Dem council member calling for ‘revolution’ disturbs her liberal colleagues with wild antics, threats
Tania Fernandes Anderson is accused of invoking a fire and brimstone approach to handling critics and threatening to blow “smoke” at colleagues on the Boston City council. (Fox News Digital)
Since being elected, she stated her goal was to create a “revolution” for “equity.”
“It will be about equity and I hope we don’t have too many disagreements in there,” she said in an interview in December 2021. “I think that systemic racism is long overdue for us to overthrow it in order for us to create a revolution that brings about change.”
Since then, Fernandes Anderson has become known for her public outbursts featuring “swearing, yelling and screaming” at public city council meetings, according to the source.
“The last thing someone wants is to be labeled as a racist in this city,” the source said.
Fernandes Anderson refers to her own tirades as giving “smoke.”