Did you ever notice how the Democrats erupt every time a judicial decision goes against them?  They can’t hide their frustration; they attack the judiciary; they even vail threaten them with death – yeah we ain’t kidding.

But when Chief Justice Roberts voted in the majority that Obamacare was a tax, and therefore legal, these Pervs went wild, dancing in the streets like there was no tomorrow.

Now we bring you to their view of Democracy. Biden wants to stack the Supreme Court because too many of their decisions reflect the conservative bent of the court.

These who scream that Trump is a threat to Democracy, only have to look at what they did to Sleepy Joe Biden. They butchered him to death midterm like they do to the unborn. In other words, they performed an abortion on Sleepy Joe. 

This was an old fashion Putsch when they Booted Joe down the road like an Old Rusty Can. Harris never received ONE VOTE from a Democrat Voter. This what they use to call a Back Room Deal.  Democrats call this their version of Democracy. F..k the voter at large.

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