It could not be any better for Federal employees- no need to come to the office, but get paid anyway. FIRE them in day one. These peeps are on vacay, working remotely from Timbuktu . We can’t allow this to happen. It is not only illegal, but a perpetrated fraud on Americas taxpayers. American workers show up on their job, their managers charge is to ensure that they perform an honest days work for an honest days pay.
The Duo of Elon and Vivek have them as target Numero Uno. Don’t be surprised if the DON reverses Sleepy Joe’s directive. American workers are accountable, the same should be with Federal workers – we pay them, they are our employees. They work for us, Trump will not take any prisoners, come January 20, 2025, the hatchet will be sharpened, the carcass will be trimmed to the bone.
Yes, Red Blood will be spilled,

but those who work for the government must understand that there is no Free Lunch. If they have the skills necessary to transition to private industry, the have nothing to fear. Today’s job market will easily absorb them. But for those without any skills, tough luck; you will have to go on the Dole.