Who would have thought that Sleepy Joe is on the road to perdition. Fellow Democrats smell blood, are now calling for Joe’s Head. They are closely parsing the 25th Amendment. These retards combed through this amendment a 1000 times when Trump was in office. Don’t they understand how the process works?

Joe’s head is caught in a slowly turning vice, his body is secured to the rackDean Alston cartoon Man on stretching rack It | WestPix his brain (what is left of it) is feeling the pressurecajones being squeezed in turn.  Joe is days away from  a massive stroke.

Believe us when we tell you that we appreciate the conundrum that Sleepy Joe is going through. After all, a fight between their own blood thirsty comrades will be the Greatest Political Show on Earth. Americans are anxious to witness  such a gallant enterprise.

A president pushed from office by the Rabid Dogs frothing from the mouth Rabies In Dogs Foaming Mouthis not something you see every day. Just ask Molly Brown who watched the Titanic disappear into the deep black sea. 

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The end comes swiftly and with fanfare as Sleepy Joe is forced to eat his own gun. Blood and brains splattered everywhere, a sight to behold.  Eat the Bomb - TV Tropes