The Republicans must, we emphasize must, cull the heard in 2026. A Trump victory will put all “freebee” residents on notice that the “Free Lunch” is all over. The Democrats have built a loyal team of welfare recipients, not only on our dime, but have progressively added more to their welfare armies.

Presently, 825,000 people receive payments under the OASDI program. The Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance ( OASDI ) program provides monthly benefits to qualified retired and disabled workers and their dependents and to survivors of insured workers. Eligibility and benefit amounts are determined by the worker’s contributions to Social Security.
As of October 30, 2024, the population of Puerto Rico is estimated to be 3,239,909. The population of Puerto Rico has been declining, with a 2.4% decrease from April 1, 2020 to July 1, 2023. Therefore, based on those collecting OASDI, 25% of the population is either collecting OASDI (500,000) and 130,000 are on disability. Keep in mind that only 610,000 are over the age of 65. Additionally, the government employees 150,000.
So in a nutshell, close to 33% of those residing in Puerto Rico are either collecting OASDI or working for the Government. These numbers contrast with the United States as a whole. For example only 20% of the populace is collecting social security; add in 5.4% who collect social security disability. So in total, 25.4% of the United States population is on the dole. Add in 2.95 million on the federal workfore in a population of In other words, out of a total population of 336 million, 26.4% of the population either collects social security, social security disability or works for the governement.
Boiling down the numbers yields that the populace of Puerto Rico has 25% more people collecting social security, social security disability and work for the government. Take that to the bank. We respect the people of Puerto Rico and therefore, will not speak negative about them. However, there are people who do otherwise. And we will leave it at that.