First off Palestine did not exist 3000 years ago. Abbas has tried, without success, in babbling this ludicrous diatribe for decades. Of course Christians the world over aren’t susceptible to such gobbly-gook.
Jesus was not Palestinian, we need to dispel that myth forever – opinion
The ahistorical myth that Jesus was a Palestinian is often rooted in nationalist propaganda designed to erase Jewish history and memory, a centuries-old system of anti-Jewish oppression.
By JORDAN COPEPALESTINIAN AUTHORITY head Mahmoud Abbas attends Christmas Midnight Mass at the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, last year. Abbas, in recent years, has depicted Jesus as Palestinian, says the writer.(photo credit: Ahmad Gharabli/Reuters)With Christmas bells a’ringing and billions soon to begin their celebrations, Jesus, a Jew, would be in for a real surprise (and identity crisis) to hear guests on his birthday claiming that he was from Palestine, a term he might have never encountered during his lifetime. Nevertheless, it’s that time of year; when like clockwork, some pro-Palestinian activists have again begun unleashing social media posts claiming that Jesus – born in Bethlehem – was a Palestinian.
In reality, Jesus was a proud, observant Jew who lived in his indigenous homeland of Judea and Galilee – from manger to grave. The myth that Jesus was Palestinian, a ploy designed to invite Christians to support Palestinian nationalism, often morphs into deliberate efforts to deny Jews their history, indigeneity, and right to sovereignty in Israel. Ironically, as Jews seek to combat rising antisemitism, now might be a good time to set the record straight on Christianity’s most important figure.
According to Christian sources, Jesus was born a Jew and he lived in a Jewish kingdom located in much of modern Israel, where Jews have now lived consecutively for 3,000 years. His disciple Luke noted that like all other Jewish boys, Jesus was circumcised on the eighth day (Luke 2:21) and later attended synagogue (Luke 4:16). According to Mark, Jesus was referred to as a rabbi (Mark 10:51); and per Matthew, Jesus’s last meal was a Passover seder (Matthew 26:17).
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