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2024 Columbia University pro-Palestinian campus occupations

The protests began on April 17, 2024, when pro-Palestinian students established an encampment of approximately 50 tents on the university campus, calling it the Gaza Solidarity Encampment, and demanded the university divest from Israel.

Sinwar doesn’t give a fat f..k about civilian deaths, they are all part of the calculus. The more that die, the better the publicity. The Hamas leadership lives in luxury. For decades they have stolen billions, perhaps trillions based on the Fake claim they are impoverished, live in refugee camps and are jobless. They have coordinated their plight with UNWRA, which is another Palestinian surrogate sucking money from the West, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Europe.

The terror group’s three top leaders alone are worth a staggering total of $11 billion and enjoy a life of luxury in the sanctuary of the emirate of Qatar. The emirate has long welcomed the leaders of the terror group and installed them in its luxury hotels and villas at the same time as it hosts a vast American military presence.

Hamas, the terror group responsible for the killing of over 1,400 civilians in southern Israel on October 7, has three top leaders with a combined net worth of $11 billion, the New York Post reported.

These leaders reportedly live in opulence in Qatar, while over two million Gaza City inhabitants dwell in abject poverty.

This has prompted Republican Congressman Andy Ogles to co-sponsor legislation aiming to revoke Qatar’s status as a key US ally unless it expels the Hamas leaders.

In late May, the Israeli parliament passed a bill to designate Unrwa as a “terrorist organization, which would halt its operations in Israel, strip it of immunity, and criminalise its work and staff.

Great P.R. job they have done all on the premise that they wanted a Palestinian state. The road to that state was the killing of all Jews who lived in Israel. Then they would go after the Christians. You see, they didn’t want just Israel, they wanted the World.

Talib must be going bonkers with Biden supplying weapons to Israel