Elon knows how to eliminate the fat, afterall he fired 75% of the staff at “twitter”, now X. And guess what, there wasn’t any difference in performance. Of course we feel for those who got the boot, but in a free market/capitalistic economy a rationalization of personnel is needed to preserve the corporation. Having the hens dictate how the henhouse is run will never insure a positive outcome,

If you noticed the left wing radicals including the Suicide Squad were silent during the campaign. They didn’t want to ruin the “for sure victory” for Kamala. Political Correctness was the order of the day. The Harris campaign told the progressives to shut up. A wee bit narrative on Critical Race Theory and we didn’t recall the Black Lives Matter Antisemitic Criminals getting involved either. Perhaps they are all in jail.
These left wing zealots who have left an imprint on society are now as of January 20, 2025, going to face the conservative music. The Taxeaters will understand that their Free Lunch is no more. Don’t be astounded if you see riots in the streets, ala Portland, Minneapolis, Detroit, Philadelphia and the Big Apple. Because the day of reckoning is about to slam its door in their faces.
We are on the threshold of a government that knows how to operate. One that is well apt at butchering the carcass with a meat cleaver in hand; the Freddy Freeloaders of Big Government will see what it is really like to work for a living.
Believe us when we tell you, whatever Biden did to put a wrench in the NEW TRUMP MACHINE, expect Trump to turn back the clock on executive orders; he will eviscerate them. Can you imagine the baggage that Uncle Same has to carry? Well no more. As American Airlines says, only one bag allowed. Say good by to the Swamp Creatures who suffer like a Mafia body thrown into a GARBAGE TRUCK. “Hey Jimmy, you in there?”

Socialism did not build this country; hard work by the men and women did. Socialism has torn down every country that tried it. Look around, open your eyes and learn the evils of socialism. The progressive liberal who lurks in Deep Blue States will be facing unknow debt burdens, similar to the U.S. government. How the hell are we going to pay off 36 trillion in debt? This elephant in the room will not disappear over night. But we can make headway by chipping away at the waste. Leave it to Elon and Vivek to discover where the evil lies – watch as they will decimate it at warp speed. “Look out below.”