Branden has “f..ked” up this country long enough; in our opinion he doesn’t deserve any more headlines, other than to be thrown into the dust bin of history. Better yet, he belongs in a garbage dumpster with the rest of the trash he has allowed to cross our borders. These criminals, and they are felonious criminals to boot, belong not in jail, but to be executed to the full extent of the law.
BIDEN is an OUTRIGHT DISASTER. If you like high taxes, criminals breaking into your homes, killing Americans abroad ( 13 Marines killed in Afghanistan – three more killed in Syria and those are the ones we heard about), schools, hospitals, neighborhoods flooded with criminals, GO FOR IT. ON the other-hand, Trump will see to it that Branden gets what he deserves, a Beating worse than that he gave to “lock her up.”
No country can exist without a border, just like no store can stay in business when criminal gangbangers bust in, trash the place and out-right steal the merchandise. And that is what is happening to us. His speech last night was all
The only chance to stop this criminality and bring back a sense of normality is to VOTE TRUMP. because if America doesn’t the next four years will be HELL ON EARTH. Take it from us, we have seen the promised land and it aint heaven.
“Where Revolution is the solution.”
"Where Revolution is the Solution" Taking back the Empire