You all should recognize Russia’s chart of the US bio-network in Ukraine.
Russia allege that Soros, Obama, Clinton, Biden, USGov, NGOs, and Big Pharma, are creating bioweapons in Ukraine.
The CIA/Ukraine just assassinated the guy who made this chart.
The Russian General in charge of the Military investigation into the biolabs in Ukraine, was just blown up by an IED.
This is more confirmation that the Deep State greatly fear facing accountability for their crimes against humanity. Anyone who tries to expose this secret faces extreme resistance from the Deep State.
Now that Trump is soon about to take over, they are resorting to assassinations.

Pfizer’s vaccine sequence has turned up in biopsies – biopsies from vaccinated individuals who later developed tumors.There were identified SV40 sequences from Pfizer’s vaccine in those tumors. And it’s not diluted. It’s at a copy number so high it looks like it’s replicating inside these tumors. This isn’t just DNA lingering; it’s integrating and growing. We’re seeing disturbing trends. Increased cancers, immunosuppression, lymphocytopenia – our immune systems are being degraded. And yet, our health agencies refuse to face the obvious. They pretend this is all perfectly normal. They don’t want you to question anything. But the signs are there, and they’re terrifying. Regulators, from the EMA to Health Canada, claim these contaminants don’t matter, aren’t functional, aren’t an issue. But they know. Internal emails reveal their panic, their requests for Pfizer to clean up its DNA, only to be met with excuses. Pfizer doesn’t even have a proper test to measure DNA length in these vials. They’re giving us half-truths and lies. The science is unequivocal: DNA fragments, in lipid nanoparticles, can integrate into human genomes. Chronic exposure to foreign DNA, floating in the cytosol, triggers a cascade of immune responses that can lead to cancer. This isn’t just my opinion; it’s backed by literature, and it’s blatantly ignored by regulatory agencies. We’ve heard excuse after excuse from regulators. “It’s too little to matter,” “It won’t enter cells,” “It won’t reach the nucleus.” Each claim has fallen apart. They retreat at every challenge, changing the story to suit their agenda. The fact is, they know the truth, but they won’t admit it. It’s a deliberate cover-up on a scale we’ve never seen before. This is no longer about health. This is about power, control, and deceit. The regulators are defending their sponsors, rewriting guidelines, hiding behind blacked-out documents. They’ve crossed a line. This isn’t just a scandal. This is RICO territory. This is collusion, manipulation, a violation of our basic rights and trust. To everyone reading this: our health agencies have abandoned us. They’re complicit in the greatest violation of medical ethics in modern history. Do not trust their lies. Demand transparency. Refuse to be silenced. We must hold every single one of these actors accountable. This isn’t just a mistake; it’s a crime against humanity.