According to Joe, he is the cog that keeps the wheel going. Across the land 82% say he is not fit to run. But Joe knows best. Why argue with him? He had one bad night – was beaten like a drum, taken to the back forty, in a few instances he became the veritable Ice Man, frozen in time.
The Democrat consensus is that “Joe Must Go.” However, Conservative Republicans must come to their senses. What better way to win than have Joe as Trump’s opponent. His Record speaks for itself. Currently, Trump is running the table in all Battle Ground States.The more they see Joe stumble, mumble and fumble, the more Trump’s count goes up.
As noted below, Joe’s performance one day after was in stark contrast to his Thursday night’s coming out party. What happened between then and now? Our intuition tells us that Joe copped some Blow before he hit the Tarheel State.
Joe went Cold Turkey the night before due to Trump’s threats to have him take a drug test.
But as days go on, the sweltering summer heat – global warming you know – pressure of the job and age will invariably take its toll. We expect Joe to flounder
in the next debate, that is if he comes up for air.
In Atlanta, the venue of Thursday nights crime, where General Sherman burned the city to the ground, Joe Biden self immolated. Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy. We don’t have any doubt that what this Turd did on Thursday is what he will do to the United States given four more years, burn it to the ground.
Joe wants to bring New York, Seattle, Portland, St Louis, Chicago, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Los Angeles, San Francisco and more to your town. The only way to stop him is to vote TRUMP
Joe is the most radical president in history, we have seen him in action. American knows that his shit will not fly across the land.
In fact Americans are fed up with illegal criminals murdering, raping, gang banging, selling drugs, ravaging, breaking and entering, robbing, and most of all flooding our communities, schools, hospitals and neighborhoods. The public will see this evil monster the more he campaigns and manifests his most radical ever vision for the next four years. 
Joe Biden’s North Carolina Rally Performance Raises Questions After Debate
President Joe Biden‘s North Carolina rally performance on Friday was thought of as energetic and coherent, raising questions on social media about what changed after Biden’s dismal debate performance last night.
When Biden took the CNN presidential debate stage against former President Donald Trump on Thursday evening, he rambled through the accomplishments and goals of his administration. Democrats were reportedly in a panic after Biden’s lackluster performance, some calling to replace him as the Democratic National Committee’s pick. A Biden aide, meanwhile, told Newsweek late Thursday night that the president was battling a cold during the debate.
People on X, formerly Twitter, were shocked by the stark contrast in his performance today versus last night.
“Biden speaking at a rally in NC right now. He’s animated, coherent, furious. Where was this guy last night?” Catherine Rampell, op-ed columnist at the Washington Post, wrote.
Sharing a clip and a photo from Biden’s rally, investigative journalist Lisa Guerrero, wrote: “What the heck? ARE YOU WATCHING THIS? Biden is a completely different man at his rally in Raleigh, North Carolina! Maybe he WAS really sick yesterday?”