They were all there, the gathering included Pervs from every stripe,
but those who spoke of DEI failed to step a foot out into the city. These PEOPLE were afraid of the Mean Junk Yard Dog.
Don’t get us wrong here, we are for all people, no matter what their stripe, but when a certain segment of the population goes too far in pushing their agenda, it is time for us to step in. The DEI thing is over the top. Guys using girls facilities is not mainstream. Teaching transition in grammar school without parents consent is not what schools are for. RRR is out, socialism is in; NOT.
Not today, not tomorrow, not ever. What does Equity mean? Oh, you want my money or do you mean those who have made it in society are now guilty of their success. Time for them to payback. So non-qualified workers should be paid as much as those who spent years polishing their craft. The lazy become rewarded, the successful become penalized. You have got to be kidding. And Diversity, look around, we think Diversity is a non-starter. The Supreme Court has already ruled on this very topic. Case closed.
The Hog Butcher of the world
took it to a different level, instead of heifers they went for humans.In fact 15 were butchered last weekend.
Of course the Pervs were holed up in their city center cage,protected from the Plantation Shootouts. There was no stopping the chaos created by these savages. Oh we forgot to mention the pseudo Palestinian Jew Haters who were out in full force. They were intimidating the Pervs to no avail. Let us set this straight, these mobs are paid to protest by outside agitators, like George Soros, Iran and Russia, to cause mayhem and hopefully force the Pervs to bow to their wishes.
So now we move on after the plethora of Lies spouted from the mouths of the Socialist Comrades.
A few things were missing though, like what is the Agenda going forward. And did we miss the mention of Harris’s pullout from Afghanistan where she was solely responsible for the deaths of thirteen of our servicemen.
And while we are at it, how about the 20 million illegals who crossed our border under the Border Czar Harris, many of them guilty of murder. Better still, we can go on and on, however there is no use,for changing ones socialist mind is all but impossible. ‘Cause the most deadly disease of all is Socialism, there is no cure, and there will never be.
One last quidbit, Pelosi had salutations for the Old Fart after kicking him in the nuts, but Sleepy Joe can’t complain because they took this POS out of the cellar and made him the president.Pulling the Coup on him might have been hard for Joe to digest, but this old codger had nothing to complain about.Let us quote Pelosi, “Joe’s reign was the most successful in all of history.”She must be on “ludes.And what written on that toilet paper anyway? Let us guess, MORE SHIT!
"Where Revolution is the Solution" Taking back the Empire