Have you notice the influx of illegals into your neighborhood? Check them out by going to the School Bus Stop at pick up time. Image preview

Have you noticed any unusual faces? They are FOB (friends of Biden), whose administration has unleashed a tirade of criminals into the United States; not only from Latin America, but those from Afghanistan, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Gaza, Iran and Iraq.

These Jihadists have set up a communications network using Code. When they are ready to go, the word will go out to their members to activate their arsenal in major cities. No one will be immune from their destruction.

Check you school budgets, seen an increase? All due to student population going up, especially in big cities such as the Big Apple.

Rise-up Blacks, your legacy is being stolen by the Illegals, funds that should go to your people are being spent on the criminal trespasser. You served in the Civil War with Pride, now it is time to rise up and claim your legacy. Don’t let Biden steal money from you that is rightfully yours.