Nothing ever happens to the the Democrat Pervs. Varmint District attorneys, judges, prosecutors, of the Democrat stripe, go after Republicans, particularly Trump; this is none other than prosecutorial misconduct, weaponization of the justice system.
Latest case, Biden given a pass, but Trump charged. Click on the URL below. You will be outraged. Biden Guilty, Trump Innocent, but prosecutors go after Trump, although he is innocent. Then you get the POS Branden to lambaste Trump by alluding to spurious stuff that never happened.
Imagine this, HRC, a lying dirt bag who got her ass handed to her on November 8, 2016, still can’t get over the pounding she received. And so, what does she do, she shoots diarrhea from the mouth hoping it will stick. Fat chance! The latest; She rejected the idea that Democrats should be “civil” with Republicans in the age of Donald Trump, embracing a more confrontational and aggressive political approach.
“You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about,” Clinton said.
Is she calling for a civil war? It seems like it, doesn’t it.
Imagine this putrid con artist, a product of the Saul Alinsky school of confrontation and personal take down and a sore loser to boot, threatening physical violence. A dastardly woman who had no guts to address her constituents on election eve becauseshe was dead drunk with pants gone yellow.
Never any prosecution on this SLUT for having a private email account that was deleted against the law. And don’t forget her husband, Slick Willie, who threatened Loretta Lynch on the tarmac. “Don’t charge my wife of your will end up with the fishes.” said Bill.
As you know the Democrats have been on a social media surge. They hate it when Trump kills our mortal enemies. Take Senator Chris Murphy from CT, an avowed socialist, a lying double talking forked tongue pansy.
Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., criticized President Trump‘s order that led to the death of Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani Thursday, appearing to contradict his own rhetoric following the Iran-backed militia assault on the U.S. embassy in Baghdad earlier this week.
Branden is having a seizure. Why is that? Apparently, his AG Garland didn’t review the special investigator’s report before it went to press. Joe was very upset, not because they let him off Scot Free, but because they insulted his being. Oh yes, the special prosecutor said, and we quote, that Joe was an “old codger” without any mustard left in his bones Of course we all knew that, but to have Garlands main man, a Democrat no less, spill the beans to the press. Isn’t Joe’s guy suppose to review these type of things? Guess not, at least for now.
And Branden is livid on another front, you see POTUS is displeased with the Hunter investigation being prolonged. What concerns him is the duration, which will cause his campaign problems going into the fall. And that is not entirely it, Biden thinks that the Trump prosecutorial henchmen are taking much too long in bringing The Donald before the bench.
Spooked Dems push for makeup, lighting fixes for Biden’s age as prez rails against Merrick Garland
Social Links forJon Levine
Published Feb. 10, 2024, 10:42 a.m. ET
Panicked Democrats are barraging the White House with advice on how to make President Biden appear more youthful – even pushing for better make-up and enhanced lighting – as his re-election campaign grinds on despite his cognitive decline.
Allies and operatives have been flooding the White House with advice since Biden’s disastrous press conference Thursday, when he lashed out at special counsel Robert Hur for characterizing him as an “elderly man with a poor memory.”
Some are telling the president to reimagine his makeup routine, CNN reported, while others are urging his staff to improve the lighting at his public appearances.
Others want Biden to begin his events seated in a chair to keep him from having to shuffle slowly to a podium – all in an effort to help the 81-year-old president sidestep questions about his age.
“The cake is already baked,” a despondent former Biden White House aide told The Post. “Most Democrats feel that way about the president already. They think he’s effective and a good person, but nobody really wants him to run. ..and Democrats don’t have the guts to try and remove him from the ticket.”
New York City Councilman Yusef Salaam has been facing heat for a traffic stop that revealed he was driving a car with out-of-state plates — highlighting an issue that’s reached crisis levels across the Empire State.
State data reviewed by The Post revealed that 18,753 drivers “misrepresented” the location of their vehicles in 2022, the most recent year numbers were available.
That means the cars were insured out-of-state or in another county within the state, not where the driver resides or parks the vehicle — as was the case with Salaam, whose car had Georgia plates.
Many motorists intentionally register and insure their cars in other states to snag premiums considerably lower than New York, which has among the highest rates in the country.
Flouting the law by insuring the car elsewhere hurts New York drivers who play by the rules. A small insurance pool contributes to higher rates, consumer advocates say.
Branden went into rage mode when questioned about his mental acuity. From the past faux pax we know that his cognitive ability has declined considerably.But to Branden, he is at the top of his game. We only bring this to your attention because of the special prosecutor’s comment regarding the lack of gray matter inside the presidents cerebral cortex.
Your cerebral cortex is responsible for the higher-level processes of the human brain, including language, memory, reasoning, thought, learning, decision-making, emotion, intelligence and personality.
From all available evidence it certainly is reminiscent of someone in a state of advanced dementia as noted below.
During a campaign speech in Las Vegas, the 81-year-old president inaccurately recalled speaking to former French president Francois Mitterrand — who died in 1996 — during a 2021 meeting with world leaders.
U.S. President Joe Biden referred to Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi as “the president of Mexico” during remarks about the humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip.
“BUILD THE WALL” Trump did what he said he would do, stopped illegal raiders (BROJ) from crossing the Rio Grande. He will stop them in their tracks the second time around.
A vote for the incompetent, mentally challenged, cognitive deficient, bovine encephalopathy injured, lying cheat, Chinese endorsed, Iran condonedis a vote against America.
Best friends of Joe (BFOJ) – fifteen year old pisser brings the M-3 environment to the Big Apple..
His comrades are still on the loose. Democrats will do nothing to stop the heinous crime in America, only Trump can bring sanity to Democrat cities.
The US Marshals Joint Regional Fugitive Task Force and the NYPD tracked Venezuelan teen Jesus Alejandro Rivas-Figueroa down in Yonkers less than 24 hours after Thursday’s mayhem at the Crossroads of the World.
Photos obtained by The Post showed the young suspect, wearing a dark T-shirt, jeans and a gold necklace, being taken into custody at around 3:30 p.m. at what sources said was the home of a relative on Saratoga Avenue.
“He was crying. When he was apprehended, he was crying… Here he is committing these adult acts, that’s something you don’t expect a child to do, and then when he’s apprehended, he’s brought out in handcuffs crying,” NYPD spokesman Carlos Nieves told reporters.
Several migrants were nabbed in Arizona Monday by federal authorities who are investigating if they are members of the same group who fled New York City following their arrests in the caught-on-camera beatdown of two NYPD cops, sources said.
The migrants were picked up by Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents at a Greyhound bus station in Phoenix, according to law enforcement sources and a Fox News report.
The Manhattan shelter near where a mob of migrants attacked two NYPD cops is a lawless zone plagued by open-air drug peddling and all-night brawls, neighbors told The Post Thursday.
Tourists and New Yorkers working in the area alike were shocked by the mayhem surrounding the converted shelter at the onetime landmarked Candler Building in Midtown, steps from Times Square.
A group of migrants were caught trying to break into a woman’s Texas ranch house before getting into her neighbor’s home just 50 miles over the US-Mexico border.
Shocking security footage shared by Fox News‘ Bill Melugin shows the moment the group of immigrants began kicking at the door of the home in Edwards County.
As members of the group try to pry open the windows, to no avail, one of them grabs what appears to be a 2×4 plank of wood and starts banging it against the door.
The \singer died on Monday night surrounded by his
family.@tobykeith / X
“So far, so good,” he said in the summer. “I need time to breathe, recover, and relax. I am looking forward to spending this time with my family. But I will see the fans sooner than later. I can’t wait.”
During his glittering career which spanned over three decades, Keith sold over 40 million records thanks to patriotic hits like “Should’ve Been a Cowboy,” “Made in America” and “Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue (The Angry American).”
Biden is paying reparations to the criminal migrants, money that you are entitled to. Adams in New York is giving the criminals $1000 debit cards. This is playing out across the land.
Putting this into perspective, many of you have relatives who have lived here for close to four hundred years, they have fought in the civil war, WW I, WW 2, Korea, Viet Nam. Now Branden has taken it upon himself to give criminals a free lunch. You should be outraged.
Why Are We Spending Millions Housing Illegal Migrants While Americans Go Homeless? | Opinion
While December’s winter storm saw U.S. citizens frozen to death in their cars and fallen street side in snowbanks, our migrant-obsessed legislators sent another screw you to the American people in the form of beefed up assistance for illegal immigrants. Year-round, millions of Americans are homeless or one paycheck away from being on the streets. Forty thousand veterans are homeless across the nation, and 40 percent of our homeless population is Black. So there is extra treachery in passing an omnibus spending bill that includes $800 million in grants to build shelters for foreigners and illegal aliens.
Theoretically, everyone deserves to have shelter and protection from the elements; yet it is not America’s responsibility to house the world, particularly when our own homeless citizens have fought long and hard battles for access to clean and safe shelter.
Migrants are Begging in Brooklyn Neighborhoods That Voted for Trump, Sparking Hostility and Help
Families staying at the Floyd Bennett Field shelter at the edge of Brooklyn are showing up at homes four miles away in the Marine Park neighborhood, seeking food, clothes and funds — spurring both online vitriol and real-world help.
Residents are sharing anecdotes and images on Nextdoor and Facebook groups, describing migrant families begging for change near the Kings Plaza Mall, the nearest commercial hub to the shelter, where city buses drop off and pick migrants up. Other residents have described them going door-to-door on residential streets asking for clothing, food or money.
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