THEY WENT YELLOW PANTS – YES THE HARRIS-BIDEN TEAM CAVED. With pressure from all sides, the feeble minded Biden commanded Defense Secretary Austin to reverse the decision on Americas worst criminals.
Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin
withdraws plea deal for accused 9/11 terrorists
Story by Megan Lebowitz and Courtney Kube and Tim Stelloh and Ryan J. Reilly and Sahil Kapur and Frank Thorp V and Zoë Richards
WASHINGTON — Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin on Friday withdrew the controversial plea deal for the three men accused of planning the 9/11 attacks.
“Today, Secretary Austin signed a memo reserving for himself the specific authority to enter into pre-trial agreements with the accused in the 9/11 military commission cases,” the Defense Department said in a press release. “In addition, as the superior convening authority, the Secretary has also withdrawn from the pre-trial agreements that were signed in those cases.”