After the Harris/Biden administration gifted ONE TRILLION to the illegal criminals passing our open borders, she is now doubling down by proposing to give $25,000 to first time home buyers. And that will include criminal illegals, no questions asked. And BTW, these Pervs won’t have legitimate social security numbers; any sequence will do. But that is not all, remember Jolting Joe, he absolved hundreds of thousand from paying off their college loans. These two are trying to out do each other.

The ramifications of all the largesse is the 35 large, that is trillion, will never be paid off. Secondly, the interest rate demanded to roll over the current debt will be so prodigious that the market will ask for Argentinian type rates, say 15-20% or more. This is not a fable, but a valid estimate of things to come. Think Germany during the Weimar Republic. When the printing presses stopped, the Deutschmark was not even worth the paper it was printed on.Children playing with stacks of hyperinflated currency during the ...

Take our good old friends down int Africa, yes we love Zimbabwe. They are so apt at printing money, that forests have been cleared for a thousand square miles to get the wood that was turned into worthless paper. The last we heard was the possibility of a Google note, with one followed by 100 zeros.

Kamala Harris claims she has a plan to solve the crisis she helped cause: inflation.

Under former President Trump, the inflation rate averaged 1.9%. It skyrocketed to 9.1% in 18 months under Joe Biden and Harris, fueled by a $5 trillion spending binge paid for by debt and printing money.
The centerpiece of the Harris plan is the imposition of federal price controls on “greedy corporations” she says are “price gouging” consumers. Landlords would be prohibited from raising rents more than 5% a year. 
Even the Washington Post has trashed the plan, advising Kamala that “when your opponent calls you a ‘communist,’ maybe don’t propose price controls.”

Kamala Harris’ plan for American-style communism is a $1.7 trillion giveaway, when our budget deficit this year is $1.9 trillion, and our national debt is already $35 trillion.

We rate some of the proposals on a scale of 1-5 hammer and sickles.