Joe won’t be the nominee because the Democrats new they would lose with Biden at the top of the ticket. They got scared shitless. So as all Communists do, they through him over board. In other words, they gave him a deal he couldn’t refuse.
New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd deemed President Biden’s ouster a “coup” orchestrated behind the scenes by powerful Democrats on Sunday.
“Even though it was the right thing to do, because Joe Biden was not going to be able to campaign, much less serve as president for another four years, in a fully vital way, it was a jaw-dropping putsch,” Dowd wrote.
Monday is the start of the Lying Shit Show in Chit-town,
the scene of past brouhahas. Take for instance the one in 1968 where anti-war activists descended on the city, causing havoc. The prospective nominee was the most liberal heir to the progressive wing of the Democratic party, none other than Hubert Horatio Humphrey. In today’s terms, Humphrey was to the left of Bernie, the socialist, Sanders. 
The prelude to the convention saw riots in cities across the land. Additionally, the murders of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Robert Kennedy added an incendiary backdrop to the proceedings. The nomination of the two Pro War candidates, Humphrey and the Cry Baby Muskie
, were the gasoline that fed the fire of the protestors. The then President Lyndon Baines Johnson (LBJ) announced that he would not seek reelection – sounds familiar to today’s events. In the ensuing days, Humphrey announced he would be a candidate, but did not compete in any primaries; instead he inherited the delegates previously pledged to Johnson and then collected delegates in caucus states, especially in caucuses controlled by local Democratic bosses. Doesn’t this sound familiar to today’s events?
The result of the 1968 election was a devastating defeat for the Democrats. Richard M. Nixon, rose from the dead after his defeat by John F. Kennedy in 1962 winning by a LBJ Landslide. Nixon secured 301 electoral votes to Humphrey’s 191. Keep in mind that George Wallace carried the southern states with 47 votes.
Today’s events are almost a carbon copy replica of 1968. Cities and towns were burned to the ground, ANTIFA
and its surrogates, today’s SDS , the BLM went rampage,
joining the trash and burn crowd, including the smash and grab looting of the businesses in their path. Tomorrow in Chicago, the Palestinian agitator criminals will show up, guns blazing, Hamas garb and touting antisemitic slogans. But overall that is nothing compared to the Grand Larceny Theft that the Democrats played on Joe Biden.
Seeing the writing on the wall, Obama and Pelosi got together in their smoke filled room and decided Joe had to go. This was subsequent to Joe’s debate performance. As we all no Joe has lost his marbles way back before the 2020 election. Why else would they keep him in the cellar? The public was kept in the dark about his mental acuity for at least a decade.