Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is suing the Biden-Harris administration for not providing information that the Republican says he needs to verify the citizenship of 450,000 “potentially ineligible voters.”
DHS says states wishing to verify citizenship can use the USCIS SAVE program and that it will not provide an “alternative process to any state.”
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS), its secretary, Alejandro Mayorkas, as well as the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) and its director, Ur Jaddou, are named as defendants.
The federal lawsuit, filed in the Western District of Texas, claims that the Biden-Harris administration has refused to comply with federal law and answer “valid requests” for information from Paxton and Texas Secretary of State Jane Nelson “for the citizenship status of the over 450,000 people on Texas’s voter rolls for whom the State cannot verify their citizenship status using existing sources.”
Paxton says those over 450,000 people did not use a Texas-issued driver’s license or ID card to register to vote in the state, so “those voters never had their citizenship verified.”
Nelson wrote to Jaddou on Sept. 18 saying the Texas Secretary of State’s office compiled a list of individuals on Texas’ voter rolls whose citizenship could not be verified and asked for assistance in doing so.
The long arm of liberal perverts will be going on the warpath in thirteen days. A TRUMP win will bring out the Anarchists, ANTIFA, the Black Lives Matter Organization who are only focused on White Hate, the NAACP, and last but not least the Liberal Democrats who are anti, America, anti democracy, anti free speech, ant freedom of the press and anti right to bear arms; the mayhem will include the far left criminals of every stripe and color. We saw them in Portland, Minneapolis, Los Angeles, Baltimore, Saint Louis, New York and Detroit.
On November 6, 2024, when America celebrates Trump’s victory, we expect bombings, gangbangers doing their trash and burn schtick, the illegals raping and murdering innocents, while the police are told to step down. But it will be up to the National Guard to restore order and most likely they will have an ample supply of ammo to carry out their charge.
It is not too late to hop on the Gold Train. Now approaching $3000 per ounce, Silver blasting ahead at $34 per ounce. Countries are dumping dollars like rotten potatoes; soon the world creditors will cometh, demanding 10% or more in interest to purchase treasuries. You say, “no way in hell”, watch and listen to the dollar implosion. $35 Tril in debt is not something you take for granted. Do you here the knock on the door? Leg Breakers are not fooling around, they want their money, NOW!
Back in the day of Weimar, the Germans were experiencing Super-inflation, the kind we Americans will experiencing in the years ahead. The government had to print million-mark notes, then billion-mark notes. By November 1923 one U.S. dollar was equivalent to 1,000 billion (a trillion) marks. Famously, it was observed at the time, a wheelbarrow full of money could not buy a newspaper, while one German student recalled ordering a cup of coffee for 5,000 marks and then a second whose cost had risen to 7,000 marks in the brief time it took him to finish the first. Shopkeepers could not replenish their stock fast enough to keep up with prices, farmers refused to sell their produce for worthless money, food riots broke out, pensioners starved, and townspeople marched into the countryside to loot the farms. Law and order broke down.
Listen to the one of richest men in the world explain the dangers we are in over the next two weeks if Kamala Harris manages to pull off enough cheating to defeat the overwhelmingly popular Donald Trump. Elon is ruthlessly honest and straightforward in this one.
Keep in mind that Elon Musk is the man who purchased the X platform so that there would still be at least one worldwide social media platform for free speech (something the globalists are trying desperately to eliminate all over the planet), and therefore the Democrats want you to believe he is a stupid, brainwashed conspiracy theorist. Yeah, right. Of course. The very man who has started four multi-billion dollar corporations, all of them still thriving, and who, outside of Central Bank criminal families like the Rothschilds and Rockefellers, has been more successful than just about any other human being in history.
Don’t listen to Elon Musk! the left warns you. His opinion cannot be trusted! Our entire history and way of life are on the line on November 5th, and if Kamala Harris wins, this country is doomed. You can see what they’ve already done in 3 1/2 years to destroy the United States. Open borders. Billions and billions of dollars to unskilled, uneducated, sometimes literally insane criminal migrants flooding into this country unchecked -and all on your dime. In other words, no practical border at all and actual American citizens are not even a priority. Un-fucking believable.
Can you imagine what these satanic criminals will do once they realize that no future elections can be lost because of their illegal migrant voting, mail-in ballot box stuffing, and Dominion voting machine rigging? You will see the globalist, totalitarian hammer coming down in a way no Americans could have imagined just 10 years ago – – or even just five. You can also expect a central bank digital currency push like you’ve never seen. In other words, total control of your life by the sinister globalists operating at the behest of the highest level officials within the government of Israel. (The average Israeli citizen is just as much a victim of them as the rest of the planet, as proven by their government’s fully planned October 7, 2023 opening of the Israeli border to the Hamas terrorists. Yes, all of it was planned, as confirmed by former IDF employees in the documentary entitled The Mystery of Israel.)
Listen below to what Elon Musk has to say to Tucker Carlson, another guy that the leftist media tells you is a liar and cannot be trusted. (Are you noticing a pattern here?)
Remember the rule: everything the left is accusing the right of doing is what the left is ACTUALLY doing. I’m hoping this should be obvious by now.
Listen to one of the wealthiest guys on the planet describe what is happening in California right this second. (No doubt he’s a real idiot and only got lucky in business – – multiple times over.)
Agraphic image of Hassan Nasrallah’s bunker underneath a hospital in Dahieh neighborhood in southern Beirut.(photo credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON’S UNIT)
IDF Spokesman Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari revealed on Monday night that the former Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah’s bunker in Dahieh in southern Beirut was located underneath a hospital – which held gold and half a billion dollars in cash.
One of his bunkers was located beneath the Al-Sahel Hospital and was used as Nasrallah’s emergency bunker, according to the IDF. The hospital has been evacuated following Israeli claims a Hezbollah cash bunker is located beneath it, hospital director Fadi Alameh told Reuters on Monday. Hagari said that Israel will not strike the hospital.
Alameh denied the allegation and called on the Lebanese army to visit the site.
An N12 report said that it serves as Hezbollah’s central money warehouse, where the vast majority of the organization’s money stolen from Lebanese citizens and used for terrorism is hidden.
The IDF revealed a graphic photo and a video simulation of the structure. “This bunker is deliberately placed under the hospital and on both sides of it,” Hagari continued. “You can see the buildings under which the entrance shafts to the bunker are located.
Former Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah. (credit: Mohammad Kassir/Shutterstock)
“This money could and still can go to rebuilding the state of Lebanon. This money had been intended to go exclusively to arming the terrorist organization Hezbollah and had no other destination.”
A rumor circulating online in early October 2024 about the weekly TV news program “60 Minutes” claimed CBS News edited and presented two different versions of U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris’ answer to a question about U.S. relations with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
After asking the question that was shortened in the final clip, Whitaker said to Harris, “But it seems that Prime Minister Netanyahu is not listening.” The video then cut to Harris responding, “We are not gonna stop pursuing what is necessary for the United States to be clear about where we stand on the need for this war to end.” (Again, that sentence was omitted from the longer interview clip previously aired on “Face the Nation” and the “60 Minutes” YouTube page.)
The re-edited version begins at the 2:07 mark in this clip uploaded to the “60 Minutes” YouTube channel:
Former President Donald Trump amplified the controversy by labeling CBS’ actions “election interference” and a “fake news scam.” He also shared a comparison video demonstrating that CBS News aired two versions of Harris’ answer to the same question. Ultimately, he demanded that CBS’ broadcast license be revoked.
In our research, we found that CBS News did broadcast two different versions of Harris’ answers to a series of questions she was asked about Netanyahu. One version aired on Oct. 6 on the Sunday-morning CBS News program “Face the Nation,” and the other on “60 Minutes” the following day, during the show’s primetime election special. As of this writing, both versions remain available online. The Oct. 6 ‘Face the Nation’ Version
On Oct. 6, “Face the Nation” broadcast a clip of Harris’ remarks about Netanyahu, as a preview of the “60 Minutes” election special set to air the following evening. The clip (available on YouTube) lasted more than two minutes. The same day, “60 Minutes” posted the same preview clip to its official YouTube channel.
Remember Kamala’s word salad answer about Israel on 60 Minutes? It’s gone.
There are real truths that remain from the Biden campaign of 2020, which is don’t campaign, stay silent because anything you can say will hurt you. The Kamaleon brain trust is telling her to shut the “F” up before you blow your chance.
As of today, just fourteen days from the election, President Trump is on the threshold of a major victory, one that should have been his in 2020. Trump is a Man of We the People. And he did what most people do at one time or another, flipped a few burgers and packed a few fries at Mickey D’s. And BTW he called out Harris who said she worked there, maybe in her wildest dreams. Another Lie from the Mother of all liars.
As we head into the final two weeks, be prepared for the down and out low roaders to throw everything they can at Trump, but remember what they accuse Trump of is actually what they are doing; lying, planting Russian disinformation, calling him dangerous, a threat to democracy. You name it, but the Democrats, Harris, being the bleeder of the pack, is an immoral disgusting Perv, who has watched cities across the land go up in flames on her watch.
The Harris administration has allowed twenty million illegals into the United States who pillage, rape and murder our citizens; not only that they are a threat to Democracy. The DOJ has condoned their entry and the Border Patrol has been told to Stand Down when they encounter these law breaking criminals. THAT IS WHAT YOU GET UNDER HARRIS, MAYHEM, CALAMITY AND DESTRUCTION.
The” GAZA’S BFFFin Laden” of Khan Younis is dead. Long Live the POS in the minds of the other dead terrorists.
He ran away in panic, like a child with soiled diapers. So, the Butcher of Khan Younis is gone. Israel should keep his body as a bargaining tool. One for the release of the hostages and two, to prevent his savage followers from being able to martyr him.
Don’t ever forget and this for the people of Gaza and Lebanon too, he was responsible for your misery during the past twenty years. Perhaps now you will see peace – both in mentally and physically.
The final days are upon us. November 5th is approaching faster than a speeding bullet. We know who Trump is, but do we really know who the Kamaleon is? She went from a prosecutor, who by the way, let criminals walk – a free get out of jail card. Now, if you been listening carefully what she has to say, one would think that she is supporting the Trump agenda. Nothing can be further from the truth. This Kamaleon has many colors.
She calls Trump dangerous, however, the progressive in her, is the most dangerous thing to democracy. As the wild gangs proliferate from city to city, don’t forget she was the border czar, she tries to convince you that the Harris/Biden administration past the most harsh border security bill on day one. The problem here is that there was no enforcement. As we know, laws can be passed but if not enforced, there is no law.
On her watch six girls were killed by illegal Mother F..krs. And what does she say – “oh my heart goes out to their families. Doesn’t admit that it was her administration that cause this. So before you vote, keep this in mind, that Tren De Araqua is coming to your neighborhood with a vengeance.
As illegal migrant crossings at the U.S.-Mexico border have surged in recent years before ebbing, immigration and border security have remained a top issue for voters.
“Kamala Harris claimed the border was “secure” just days after Laken Riley’s illegal immigrant killer Jose Ibarra crossed into the nation,” Trump’s campaign wrote in a press release Monday.
Laken Riley, murdered by Kamala Harrispolicies
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