New York Gov. Kathy Hochul condemned people who plan to vote Republican on Election Day as “anti-woman” and “anti-Republican” in her final pitch to voters.
Hochul made the comments during a Saturday appearance on MSNBC, telling hosts that voting for any Republican candidate across the state would tie that voter to former President Trump.
Hochul said she wanted to “remind everybody that if you’re voting for these Republicans in New York, you are voting for someone who supports Donald Trump, and you’re anti-woman, you’re anti-abortion, and basically, you’re anti-American,” Hochul said. “You have just trashed American values and what our country is all about.”
“You will wear this on Election Day,” Hochul added.
Hochul’s comments are the latest in a train of Democrats shaming Republicans for voting for Trump. Biden made the most notable contribution last week when he panned Trump’s supporters as “garbage,” though he later tried to clarify the statement.
NBC’s “Saturday Night Live” may have broken federal regulations governing airtime with the appearance of Vice President Kamala Harris this weekend, an FCC official said.
FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr says the appearance may have violated the equal time rule, a requirement that public broadcast organizations offer comparable time and placement to qualifying candidates during a major election.
Carr said Harris’ appearance on SNL may have broken the rule if NBC did not also send an invitation to former President Trump.
“This is a clear and blatant effort to evade the FCC’s Equal Time rule,” Carr wrote of Harris’ appearance. “The purpose of the rule is to avoid exactly this type of biased and partisan conduct – a licensed broadcaster using the public airwaves to exert its influence for one candidate on the eve of an election. Unless the broadcaster offered Equal Time to other qualifying campaigns.”
Trump campaign Senior Advisor Jason Miller told Fox News Digital that Trump did not receive an invite. An NBC News report also stated that a spokesperson for SNL “did not return a request for comment on whether it invited Trump to appear.”
Fox News’ Jacqui Heinrich contributed to this report
The survey of likely American voters from AtlasIntel has revealed that the Republican nominee is favored to win in North Carolina, Georgia, Arizona, Nevada, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania as the 2024 Presidential Election heads into its final days.
Four of the states are polling outside the margin of error.
“Real Time” host Bill Maher fumed over President Biden’s “garbage” comment about Trump supporters, suggesting it could have a big impact on Election Day.
“I think it’s a bigger gaffe than people think,” Maher began his panel discussion Friday night. “It’s so funny, Joe Biden, his whole career, he was like Mr. Gaffe, and then here at the very end — he’s like Aaron Judge in Game Six. He just f–kin’ muffed the fly ball and at the end of the thing, and blew the whole [game].”
“Because I feel like it epitomizes everything that the Trump people hate about the Democrats. They look down at us. It’s like ‘deplorables’ times ten,” Maher said.
The Supreme Court of Pennslyvania, in straight talk language, that mail-in ballots lacking a handwritten date are not to be counted. This ruling is a threat to the criminal Democrats, who are casting ballots without a handwritten date. Therefore, election integrity is now on the plate. Very difficult for the Democrats to digest this decision.
The Court said, that this is the law; we will have no part in Democrat leaning justices from writing law instead of enforcing it. Across the country liberals have embraced judges who are politically correct. However, the times are about to change on November 5th.
Anyone with a degree of sanctity knows without a doubt that a Harris administration will bring chaos, mayhem and desturction. She will order troops into the suburbs to seize houses and fill them up with illegals. There is no doubt about it. In sanctuary cities across the country, private homes have been taken over by gangs of illegals while the government has been told to stand down. Hotels have been ordered to throw out veterans because illegal criminals have more rights than Americans.
You don’t think this can’t happen? Wait till they have a National Zoning Code. Suburbs are in their sight. Criminals willl soon be living either next door or actually on your property. It will happen under Harris. Be prepared, get ready, get ammo, get going. Vote Trump. The shooting will start on November 5, 2024.
Ironically, it was also a legal mistake. There was and is “controlling legal authority” that actually favors Gore: It is the Constitution of the United States. The law he allegedly violated–Section 607 of the US Criminal Code–would very likely be found unconstitutional if it was ever tested in court.
Top House Republicans are coalescing behind the House Administration Committee’s subpoena of Democratic fundraising giant ActBlue.
Republicans have accused the company of having insufficient donor verification standards. Committee Chair Bryan Steil, R-Wis., has argued that the site is vulnerable to fraudulent and illegal foreign donations, though ActBlue has said it “rigorously protects donors’ security.”
“ActBlue has a lot of explaining to do, and Chairman Steil is right to demand answers on these very serious allegations of foreign funds being funneled through the platform,” Rep. Richard Hudson, R-N.C., chairman of House Republicans’ campaign arm, told Fox News Digital.
“Just as we must protect the right to vote for American citizens, we must ensure our elections are free from foreign financial interference.”
The Swamp, a term referring to the bureacracy, has never been threatened until Trump appeared on the scene. And now America has a choice, Drain the Swamp or soon it will Swallow up all Americans.
Those who are guilty no what is in store for them. The chains of govenment will come down on them like a cheap suit. Former FBI and CIA agents will be locked up. Those who were responsible for the Russian Disinformation scam, including “Lock her Up” will be lawerying up the minute Trump wins on Tuesday. There is no retribution her. Trump is only asking for those who broke the law be accountable.
And all of the free thinking Americans know that the DOJ was weaponized to get Trump. They did this to prevent him from Winning in 2005.
Why would anyone trust a Democrat. For example, the recent coup d’etat or better known as a putsch, threw Sleepy Joe to the curb. Now that is old fashioned democracy, the kind you see in autocratic countries. Poor Joe didn’t see it coming.
And let us not forget the days leading up to the 2020 election, we saw Joe holed up in his dungeon. Wonder who vistited him there. Joe’s campaign speech was a build up of lies. “I will bring us together.” Blames Trump for cozing up to dictators. Now that is a joke for you. The lying Joe cozied up to every dictator that ever lived. He wants us to forget that big lie.
“Open the door for all Americans.” Now that is this Mother of all Lies. He did tell you that the door will swing wide open of every illegal criminal who ever lived. He didn’t tell you the gang Tren de Aragua would go on a killing spree across the land. He didn’t tell you that he would pull out of Afghanstan, leaving 12 Marines dead and 1 servicement killed on his watch. Yes, he blamed Trump, but America knows the truth.
He didn’t tell you that Inflation would skyrocket because of his spending spree; he didn’t tell you that gasoline prices woul double in a year. No, he didn’t tell you that his son was a criminal and he, THE BIG MAN, made off with 20 million dollars in payoffs. So remember when you vote on Tuesday, everything the Demcrats say are all lies.
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