more teachers.
The video of Weingarten was shared by Parents Defending Education president Nicole Neily.
“Randi Weingarten says people who want to let families choose where they send their children to school are attacking our democracy,” Neily said in a tweet about the video.
DeAngelis sent Fox News Digital a comment reacting to Weingarten’s comments, saying that “it’s nice living rent-free in Randi Weingarten’s head.”
“This video tells me we’re over the target. She knows she’s losing power and there’s nothing she can do about it,” he added. “Randi Weingarten complains that we only offer one solution, which is an odd critique. That’s like criticizing a doctor for prescribing antibiotics to treat strep throat. Of course I’m going to offer the best solution: empowering all families to choose the education providers that best meet their needs and aligns with their values.”
DeAngelis said, “She undermined democracy when she fought to keep schools closed as long as she possibly could. But the truth is the left uses this phrase–just like they do when they call everything racist–to throw anything at the wall to see what will stick. There is zero logic to her argument – it’s just an attempt to smear the perfectly reasonable policy of allowing families to take their own children’s education dollars to the education providers of their choosing.”
The AFT did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
Weingarten’s comments came after school choice policies made significant gains across the country in the past few years with a wave of red states passing school choice bills.
Arizona led the charge in the summer of 2022 by opening up its Educational Savings Account program to all students, eliminating restrictions that had limited it to those in poor-performing school districts, Indian reservations, and those with disabilities.
Other Republican governors followed suit, making significant inroads in pushing universal school choice legislation, which did not exist anywhere in the country a few years ago.
Original article source: Teacher union boss Randi Weingarten claims school choice ‘undermines democracy’
In case you missed it, Obama, a Muslim in disguise, a Jew Hater from the word “go” spewed vicious invective from his mouth a day or so ago. What he did, was verify in spades, his hate for Jews world wide. Obama came to the support of the president of Harvard, the number one antisemitic institution in the U.S.A. 
Obama came to the support of, not only a Jew Hater, but a Plagiarist as well. Gay, not only was caught plagiary her doctorate, but more than forty other submissions. As the antisemitism roars across campuses in support of Hamas, who by the way, are themselves, settlers on the land of the Jews, Harvard’s president won’t intercede in the antisemitic Jew haters on campus call for Israel’s demise.
Former President Barack Obama went to bat for Harvard President Claudine Gay amid backlash she received following her testimony on antisemitism before Congress.
A confidential source familiar with the matter told Jewish Insider on Tuesday that Obama, a Harvard graduate, had privately lobbied on Gay’s behalf following her congressional appearance about antisemitism and threats against Jewish students on the Ivy League campus.
“It s like people were being asked to close ranks to keep the broader administration stable—including its composition,” the source said of Obama’s involvement.
In early December, Gay sat before the House Committee on Education and the Workforce, where she was asked whether calling for the genocide of Jews on campus violates the university’s codes of conduct related to bullying and harassment.
As we intoned several times before, Hussein Obama is an Israel/Jew Hater. His actions, not his words, speak to this.
Previous post below:
Let us go back for a moment to December 2016.
Obama faces widespread backlash after abstaining from UN Israel vote BY REBECCA KHEEL – 12/23/16 
“The abstention of the United States has made us complicit in this outrageous attack, and marks a troubling departure from our nation’s long, bipartisan history of defending our ally Israel in the United Nations.”
On Friday, the Security Council voted 14-0 on a resolution condemning Israeli settlements in Palestinian territory as a “flagrant violation” of international law that have “”no legal validity.” It demands a halt to “all Israeli settlement activities,” saying this “is essential for salvaging the two-state solution.”
See below, how Obama paved the way for Hamas
Sun 11/26/2023 11:54 AM
Social justice movement that gave rise to BLM and other groups now targeting Jews, Israel supporters
“The left-wing academics who have been cheering on violent ‘decolonization’ against Jews have been pushing the same hideous rhetoric against ‘whiteness’ for years. Same ideology. Same hatred. Same bloodlust,” Rufo said.
Former President Donald Trump keeps gaining ground in the Republican presidential nomination contest, as fewer than one third of GOP primary voters now back all his rivals combined, according to the latest Fox News survey.
Trump’s support stands at 69% in the primary race. That’s up 7 points since November and fully 26 points since February.
Turkish lawmaker who had heart attack after saying Israel ‘will suffer the wrath of Allah’ dies
The Turkish lawmaker who suffered a heart attack on the floor of parliament after declaring that Israel “will suffer the wrath of Allah” died Thursday, just two days after condemning Istanbul’s policy toward Jerusalem.
Hasan Bitmez, 54, a member of parliament from the opposition Saadet Party, died in Ankara City Hospital, Health Minister Fahrettin Koca told reporters in televised remarks.
Shocking video showed Bitmez collapsing at the podium before the general assembly Tuesday, moments after delivering a fiery speech panning President Tayyip Erdogan’s ruling AK Party over Turkey’s ongoing trade with Israel despite the war with Hamas.
“You allow ships to go to Israel and you shamelessly call it trade… You are Israel’s accomplice,” Bitmez said in his tirade after placing a banner on the podium emblazoned with the words: “Murderer Israel; collaborator AKP.”
Onlookers rushed to Hasan Bitmez’s side after he collapsed while speaking in the Turkish National Assembly. He died Thursday. AFP via Getty Images
Bitmez collapsed moments after his speech Tuesday, in which he said that Israel “will suffer the wrath of Allah.” AFP via Getty Images
“You have the blood of Palestinians on your hands, you are collaborators. You contribute to every bomb Israel drops on Gaza,” he told lawmakers, adding that Israel “will suffer the wrath of Allah.”
After wrapping up his impassioned address with the words, “Salutations to all,” Bitmez suddenly fell backward on the floor and remained lying motionless on his back, with other MPs rushing from all sides to his aid.
Turkey’s health minister later said that the two main veins in Bitmez were blocked. REUTERS
Bitmez, who was diabetic, was rushed to the local hospital in critical condition, after his heart reportedly stopped but was restarted.
Koca said afterward that Bitmez’s heart stopped beating, but he was revived in parliament and taken in extremely critical condition to the local hospital, where he was put on life support.
An angiography revealed that the two main veins in Bitmez’s heart were completely blocked, the health minister said.

European Survival Strategy in a Darkening World
F. Roger Devlin, American Renaissance, June 21, 2013
Arthur Kemp, Nova Europa: European Survival Strategy in a Darkening World, Ostara Publications, 2013.
Those who attended the 2013 American Renaissance conference saw a change in mood and emphasis from previous gatherings — probably the result of watching Barack Obama coast to reelection with just 39% of the white vote. The new feeling is that the strategy of “awakening” whites and gaining power through democratic electoral means is not working. The demographic shift is too fast and our own progress is too slow; the opportunities we thought we saw are vanishing, and a strategic reorientation is becoming inevitable.
This reorientation will be toward the creation of autonomous white territories that can eventually become independent states, and Arthur Kemp’s Nova Europa is a fine introduction to this subject. The starting point and greatest strength of his thinking is a firm grasp of the territorial nature of politics. In Mr. Kemp’s own words:
Political power comes from physical occupation: not historical rights, not title deeds, not moral rights — only occupation. Those people who occupy a territory determine the nature of the society in that region.
Europeans today even fit the definition of those who wear the ultimate badge of fashionable victimhood, indigenous people. Europeans have a continuous historical link with a particular territory, are characterized by large degree of homogeneity, and are being colonized by aliens.
“Indigenous homelands,” in which natives enjoy special status and protection, have been established all over the world. Brazil alone has 672 such territories; tiny Belize has found room for eight; and dozens more can be found in Australia, Canada, the United States, India, Pakistan and all over Latin America. The United Nations has issued a “Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples” and maintains a “Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues.”
The permanent forum would do well to expand its horizons. As Mr. Kemp points out, for several decades now the tables have been turned, and Europeans are in retreat from the peoples they once colonized. Mr. Kemp offers the following facts:
• More than half the residents of Brussels, the “capital of Europe,” are of Third-World origin.
• In 2012, 53 percent of children in Viennese schools were of immigrant origin.
• In the United States, by 2019 a majority of schoolchildren will be non-white.
• The foreign population of Spain rose from 3.2 percent in 1996 to 13.4 percent 11 years later.
• According to a 2004 study, there were 14 million persons of foreign ancestry in France, more than 20 percent of the population.
• In 2009, the Dutch government reported that about 20 percent of the population had “non-Western” roots.
• A 2011 census revealed that the white share of the British population is falling by nearly 8 percent of the total each decade.
As Mr. Kemp notes, “there is currently no area on earth which has been specifically set aside for European people.” Why aren’t the heirs of Western civilization being afforded protections routinely granted to the hunter-gatherers of the Amazon jungle?
It cannot be because such protection would be “white supremacy.” This fashionable bogeyman — imagining for a moment that anybody really advocated it — would be incompatible with the ethnic nationalism Mr. Kemp advocates: “self-determination specifically eschews the claim to rule over others.” Mr. Kemp — a strong critic of apartheid — argues that the demand for black self-rule in South Africa validates white self-rule in Europe and North America.
Nor must a program of territorial independence involve any claim to superiority. Mr. Kemp argues that “the contribution of European man to the world and the well-being of all people is unsurpassed,” but he demands no more for his own people than he would be prepared to grant to pygmies or bushmen.
So far, resistance to mass, non-white immigration has come from nationalist political parties, which have tried to enter government through democratic means. Nowhere have they achieved much success. This is largely because Western democracy has, in Mr. Kemp’s words, “turned into rule by the wealthy elite and powerful lobbies.” While mass immigration is unpopular among ordinary Europeans, social and political elites are fanatically committed to it.
Furthermore, non-whites everywhere vote as a block for the most pro-immigrant parties. Whites not only do not vote along racial lines, but even view such block-voting as somehow morally wrong. This means it is unlikely that any nationalist party will attain power within the brief time whites can be expected to retain their majorities.
Whites must not reject democratic participation. As Mr. Kemp writes, it “remains the best and easiest way to spread the message of ethnonationalism, which is vital for any potential solution to the crisis.” A nationalist party might yet come to power in one or more European countries and reverse the demographic crisis. Even if it occurred in only a single small country, such a development would send shock waves across the continent. The elites have good reason to fear nationalist parties.
But white patriots must adopt new avenues of action as well. Specifically, Mr. Kemp believes they must start building autonomous European communities wherever it is practically possible to do so, and ultimately create a European ethnostate (or states).
The great advantage of creating European communities is that it does not require winning over majorities. Meaningful concrete steps can be taken today by the minority of whites who understand the looming catastrophe. Eventually, such communities could become states. These communities would eventually draw from around the world Europeans who understand the genocidal consequences of multiculturalism. And where else will even liberals find neighborhoods with “good schools” and “low crime?”
The South African town of Orania is a good example of what whites must do. A small minority of Afrikaners have long shared Mr. Kemp’s view that white reliance on black labor was ultimately responsible for the downfall of white South Africa. In 1990, as the demise of apartheid visibly approached, a group of white pioneers bought the deserted village of Orania in the Northern Cape Province for a nominal fee. They chose the town’s barren and seemingly unpromising location for good reasons.
The Northern Cape, with its sparse population, presented the only area of South Africa which could effectively be colonized by Afrikaners with the least amount of disruption to the rest of the country. In 2010, the entire Northern Cape had only 2.3% of the country’s population. Majority Afrikaner occupation could be achieved with only 500,000 or so Afrikaners moving to the area.
The town was founded on three principles: the Oranians were to have their own land, use only their own labor, and create their own institutions. From around two dozen pioneers, it has grown to a current population of over 1,500. The town boasts two schools and seventy local businesses, and is “possibly the only local authority in all South Africa which actually balanced its books in 2012.”
In 2004, Orania introduced its own currency, the Ora, which is a valid method of payment within the town borders. The Ora trades on par with the South African Rand and is underwritten by the local savings and credit union. The new currency keeps money within the community.
In 2012, the British Sunday Times, a paper not noted for white advocacy, had this to say about Orania:
Building sites are everywhere. Plots of land that went for £1,000 four years ago now change hands for £20,000. There are supermarkets, all manner of other shops, a doctor, dentist, lawyers, architects, two schools and a radio station. Orania has organised many trips to Israel to study Israeli farming techniques — the Israelis too have made the desert bloom. Orania exports jewelry to the whole of South Africa, air-freighted vegetables to British supermarkets and pecan nuts to China. The community is probably the greenest in South Africa: all farming is organic, everything is recycled and alternative energy is used whenever possible. People leave their keys in their cars, live with their doors open and children play, unmonitored, in the street until dark.