There is nothing more exciting than watching a Criminal trip under his own feet,
Of course we are talking about POTUS, a criminal indeed, protected by his handlers and comrades in the Democrat party. By the way, most of them are deviant criminals themselves, Hillary Clinton, 
better known as “lock her up” is the worst of the worst. As we said innumerable times, Why isn’t she in Jail? Imagine the innocents that would have been killed if she won in 2016.
But we pray to our Lord that Branden will be speared the ultimate until after the election. You see, we want the OLD WIND BAG to get more people pissed off, between now and then. This will pave the way for our MAN, TRUMP,
to landslide into the White House. Imagine the look on Branden’s face when he has to sit there in the front row, like Obama and take it like a man.
As they generally say, what goes around, comes around. And it is time, that Joe Boy gets some time in the clink. He and his, “my son did nothing wrong” would be great cell mates.
However, we hope Biden does some hard time with our man Bubba.