We are at wits end because the Kameleon has her hand out. Leave it up to the progressive liberal to blow greenbacks way above her means. The street is befuddled that over $1.5 billion was spent in a losing cause. That moula could feed a lot of homeless.


Don’t forget the shakedowns by her good friends Opra and Sleazebag Al. Count the others who soaked her wad for a few hundred million. When it’s not your money who gives a fat f..k. The Kam went all in , but didn’t color out. In fact she is now going hand ‘n hand begging for donations for the cause.

Her rubber chicken tour deserves to be a failure, after all, the money men are flush out of the Green. On top of that they don’t like throwing more money at a loser. We suggest she panhandle for a new career. This will suit her fine. Kam knows how to peddle the flesh. How else did she almost garner the most powerful.position in the world. Ask her old friend Willie Brown. A most honorable guy who was revered in California.